Text video to dedicated short code to aws - amazon-web-services

Is there any service / functionality that allows someone to text a video to a dedicated number and that video gets uploaded to aws? The aws account and dedicated short code would be controlled by the same platform. This service would make it much easier to quickly upload videos from your phone.

No, there is no service that provides this as functionality.
You would need to code it yourself.


Upload, compress and serve video with AWS

I am creating as my own project a mobile app. One of the functionalities of the application is uploading video files (up to 500mb) and watching uploaded videos by other users.
I was thinking about various server solutions and how many people have so many opinions. Unfortunately, it is hard for me to find someone among my friends who knows the topic well and would be able to advise. For the beginning, I think it makes sense to use AWS (but I've never done it) and I would like to ask you (if I can) for advice.
In step one I upload a video file to AWS S3 via the application
AWS MediaConverter compresses the video file, the old one is removed and replaced with a new one (Elastic Transcoder is very expensive)
In the application, I can paste direct links to s3 which I can use to serve videos.
As far as I understand, I don't need any other services than AWS S3 and AWS MediaConverter.
Or maybe I am thinking wrong and using amazon for this does not make sense?

What is the difference between S3 video storage and streaming?

I'm hosting videos on aws S3 at the moment. I can place the s3 url into the src attribute of my tags and everything works correctly and plays as though the video is being streamed to my site. These are not small videos either. Some are 1gb in size.
I can also immediately jump to the end of the video as though the entire file wasn't downloaded, but just the part I need.
Whenever I google info on streaming on demand video from aws I get answers that I need a service in front of s3 to do something like this. Is aws automatically doing this for me?
S3 support partial GET requests. This allows clients to request only a specific part of the file. Most modern players (including HTML5) are able to utilize this feature to provide the experience you describe to the users.
Quoting from here:
HTTP range requests allow to send only a portion of an HTTP message
from a server to a client. Partial requests are useful for large media
or downloading files with pause and resume functions, for example.

Google Apps - Data Transfer API - transfert only some ressources

I'm trying to use the new Data Transfer API for Google Apps Domain and I would like to transfer some specific Google Drive files from one user to another. It seems we can use this API to transfer a "full service" (eg: all files from Google Drive) and not only some specific files.
Is my understanding of this API is correct or is it possible to limit the transfer to specific resources?
Thank you.
You're correct. The API enables you to transfer ownership of application data (currently Drive documents and Google+ pages) in bulk. It essentially allows you to automate the manual ownership transfer task documented here. You might want to read this blog here which has some useful background information.
The only way to achieve what you want is to use the Drive API (not to be confused with the Drive SDK).

Record live streaming video with WebRTC and stream with AWS

I'm trying to develop a website that basically lets a user visit a page, and lets say click a button, and use their built in camera to live stream videos with audio to others that visit another url.
I need some clarity on what I need to develop, what I can get from 3rd party to save time. AWS looks to cover all the encoding and delivery http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/streaming/, but I'm confused on the process on which I should record and delivery the content to S3. Just to much information overload.
In all my research I looks like I should build a WebRTC, which I have done, then transport that data with javascript from the clients browser to my server, and thus to AWS. Is this the best format, or should I been using a 3rd party thats putting more time into that element?
I have seen the Kurento project, as well as this RecordRTC project.
Like I said, I'm finding there is just to much information overload on the topic.
So what are my options for:
In browser recording with WebRTC. Anything else I should do or just force users to roll up to a supporting browser?
WebRTC means I have to do Javascript for the delivery, is node a better option for the server to take delivery of this streaming data?
Anything else I need to know before I pass it off to S3 for delivery to the cloud front?
As you can see the core of my question comes within the recording and transporting the data to the web server so I can delivery it for streaming.
I am looking for the same thing.
In 2020, it seems it should be possible with RecordRTC and then uploading blobs / multiform data directly to S3.

Amazon Mechanical Turk task retrieval API

I'm writing an app wherein the premise is that people who can't directly fund a charity out of their pocket could automatically work on Amazon AWS HITs in order to bring clean water to the 3rd world - I'd known there was an Amazon AWS API but is very unclear on how to retrieve a HIT to be worked on, rather than just consume some data about some tasks I'm trying to complete.
Is there any way to retrieve a HIT to be worked on through the AWS API or otherwise?
Thanks ahead of time.
As far as I know, the only way to work on a HIT is through the mTurk website. i.e. - not via API.
There is a site that is trying to do something very similar to what you have described. http://www.sparked.com/