Google Apps - Data Transfer API - transfert only some ressources - google-admin-sdk

I'm trying to use the new Data Transfer API for Google Apps Domain and I would like to transfer some specific Google Drive files from one user to another. It seems we can use this API to transfer a "full service" (eg: all files from Google Drive) and not only some specific files.
Is my understanding of this API is correct or is it possible to limit the transfer to specific resources?
Thank you.

You're correct. The API enables you to transfer ownership of application data (currently Drive documents and Google+ pages) in bulk. It essentially allows you to automate the manual ownership transfer task documented here. You might want to read this blog here which has some useful background information.
The only way to achieve what you want is to use the Drive API (not to be confused with the Drive SDK).


Text video to dedicated short code to aws

Is there any service / functionality that allows someone to text a video to a dedicated number and that video gets uploaded to aws? The aws account and dedicated short code would be controlled by the same platform. This service would make it much easier to quickly upload videos from your phone.
No, there is no service that provides this as functionality.
You would need to code it yourself.

Where to store user's media

I have a web-service google cloud. It consists of:
load balancer;
group of instances (django code);
sql service;
But I don't know where to store user's files. Should I use separate media server, or google cloud storage?
How do you usually solve such problems?
Well it will depend on what is your scenario and your requirements.
If you want full ECM capaibility for your files like versioning, different renditions, security policies , metadata etc then some ECM vendors like Alfresco, Sharepoint (cloud or on premise) would be a solution.
If you only want to store the files and retrieve them and also with some metadata then using a File Storage, plain Cloud Storage like Google cloud, Dropbox or even an object storage like S3/Swift could be solution.
Object storage fares better when concurrency is higher and you have requirements for scalabalitiy .If performance is a concern then file storage will do better.

Google Vision privacy: image deletion

I'm planning to use Google Vision for document recognition.
For example, I will upload driver license and I should get all text data and verify that it is driver license and not the cover of a magazine.
The question is: does Google Vision has API for deletion of uploaded images?
Does Google Vision fit my case if I have some security requirements?
If you use Google's mobile vision API, text and face detection is done on device rather than being uploaded:
For those who wondering the same problem, You can check their data policy here.
My reading of Google APIs Terms of Service indicates that you will not be able to delete the images.
5b. Submission of Content
Some of our APIs allow the submission of content. Google does not acquire any ownership of any intellectual property rights in the content that you submit to our APIs through your API Client, except as expressly provided in the Terms. For the sole purpose of enabling Google to provide, secure, and improve the APIs (and the related service(s)) and only in accordance with the applicable Google privacy policies, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to Use content submitted, posted, or displayed to or from the APIs through your API Client. "Use" means use, host, store, modify, communicate, and publish. Before you submit content to our APIs through your API Client, you will ensure that you have the necessary rights (including the necessary rights from your end users) to grant us the license.
Being able to "publish" your driver's licenses is probably not something you want.
The above terms are also completely at odds with the GDPR where the user has the right to delete and modify their data.
7a. Google Privacy Policies
By using our APIs, Google may use submitted information in accordance with our privacy policies.
Note that those privacy policies are the ones that govern normal users, not cloud specifically. In plain text, and IANAL, it means that Google assumes that for whatever content you give them, the user has agreed to anything that Google does for a user that directly use, say Google Docs.
That's another indication that it's impossible to use their APIs and be GDPR compliant.
This should solve your issue
tl;dr "The stored image is typically deleted in a few hours."
Will the image I send to the Cloud Vision API, the results or other
information about the request itself, be stored on Google servers? If
so, how long and where is the information kept, and do I have access
to it? When you send an image to Cloud Vision API, we must store that
image for a short period of time in order to perform the analysis and
return the results to you. The stored image is typically deleted in a
few hours. Google also temporarily logs some metadata about your
Vision API requests (such as the time the request was received and the
size of the request) to improve our service and combat abuse.
Some of the other answers a bit outdated so adding my own answer. The data usage FAQ states
When you send an image to Vision API, we must store that image for a short period of time in order to perform the analysis and return the results to you. For asynchronous offline batch operations, the stored image is typically deleted right after the processing is done, with a failsafe Time to live (TTL) of a few hours. For online (immediate response) operations, the image data is processed in memory and not persisted to disk.
If you use the synchronous Vision API methods, the image is never persisted in Vision API and so there is nothing to delete. If you use the asynchronous Vision API methods, the image is only persisted during the operation and is deleted immediately after the operation completes with a fail-safe of a few hours. Again there is nothing for the user to delete, Vision API takes care of deleting the data for you.
A related question that sometimes comes up is about enforcing usage to take palce in a particular region. You can see the answer here: Google Vision: How to enforce processing in EU
Depends on your security requirements, and the exact privacy law one needs to abide by. In my case, it was HIPAA, one needs to jump through a lot of hoops, but according to, Google Cloud Vision API is a HIPAA covered product.

upload & download large file over internet

I have a requirement where I need to upload a large file (can be 10 GB) to a shared space(windows) ( say APP1) . and we have a separate application( say APP2) different network now I need to download the same file from in second application via internet.
My approach is I need to create webservice to upload the document to shared space. and then expose a webservice for outer world to download the document.
My point is how I can manage the huge files upload/download through webservice ?
Please suggest if some one have any idea. I have flexibikity to use any third party APIs.but the application can talk only through webservices.
From your question it's not really clear which development platform you mean, .NET, Java, etc.
Also it's important to know how interoperable your services should be, security requirements, etc. Anyway will try to come up with a couple of solutions which you might research in more detail if you found them useful.
It's relatively easy to built such a web service with WCF. It supports streaming which could be interoperable, reliable and secure to some extend. You can read more on this here. This approach implies you have a huge disk to store files and you have a good recovery plan for that in case it goes down or just dies.
.NET, Java, etc. - cloud based
There are a lot of vendors who provide cloud storage and APIs to work with it. It's an ideal solution for a quick start. They take care of data availability, redundancy, etc. All you have to do is to use their API to upload and download files and to pay them for this :) In many cases it's worth it. Personally I used to work with Amazon S3. Their API is simple to use and there's plenty of docs for that.
Amazon S3 provides a simple web-services interface that can be used to
store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on
the web.
I think you should take a look at Amazon S3 overview here.
This also provides API for a number of different platforms - Java, .NET, Node.js, etc. You an find the full list here.
Hope it helps!

Website as storage for multimedia needed

I've developed an excellent social network in Flash. Now I need a site for downloading/uploading of photos and video. Of course, all uploading must take place on my web site, well, so does downloading. Could you recommend such a site or sites that will let me do the job in return for advertising their site on mine or for money (but not too much, as I only need their site as a storage for my multimedia). Thanks in advance. And merry Christmas to you!
Storage? Amazon S3. You'll need to read up on their integration docs, or use something like s3sync to transfer your files, but it gives you the storage option, without hurting the pocket too much to start with.
Amazon S3 is a standard answer, but Rackspace Cloud Files is another good option. Investigate their systems and pricing to see what fits for you.
An option for the future - eventually DropBox will have an API. If you had users sign up for a free DropBox account then they'd get 2G free storage. If they need more space then they can signup for a premium account. The nice thing with this model is you offload your storage costs to the individual users. The users, in turn, get all the benefits of DropBox.