Is all use of templates in C++ metaprogramming? - c++

I'm trying to understand what metaprogramming is general and what it is in C++ in particular. If I search for c++ metaprogramming I do get tutorials of template metaprogramming (TMP), but no explanation of if it only categorizes a specific use of templates or all usages of templates.
My question is if all usages of templates in C++ is categorized as metaprogramming. An explanation of why it is or isn't would also be helpful. Thank you.

My question is if all usages of templates in C++ is categorized as metaprogramming.
Not all usages of templates, in C++, are metaprogramming.
Obviously it's a question of definitions but, in C++, "metaprogramming" is synonymous of "compile-time computation".
So with templates we do metaprogramming (specifically template metaprogramming) but not all uses of templates are metaprogramming.
A simple counter-example
template <typename K, typename V>
void printKeyVal (K const & k, V const & v)
{ std::cout << k << ": " << v << std::endl; }
The preceding printKeyVal() is a template function that print, to standard output (so run-time, not compile-time), a couple of generic values.
It can't run compile-time so it's "template" but isn't "metaprogramming".
More in general: std::vector is a template class that uses memory allocation. And memory allocation (till C++17; maybe in future can be different) can't be used in compile-time code.
So std::vector (contrary to std::array that, having a fixed size, doesn't use memory allocation) is a template feature that can't be used (when the use involve the instantiation of a std::vector object) for metaprogramming.

What is TMP in C++?
Template metaprogramming (TMP) in C++ is a technique for expressing and executing arbitrary algorithms in compile-time using C++ templates. It is usually enabled by the use of template specialization to emulate conditional branches and recursive template definition to emulate loops. The most well-known example is a compile-time factorial computation:
template <unsigned int n>
struct factorial {
// recursive definition to emulate a loop or a regular recursion
enum { value = n * factorial<n - 1>::value };
// specialization that describes "break" condition for the recursion
template <>
struct factorial<0> {
enum { value = 1 };
which uses both of the aforementioned techniques.
A far more common, however, is a use of TMP for type detection and transformation rather than actual numeric computation, e.g. a standard std::is_pointer utility (source):
// generic definition that emulates "false" conditional branch
template<class T>
struct is_pointer_helper : std::false_type {};
// a specialization that emulates "true" conditional branch
template<class T>
struct is_pointer_helper<T*> : std::true_type {};
template<class T>
struct is_pointer : is_pointer_helper< typename std::remove_cv<T>::type > {};
Most of the utilities provided by the standard type_traits header are implemented using TMP techniques.
Given that TMP algorithms are expressed using type definitions, it's worth mentioning that TMP is a form of declarative programming in which the logic of computation is expressed without the use of explicit control flow statements (if, else, for, etc...).
Is all usage of C++ templates a metaprogramming?
The short answer is: No. If the templates aren't used for expressing a compile-time algorithm then it's not a metaprogramming, it's a generic programming.
The primary goal for introducing templates in C++ was to enable generic programming, that is to allow reusing the same algorithms (find, copy, sort, etc...) and data structures (vector, list, map, etc...) for any types, including user-defined ones, that satisfy certain requirements.
In fact TMP in C++ was discovered by accident and was not the intended use of templates.
In summary: Template metaprogramming in C++ is the use of templates to express a compile-time algorithm, most (all?) other uses of C++ templates is a form of generic programming.

I'm trying to understand what metaprogramming is general and what it is in C++ in particular
You haven't said what you understand by metaprogramming in general yet, so your answers don't have a common starting point.
I'm going to assume the wikipedia definition is good enough for this:
Metaprogramming is a programming technique in which computer programs have the ability to treat other programs as their data.
... can be used to move computations from run-time to compile-time, to generate code using compile time computations ...
C++ doesn't generally allow self-modifying code, so I'm ignoring that. I'm also choosing not to count the preprocessor, as textual substitution at (or arguably just before) compile time is not the same as operating on the semantics of the program.
My question is if all usages of templates in C++ is categorized as metaprogramming
No, it is not.
Consider, for reference:
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
which is loosely the way to write a generic (type-agnostic) max function without using templates. I've already said I don't count the preprocessor as metaprogramming, but in any case it always produces identical code whenever it is used.
It simply delegates parsing that code, and worrying about types and whether a>b is defined to the compiler, in a later translation phase. Nothing here operates at compile time to produce different resulting code depending on ... anything. Nothing, at compile time, is computed.
Now, we can compare the template version:
template <typename T>
T max(T a, T b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
This does not simply perform a textual substitution. The process of instantiation is more complex, name lookup rules and overloads may be considered, and in some sense different instantiations may not be textually equivalent (eg. one may use bool ::operator< (T,T) and one bool T::operator<(T const&) or whatever).
However, the meaning of each instantiation is the same (assuming compatible definitions of operator< for different types, etc.) and nothing was computed at compile time apart from the compiler's usual (mechanical) process of resolving types and names and so on.
As an aside, it's definitely not enough that your program contains instructions for the compiler to tell it what to do, because that's what all programming is.
Now, there are marginal cases like
template <unsigned N>
struct factorial() { enum { value = N * factorial<N-1>::value }; };
which do move a computation to compile time (and in this case a non-terminating one since I can't be bothered to write the terminal case), but are arguably not metaprogramming.
Even though the Wikipedia definition mentioned moving computations to compile time, this is only a value computation - it's not making a compile-time decision about the structure or semantics of your code.

When writing C++ functions with templates, you are writing "instructions" for the compiler to tell it what to do when encountering calls of the function. In this sense, you are not directly writing code, therefore we call it meta-programming.
So yes, every C++ code involving templates is considered meta-programming
Note that only the parts defining templates functions or classes are meta-programming. Regular functions and classes are categorized as regular C++ !


How to know the required interface/contract of template arguments in C++?

Sorry for the newbie question, but I have a feeling I am missing something here:
If I have a certain class template which looks like this (basically the only way to pass a lambda to a function in C++, unless I am mistaken):
template<typename V, typename F>
class Something
int some_method(V val, F func) {
double intermediate = val.do_something();
return func(intermediate);
By reading the implementation of this class, I can see that the V class must implement double do_something(), and that F must be a function/functor with the signature int F(double).
However, in languages like Java or C#, the constraints for the generic parameters are explicitly stated in the generic class signature, so they are obvious without having to look at the source code, e.g.
class Something<V> where V : IDoesSomething // interface with the DoSomething() method
// func delegate signature is explicit
public int SomeMethod(V val, Func<double, int> func)
double intermediate = val.DoSomething();
return func(intermediate);
My question is: how do I know how to implement more complex input arguments in practice? Can this somehow be documented using code only, when writing a library with template classes in C++, or is the only way to parse the code manually and look for parameter usage?
(or third possibility, add methods to the class until the compiler stops failing)
C# and Java Generics have similar syntax and some common uses with C++ templates, but they are very different beasts.
Here is a good overview.
In C++, by default template checking was done by instantiation of code, and requrements are in documentation.
Note that much of the requirements of C++ templates is semantic not syntactic; iterators need not only have the proper operations, those operations need to have the proper meaning.
You can check syntactic properties of types in C++ templates. Off the top of my head, there are 6 basic ways.
You can have a traits class requirement, like std::iterator_traits.
You can do SFINAE, an accidentally Turing-complete template metaprogramming technique.
You can use concepts and/or requires clauses if your compiler is modern enough.
You can generate static_asserts to check properties
You can use traits ADL functions, like begin.
You can just duck type, and use it as if it had the properties you want. If it quacks like a duck, it is a duck.
All of these have pluses and minuses.
The downside to all of them is that they can be harder to set up than "this parameter must inherit from the type Foo". Concepts can handle that, only a bit more verbose than Java.
Java style type erasure can be dominated using C++ templates. std::function is an example of a duck typed type eraser that allows unrelated types to be stored as values; doing something as restricted as Java is rarely worthwhile, as the machinery to do it is harder than making something more powerful.
C# reification cannot be fully duplicated by C++, because C#'s runtime environment ships with a compiler, and can effectively compile a new type when you instantiate at runtime. I have seen people ship compilers with C++ programs, compile dynamic libraries, then load and execute them, but that isn't something I'd advise.
Using modern c++20, you can:
template<Number N>
struct Polynomial;
where Number is a concept which checks N (a type) against its properties. This is a bit like the Java signature stuff on steroids.
And by c++23 you'll be able to use compile time reflection to do things that make templates look like preprocessor macros.

C++ concepts vs static_assert

What is exactly new in c++ concepts? In my understanding they are functionally equal to using static_assert, but in a 'nice' manner meaning that compiler errors will be more readable (as Bjarne Stroustup said you won't get 10 pages or erros, but just one).
Basically, is it true that everything you can do with concepts you can also achieve using static_assert?
Is there something I am missing?
Compared to static_asserts, concepts are more powerful because:
they give you good diagnostic that you wouldn't easily achieve with static_asserts
they let you easily overload template functions without std::enable_if (that is impossible only with static_asserts)
they let you define static interfaces and reuse them without losing diagnostic (there would be the need for multiple static_asserts in each function)
they let you express your intents better and improve readability (which is a big issue with templates)
This can ease the worlds of:
static polymorphism
and be the building block for interesting paradigms.
What are concepts?
Concepts express "classes" (not in the C++ term, but rather as a "group") of types that satisfy certain requirements. As an example you can see that the Swappable concept express the set of types that:
allows calls to std::swap
And you can easily see that, for example, std::string, std::vector, std::deque, int etc... satisfy this requirement and can therefore be used interchangeably in a function like:
template<typename Swappable>
void func(const Swappable& a, const Swappable& b) {
std::swap(a, b);
Concepts always existed in C++, the actual feature that will be added in the (possibly near) future will just allow you to express and enforce them in the language.
Better diagnostic
As far as better diagnostic goes, we will just have to trust the committee for now. But the output they "guarantee":
error: no matching function for call to 'sort(list<int>&)'
note: template constraints not satisfied because
note: `T' is not a/an `Sortable' type [with T = list<int>] since
note: `declval<T>()[n]' is not valid syntax
is very promising.
It's true that you can achieve a similar output using static_asserts but that would require different static_asserts per function and that could get tedious very fast.
As an example, imagine you have to enforce the amount of requirements given by the Container concept in 2 functions taking a template parameter; you would need to replicate them in both functions:
template<typename C>
void func_a(...) {
// ...
template<typename C>
void func_b(...) {
// ...
Otherwise you would loose the ability to distinguish which requirement was not satisfied.
With concepts instead, you can just define the concept and enforce it by simply writing:
template<Container C>
void func_a(...);
template<Container C>
void func_b(...);
Concepts overloading
Another great feature that is introduced is the ability to overload template functions on template constraints. Yes, this is also possible with std::enable_if, but we all know how ugly that can become.
As an example you could have a function that works on Containers and overload it with a version that happens to work better with SequenceContainers:
template<Container C>
int func(C& c);
template<SequenceContainer C>
int func(C& c);
The alternative, without concepts, would be this:
template<typename T>
> func(T& c);
template<typename T>
> func(T& c);
Definitely uglier and possibly more error prone.
Cleaner syntax
As you have seen in the examples above the syntax is definitely cleaner and more intuitive with concepts. This can reduce the amount of code required to express constraints and can improve readability.
As seen before you can actually get to an acceptable level with something like:
but at that point you would loose the great diagnostic of different static_assert. With concepts you don't need this tradeoff.
Static polymorphism
And finally concepts have interesting similarities to other functional paradigms like type classes in Haskell. For example they can be used to define static interfaces.
For example, let's consider the classical approach for an (infamous) game object interface:
struct Object {
// …
virtual update() = 0;
virtual draw() = 0;
virtual ~Object();
Then, assuming you have a polymorphic std::vector of derived objects you can do:
for (auto& o : objects) {
Great, but unless you want to use multiple inheritance or entity-component-based systems, you are pretty much stuck with only one possible interface per class.
But if you actually want static polymorphism (polymorphism that is not that dynamic after all) you could define an Object concept that requires update and draw member functions (and possibly others).
At that point you can just create a free function:
template<Object O>
void process(O& o) {
And after that you could define another interface for your game objects with other requirements. The beauty of this approach is that you can develop as many interfaces as you want without
modifying your classes
require a base class
And they are all checked and enforced at compile time.
This is just a stupid example (and a very simplistic one), but concepts really open up a whole new world for templates in C++.
If you want more informations you can read this nice article on C++ concepts vs Haskell type classes.

Does C++11 support types recursion in templates?

I want to explain the question in detail. In many languages with strong type systems (like Felix, Ocaml, Haskell) you can define a polymorphic list by composing type constructors. Here's the Felix definition:
typedef list[T] = 1 + T * list[T];
typedef list[T] = (1 + T * self) as self;
In Ocaml:
type 'a list = Empty | Cons ('a, 'a list)
In C, this is recursive but neither polymorphic nor compositional:
struct int_list { int elt; struct int_list *next; };
In C++ it would be done like this, if C++ supported type recursion:
struct unit {};
template<typename T>
using list<T> = variant< unit, tuple<T, list<T>> >;
given a suitable definition for tuple (aka pair) and variant (but not the broken one used in Boost). Alternatively:
using list<T> = variant< unit, tuple<T, &list<T>> >;
might be acceptable given a slightly different definition of variant. It was not possible to even write this in C++ < C++11 because without template typedefs, there's no way to get polymorphism, and without a sane syntax for typedefs, there's no way to get the target type in scope. The using syntax above solves both these problems, however this does not imply recursion is permitted.
In particular please note that allowing recursion has a major impact on the ABI, i.e. on name mangling (it can't be done unless the name mangling scheme allows for representation of fixpoints).
My question: is required to work in C++11?
[Assuming the expansion doesn't result in an infinitely large struct]
Edit: just to be clear, the requirement is for general structural typing. Templates provide precisely that, for example
pair<int, double>
pair<int, pair <long, double> >
are anonymously (structurally) typed, and pair is clearly polymorphic. However recursion in C++ < C++11 cannot be stated, not even with a pointer. In C++11 you can state the recursion, albeit with a template typedef (with the new using syntax the expression on the LHS of the = sign is in scope on the RHS).
Structural (anonymous) typing with polymorphism and recursion are minimal requirements for a type system.
Any modern type system must support polynomial type functors or the type system is too clumbsy to do any kind of high level programming. The combinators required for this are usually stated by type theoreticians like:
1 | * | + | fix
where 1 is the unit type, * is tuple formation, + is variant formation, and fix is recursion. The idea is simply that:
if t is a type and u is a type then t + u and t * u are also types
In C++, struct unit{} is 1, tuple is *, variant is + and fixpoints might be obtained with the using = syntax. It's not quite anonymous typing because the fixpoint would require a template typedef.
Edit: Just an example of polymorphic type constructor in C:
T* // pointer formation
T (*)(U) // one argument function type
T[2] // array
Unfortunately in C, function values aren't compositional, and pointer formation is subject to lvalue constraint, and the syntactic rules for type composition are not themselves compositional, but here we can say:
if T is a type T* is a type
if T and U are types, T (*)(U) is a type
if T is a type T[2] is a type
so these type constuctors (combinators) can be applied recursively to get new types without having to create a new intermediate type. In C++ we can easily fix the syntactic problem:
template<typename T> using ptr<T> = T*;
template<typename T, typename U> using fun<T,U> = T (*)(U);
template<typename T> using arr2<T> = T[2];
so now you can write:
arr2<fun<double, ptr<int>>>
and the syntax is compositional, as well as the typing.
No, that is not possible. Even indirect recursion through alias templates is forbidden.
C++11, 4.5.7/3:
The type-id in an alias template declaration shall not refer to the alias template being declared. The type produced by an alias template specialization shall not directly or indirectly make use of that specialization. [ Example:
template <class T> struct A;
template <class T> using B = typename A<T>::U;
template <class T> struct A {
typedef B<T> U;
B<short> b; // error: instantiation of B<short> uses own type via A<short>::U
— end example ]
If you want this, stick to your Felix, Ocaml, or Haskell. You will easily realize that very few (none?) sucessful languages have type systems as rich as those three. And in my opinion, if all languages were the same, learning new ones wouldn't be worth it.
template<typename T>
using list<T> = variant< unit, tuple<T, list<T>> >;
In C++ doesn't work because an alias template doesn't define a new type. It's purely an alias, a synonym, and it is equivalent to its substitution. This is a feature, btw.
That alias template is equivalent to the following piece of Haskell:
type List a = Either () (a, List a)
GHCi rejects this because "[cycles] in type synonym declarations" are not allowed. I'm not sure if this is outright banned in C++, or if it is allowed but causes infinite recursion when substituted. Either way, it doesn't work.
The way to define new types in C++ is with the struct, class, union, and enum keywords. If you want something like the following Haskell (I insist on Haskell examples, because I don't know the other two languages), then you need to use those keywords.
newtype List a = List (Either () (a, List a))
I think you may need to review your type theory, as several of your assertions are incorrect.
Let's address your main question (and backhanded point) - as others have pointed out type recursion of the type you requested is not allowed. This does not mean that c++ does not support type recursion. It supports it perfectly well. The type recursion you requested is type name recursion, which is a syntactic flair that actually has no consequence on the actual type system.
C++ allows tuple membership recursion by proxy. For instance, c++ allows
class A
A * oneOfMe_;
That is type recursion that has real consequences. (And obviously no language can do this without internal proxy representation because size is infinitely recursive otherwise).
Also C++ allows translationtime polymorphism, which allow for the creation of objects that act like any type you may create using name recursion. The name recursion is only used to unload types to members or provide translationtime behavior assignments in the type system. Type tags, type traits, etc. are well known c++ idioms for this.
To prove that type name recursion does not add functionality to a type system, it only needs to be pointed out that c++'s type system allows a fully Turing Complete type calculation, using metaprogramming on compiletime constants (and typelists of them), through simple mapping of names to constants. This means there is a function MakeItC++:YourIdeaOfPrettyName->TypeParametrisedByTypelistOfInts that makes any Turing computible typesystem you want.
As you know, being a student of type theory, variants are dual to tuple products. In the type category, any property of variants has a dual property of tuple products with arrows reversed. If you work consistently with the duality, you do not get properties with "new capabilities" (in terms of type calculations). So on the level of type calculations, you obviously don't need variants. (This should also be obvious from the Turing Completeness.)
However, in terms of runtime behavior in an imperative language, you do get different behavior. And it is bad behavior. Whereas products restrict semantics, variants relax semantics. You should never want this, as it provably destroys code correctness. The history of statically typed programming languages has been moving towards greater and greater expression of the semantics in the type system, with the goal that the compiler should be able to understand when the program does not mean what you want it to. The goal has been to turn the compiler into the program verification system.
For instance, with type units, you can express that a particular value isn't just an int but is actually an acceleration measured in meters per square seconds. Assigning a value that is a velocity expressed in feet per hour divided by a timespan of minutes shouldn't just divide the two values - it should note that a conversion is necessary (and either perform it or fail compilation or... do the right thing). Assinging a force should fail compilation. Doing these kinds of checks on program meaning could have given us potentially more martian exploration, for instance.
Variants are the opposite direction. Sure, "if you code correctly, they work correctly", but that's not the point with code verification. They provably add code loci where a different engineer, unfamiliar with current type usage, can introduce the incorrect semantic assumption without translation failure. And, there is always a code transformation that changes an imperative code section from one that uses Variants unsafely to one that use semantically validated non-variant types, so their use is also "always suboptimal".
The majority of runtime uses for variants are typically those that are better encapsulated in runtime polymorphism. Runtime polymorphism has a statically verified semantics that may have associated runtime invariant checking and unlike variants (where the sum type is universally declared in one code locus) actually supports the Open-Closed principle. By needing to declare a variant in one location, you must change that location everytime you add a new functional type to the sum. This means that code never closes to change, and therefore may have bugs introduced. Runtime polymorphism, though, allows new behaviors to be added in separate code loci from the other behaviors.
(And besides, most real language type systems are not distributive anyway. (a, b | c) =/= (a, b) | (a, c) so what is the point here?)
I would be careful making blanket statements about what makes a type system good without getting some experience in the field, particularly if your point is to be provocative and political and enact change. I do not see anything in your post that actually points to healthy changes for any computer language. I do not see features, safety, or any of the other actual real-world concerns being addressed. I totally get the love of type theory. I think every computer scientist should know Cateogry Theory and the denotational semantics of programming languages (domain theory, cartesian categories, all the good stuff). I think if more people understood the Curry-Howard isomorphism as an ontological manifesto, constructivist logics would get more respect.
But none of that provides reasons to attack the c++ type system. There are legitimate attacks for nearly every language - type name recursion and variant availability are not them.
EDIT: Since my point about Turing completeness does not seem to be understood, nor my comment about the c++ way of using type tags and traits to offload type calculations, maybe an example is in order.
Now the OP claims to want this in a usage case for lists, which my earlier point on the layout easily handles. Better, just use std::list. But from other comments and elsewhere, I think they really want this to work on the Felix->C++ translation.
So, what I think the OP thinks they want is something like
template <typename Type>
class SomeClass
// ...
and then be able to build a type
SomeClass< /*insert the SomeClass<...> type created here*/ >
I've mentioned this is just a naming convention wanted. Nobody wants typenames - they are transients of the translation process. What is actually wanted is what you will do with Type later on in the structural composition of the type. It will be used in typename calculations to produce member data and method signatures.
So, what can be done in c++ is
struct SelfTag {};
Then, when you want to refer to self, just put this type tag there.
When it's meaningful to do the type calculation, you have a template specialisation on SelfTag that will substitute SomeClass<SelfTag> instead of substituting SelfTag in the appropriate place of the type calculation.
My point here is that the c++ type system is Turing Complete - and that means a lot more than what I think the OP is reading everytime I've written that. Any type calculation may be done (given constraints of compiler recursion) and that really does mean that if you have a problem in one type system in a completely different language, you can find a translation here. I hope this makes things even clearer about my point. Coming back and saying "well you still can't do XYZ in the type system" would be clearly missing the point.
C++ does have the "curiously recurring template pattern", or CRTP. It's not specific to C++11, however. It means you can do the following (shamelessly copied from Wikipedia):
template <typename T>
struct base
// ...
struct derived : base<derived>
// ...
#jpalcek answered my question. However, my actual problem (as hinted at in the examples) can be solved without recursive aliases like this:
// core combinators
struct unit;
struct point;
template<class T,class U> struct fix;
template<class T, class U> struct tup2;
template<class T, class U> struct var2;
template <> struct
var2<unit, tup2<int,point> >
// definition goes here
using the fix and point types to represent recursion. I happen not to require any of the templates to be defined, I only need to define the specialisations. What I needed was a name that would be the same in two distinct translation units for external linkage: the name had to be a function of the type structure.
#Ex0du5 prompted thinking about this. The actual solution is also related to a correspondence from Gabriel des Rois many years ago. I want to thank everyone that contributed.

reuse function logic in a const expression

I think my question is, is there anyway to emulate the behaviour that we'll gain from C++0x's constexpr keyword with the current C++ standard (that is if I understand what constexpr is supposed to do correctly).
To be more clear, there are times when it is useful to calculate a value at compile time but it is also useful to be able to calculate it at runtime too, for e.g. if we want to calculate powers, we could use the code below.
template<int X, unsigned int Y>
struct xPowerY_const {
static const int value = X*xPowerY_const<X,Y-1>::value;
template<int X>
struct xPowerY_const<X, 1> {
static const int value = X;
int xPowerY(int x, unsigned int y) {
return (y==1) ? x : x*xPowerY(x,y-1);
This is a simple example but in more complicated cases being able to reuse the code would be helpful. Even if, for runtime performance, the recursive nature of the function is suboptimal and a better algorithm could be devised it would be useful for testing the logic if the templated version could be expressed in a function, as I can't see a reasonable method of testing the validity of the constant template method in a wide range of cases (although perhaps there is one and i just can't see it, and perhaps that's another question).
Forgot to mention, I don't want to #define
Edit2 Also my code above is wrong, it doesn't deal with x^0, but that doesn't affect the question.
Template metaprogramming implements logic in an entirely different (and incompatible) way from "normal" C++ code. You're not defining a function, you're defining a type. It just happens that the type has a value associated with it, which is built up from a combination of other types.
Because the templates define types, there is no program logic involved. The logic is simply a side effect of the compiler trying to resolve relationships between the templated types. There really isn't any way to automatically extract the high level logic from a template "program" into a function.
FWIW, template metaprogramming wasn't even a glimmer in Bjarne's eye when templates were first implemented. They were actually discovered later on in the language's life by users of the language. It's an "unintended" side-effect of the type system that just happened to become very popular. It's precisely because of this discovery that new features are being added to the language to more thoroughly support the idioms that have evolved.

How to reduce compile time with C++ templates

I'm in the process of changing part of my C++ app from using an older C type array to a templated C++ container class. See this question for details. While the solution is working very well, each minor change I make to the templated code causes a very large amount of recompilation to take place, and hence drastically slows build time. Is there any way of getting template code out of the header and back into a cpp file, so that minor implementation changes don't cause major rebuilds?
Several approaches:
The export keyword could theoretically help, but it was poorly supported and was officially removed in C++11.
Explicit template instantiation (see here or here) is the most straightforward approach, if you can predict ahead of time which instantiations you'll need (and if you don't mind maintaining this list).
Extern templates, which are already supported by several compilers as extensions. It's my understanding that extern templates don't necessarily let you move the template definitions out of the header file, but they do make compiling and linking faster (by reducing the number of times that template code must be instantiated and linked).
Depending on your template design, you may be able to move most of its complexity into a .cpp file. The standard example is a type-safe vector template class that merely wraps a type-unsafe vector of void*; all of the complexity goes in the void* vector that resides in a .cpp file. Scott Meyers gives a more detailed example in Effective C++ (item 42, "Use private inheritance judiciously", in the 2nd edition).
I think the general rules apply. Try to reduce coupling between parts of the code. Break up too large template headers into smaller groups of functions used together, so the whole thing won't have to be included in each and every source file.
Also, try to get the headers into a stable state fast, perhaps testing them out against a smaller test program, so they wouldn't need changing (too much) when integrated into a larger program.
(As with any optimization, it might be less worth to optimize for the compiler's speed when dealing with templates, rather than finding an "algorithmic" optimization that reduces the work-load drastically in the first place.)
First of all, for completeness, I'll cover the straightforward solution: only use templated code when necessary, and base it on non-template code (with implementation in its own source file).
However, I suspect that the real issue is that you use generic programming as you would use typical OO-programming and end up with a bloated class.
Let's take an example:
// "bigArray/bigArray.hpp"
template <class T, class Allocator>
class BigArray
size_t size() const;
T& operator[](size_t index);
T const& operator[](size_t index) const;
T& at(size_t index);
T const& at(size_t index);
// impl
Does this shock you ? Probably not. It seems pretty minimalist after all. The thing is, it's not. The at methods can be factored out without any loss of generality:
// "bigArray/at.hpp"
template <class Container>
typename Container::reference_type at(Container& container,
typename Container::size_type index)
if (index >= container.size()) throw std::out_of_range();
return container[index];
template <class Container>
typename Container::const_reference_type at(Container const& container,
typename Container::size_type index)
if (index >= container.size()) throw std::out_of_range();
return container[index];
Okay, this changes the invocation slightly:
// From;
// To
However, thanks to Koenig's lookup, you can call them unqualified as long as you put them in the same namespace, so it's just a matter of habit.
The example is contrived but the general point stands. Note that because of its genericity at.hpp never had to include bigArray.hpp and will still produce as tight code as if it were a member method, it's just that we can invoke it on other containers if we wish.
And now, a user of BigArray does not need to include at.hpp if she does not uses it... thus reducing her dependencies and not being impacted if you change the code in that file: for example alter std::out_of_range call to feature the file name and line number, the address of the container, its size and the index we tried to access.
The other (not so obvious) advantage, is that if ever integrity constraint of BigArray is violated, then at is obviously out of cause since it cannot mess with the internals of the class, thus reducing the number of suspects.
This is recommended by many authors, such as Herb Sutters in C++ Coding Standards:
Item 44: Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions
and has been extensively used in Boost... But you do have to change your coding habits!
Then of course you need to only include what you do depend on, there ought to be static C++ code analyzers that report included but unused header files which can help figuring this out.
Using templates as a problem solving technique can create compilation slowdowns. A classical example of this is the std::sort vs. qsort function from C. The C++ version of this function takes longer to compile because it needs to be parsed in every translation unit and because almost every use of this function creates a different instance of this template (assuming that closure types are usually provided as sorting predicate).
Although these slowdowns are to be expected, there are some rules that can help you to write efficient templates. Four of them are described below.
The Rule of Chiel
The Rule of Chiel, presented below, describes which C++ constructs are the most difficult ones for the compiler. If possible, it’s best to avoid those constructs to reduce compilation times.
The following C++ features/constructs are sorted in descending order by compile time:
Instantiating a function template
Instantiating a type
Calling an alias
Adding a parameter to a type
Adding a parameter to an alias call
Looking up a memorized type
Optimizations based on the above rules were used when Boost.TMP was designed and developed. As much as possible, avoid top constructs for quick template compilation.
Below are some examples illustrating how to make use of the rules listed above.
Reduce Template Instantiations
Let's have a look at std::conditional. Its declaration is:
template< bool B, typename T, typename F >
struct conditional;
Whenever we change any of three arguments given to that template, the compiler will have to create a new instance of it. For example, imagine the following types:
struct first{};
struct second{};
Now, all the following will end up in instantiations of different types:
using type1 = conditional<true, first, second>;
using type2 = conditional<true, second, first>;
std::is_same_v<type1, type2>; // it’s false
using type3 = conditional<false, first, second>;
using type4 = conditional<false, second, first>;
std::is_same_v<type1, type2>; // it’s false
We can reduce the number of instantiations by changing the implementation of conditional to:
template <bool>
struct conditional{
template <typename T, typename F>
using type = T;
template <>
struct conditional<false>{
template <typename T, typename F>
using type = F;
In this case, the compiler will create only two instantiations of type “conditional” for all possible arguments. For more details about this example, check out Odin Holmes' talk about the Kvasir library.
Create Explicit Template Instantiations
Whenever you suspect that an instance of a template is going to be used often, it’s a good idea to explicitly instantiate it. Usually, std::string is an explicit instantiation of std::basic_string<char>.
Create Specializations for Compile-time Algorithms
Kvasir-MPL specializes algorithms for long lists of types to speed them up. You can see an example of this here. In this header file, the sorting algorithm is manually specialized for a list of 255 types. Manual specialization speeds up compilations for long lists.
You can use explicit instantiation; however, only the template types you instantiate will compile ahead of time.
You might be able to take advantage of c++20's modules.
If you can factor out the templated types from your algorithm, you can put it in its own .cc file.
I wouldn't suggest this unless it's a major problem but: you may be able to provide a template container interface that is implemented with calls to a void* implementation that you are free to change at will.
Before c++11 you could use a compiler that supports the export keyword.
You can define a base class without templates and move most of the implementation there. The templated array would then define only proxy methods, that use base class for everything.