X inside search-box-input does not clear the text - sitecore

I encountered a problem with the search boxes in my site while in IE. The search box is a sitecore component. Whenever I type in the search box and then click the X at the end, it goes back to the placeholder. However, when I click outside of the search box, the text that I previously x'ed out returns. I want the search box to be populated with the placeholder or at least remain clear. Also, there is no JS involved. I tried using JS to solve the issue but when I use developer tools, the x doesn't have a tag/name/ID, so I can't target it to manipulate it. If you require more information, please ask.


How to set font in edit box part of a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton?

I'm able to set the font used to draw the drop-down part of a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton combo box which is embedded in a CMFCToolBar toolbar. However, I'm not able to set/change the font used for the edit field control which is part of the combo box. I.e., when the combo box is collapsed the currently selected item is always drawn with the standard/default font no matter what font is used for the entries when expanding the box.
I successfully change the font of the drop down box part by using a pointer to the underlying CComboBox object retrieved via CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetComboBox() (and then via CComboBox::SetFont(...)). But when using the method CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetEditCtrl() to obtain a pointer to the edit control part (in order to change its font, too) this method always returns a nulltpr. Does anybody know why or more importantly: What is the correct way to set the font used for the edit control part of the box?
I've searched the web now quite a lot but cannot find a solution to the problem. Thanks for any advice!
Additional note: I need to change the used font(s) at run time in my MFC application.
OK, I finally came to the conclusion that it's better to leave these fonts up to the OS settings anyway and not explicitly set them by the application code.
This is not a technically correct answer to the (my own) question, certainly, but may be a good advide for others chasing the same problem.

Blueprism: how to adjust attributes so same elements are highlighted on different screen size?

I spied my elements using my laptop. Then I highlight the element I identified to make sure it is unique. This works fine when the browser window I am spying is on my laptop screen. When I move this browser window to a monitor screen, Application modeler is no longer able to identify the element I spied (it highlights a different region in the browser). I am using Browser-based applicatio -> browser launched from an executable. I was only able to identify my elements using the accessibility mode. Here are some screenshots of what happens when I highlight the element "English" from the application modeler:
What I see on my laptop screen vs what I see on the monitor.
I encountered the same issue when I used a built-in zoom function of internet explorer.
Below you can see a printscreen of a place where you can check the zoom function in internet explorer:
Please check if that fixed your issue.
It would be very nice to know how you spy this element and what Attributes are clicked on/off? But here is my solution to your problem without knowing much about your data.
Open up AplicationModeller where you spy this element and find your element in the list.
I guess your page is responsive so this element is not static. In attributes there should be a name called 'Path', this refers to the HTML path at which location you will find the element. There is also an attribute called 'X' and 'Y', this is the static location of where to find your box. I would click off both 'Path', 'X' and 'Y' then I would try to click on 'Title' and see if this is enough to do the trick, 'Title' = "English".

How to look for a specific mapping in the navigator window

I'm new to powercenter and the learning curve of this tool seems to be different from the programming languages I'm used to. Where I work everyone tells me to ask people in the office. Access to the internet is non existant. Stack overflow is one of the few places where I can look for info.
I would like to do something basic like, in the navigator window, there are sometimes thousands of mappings with veeeery similar names, I would like to know if there is a way to enable a "control-f" type of functionality. As of right now, placing the mouse on the window and writing the name kinda helps, but since the names are stuff like
and there are dozens and hundreds that share the same structure: "k_l_ll_sigpir_" trying to navigate when you don't know where info is other than the name is a bit of a nightmare, compared to other tools at least.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
I guess I was able to find something that might help, although this is a bit counter-intuitive. I'm assuming you want to find and open some mapping in Mapping Designer. Here goes:
After you've connected to Repository and have the right folder opened (not just connected!), choose Tools => Queries from the menu bar. A Query Browser should open for you.
Choose New to create a new query
In the Query Editor there's a grid. Choose Object Name in the Parameter Name column. Change the Operator to Contains and put whatever you're looking for as Value 1 (using your example: mappingname)
Click the blue play button on the menu bar or choose Query => Execute from top menu. Give this a few seconds.
Give it a few more seconds...
A Query Results window should be opened for you. NOTE: if you've been clicking anything it might get opened in the background - just check the Designer button on Start Bar. It should contain all the objects that contain mappingname string it the name. We've not limited this to mappings only though (I'll discuss this below).
=== now here's the odd part ===
You can right click any item on the list in Query Results window and choose Open in Workspace. And it won't work :)
Switch back to Query Editor window and close it (don't close the Query Results!). You may save you'r query if you like to.
You should be back at Query Browser. Close it.
Return to Query Results.
Right click the desired item and choose Open in Workspace.
Now some remarks:
The whole repository is searched. The Query Results may therefore contain items from other folders, than the one you have open. Trying to Open in Workspace such objects won't work since the folder is not open in Designer.
You may construct more sophisticated queries. Just click 'Add new...' icon on the Query Editor window. This will add a line and allow you to choose extra conditions. It will be spawned by a AND condition which you may change to OR. You get the idea.
Yes, it's odd, I know. Just don't blame me ;)
The quick answer is that the 'metadata manager' tool can do exactly what you ask for. It is basically a 'google search' for your entire data warehouse. Only hiccup is that it requires a lot of work from the admins of your power center servers to get it up and running...
Basically it depends on what you want to DO with the mapping after you've found it and why you look for it in the first place:
1) in the 'designer tool' you can look under 'targets' in the right hand tree structure
- when you've found the target table you want the mappings for
- simply right-click and choose 'dependencies'
- in the following dialog uncheck everything except 'mappings'
- in the following right click on the most likely mapping and choose 'open in workspace'
2) in the repository database there is a view called opb_task_inst_run that contains a row for each session that has ever run. You can write simple sql against that view with '%like patterns%' to locate mappings... you may want to add a where clause to 'start time' for the most recent week or so - especially if the repository is old and runtime metadata has never been deleted...
Please write back if you need something different...
I'm not aware of the functionality you're after within informatica, however, the mappings are listed in alphanumeric order which should alleviate this. Within the mapping itself there is search functionality to find transformations within the mapping.
As far as a place to start learning Informatica, informatica tv is one place to get your feet wet https://network.informatica.com/support-videos.jspa

How to create a left side bar on APEX 4.0 and open each value in a specific region?

Im a little newbie working with Aplication Express, I want to create an aplication which its structure could be something like this example.
Anyone have some ideas to create it?
I just tried creating a List from Shared Components and then set it in a region with Page Region Template Position 3 and another Chart Region with Page Template Body (3), but in my case the side bar is placed on the right when I want it on the left... I have tried all the Template Position combination as possible.
Also when I click a value from the list, the page is opened on another tab. How can I open it on a specific region? As a frame for example
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Having a left sidebar depends on the page template you select. Some page templates will have a left sidebare, other a right one, others maybe both. And since templates are part of a theme, it may be that some templates under some themes may not have a page template that offers what you'd want.
So the first you need to do is look at what page templates you have available in your chosen theme. You can do this by going to the Shared Components and selecting templates from there. Scroll to the Page Templates and see if you can find one there.
While it's a good guess that the sidebart region will be in position 3, and position 3 is in the sidebar, it's best to verify. You can do that by checking the html of the body of the template. See if there is a region assigned to a sidebar. You'll have to divine this from the markup or an example page and which one it is (position 2? position 3? 4?).
Pro-tip: from the Shared Components > Templates, in the report overview, you can preview certain types of templates, such as the page template. Just hit the preview button and you'll get a general idea of the style and the region positioning! When viewing the template in detail, you can also preview from the preview link in the right hand menu list.
As for the list: the example you linked has a list region on the left sidebar, but all those links are links to other pages. Thus, there are as many pages as there are links in the list.
If on your environment the links are causing a new page or tab to be opened up, then that likely means the attribute target="_blank" is present on those anchor tags. Again though, this just means that that markup is being generated by the chosen list template. Try another list template (by editing the list, under Source you can chose the template) or take a look at the theme's templates. You can find the markup for the individual list items there.
It'd be better not to concern yourself too much by trying to fiddle around with iframes just yet, because even though that'd be possible it is not an out of the box feature. Unless you're already really familiar with eg javascript I'd stick to page links until you're more familiar with the environment.

Page Region not display full page width

This is an odd one to me because it only started happening since we moved to Apex 4.2. To get round the problem i have to copy and paste regions I already have in the application, rather than simply creating a new one.
When i create a new application and try to create a region on a page the attached always occurs. This also occurs if i create a new page in a current applications that were already in place before the Apex 4.2 upgrade. Was it even to do with the upgrade?
I assume its something in the Templates or Themes under Shared Componants but i cannot see anything that sticks out.
I thought i would try an HTML5 template to see if that made any difference however the same occurs, see screenprint.
Is there an answer why this is happening and how it could be resolved?
This really looks like it is a template "issue". You need to check your page template: what is it named?
For example, in Theme 23 there are several page templates which include a left, right or both sidebars. When your page uses a template with this sidebar, then the sidebar will always use up a portion of the screen.
If you have no template specified but rather use the "Application Default", then go to "Shared Components > Templates" and look at the page templates section for the template which has a check in the "Default" column. Most likely it is a template including a sidebar.
Aside from that you could also always use a tool to inspect the HTML and CSS. For example, with Firebug in Firefox you could rightclick on the empty space left of your region and choose "inspect element with firebug". It might be a TD element. It might be a div with a fixed width. It might be custom css pushing things about.