Customising accessHost value in Dynamic Storage service key - cloud-foundry

I have a dynamic storage service set up on Swisscom with the default service key. There is a value within that JSON which is access host:
"accessHost": ""
I was wondering if there was any way that this value can be customised to a more appropriate naming convention for us. Something like:
"accessHost": ""
Is there any way we can achieve this?

Sadly, this is not possible as the hostname is part of the signature generated for each request.


Recover EFS with aws start-restore-job in OneZone

I didn't find the AvailabilityZoneName parameter in the startRestoreJob SDK
For this reason, when I restore the snapshot, it is created as REGIONAL.
The AWS console itself allows you to select this when you restore. Does anyone know a solution?
I was confronted with the same problem. the documentation seems not aligned. i check on cloudtrail but i have a HIDDEN_DUR_TO_SECURITY_REASONS placeholder...
But in Developper mode on chrome you can see metadata attribute sent to the server. so you need to use availabilityZoneName and singleAzFilesystem parameters.
You can pass the file system type information in the startRestoreJob API in the Metadata property.
To the the values allowed, you can call the GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata API to get the Metadata value for your Recovery Point, and then use the values you get to pass to the StartRestoreJob API.
Docs for the GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata API:

Best way to stock tokens with WSO2 Enterprise Integrator

I am working on some systems that needs to use Access and Refresh tokens.
In my process now, I save tokens in registry, and I update them when they need to be updated. But sometimes, I get an error because one of my process tries to retrieve a token, but this token has been changed just before (like a lock in the registry).
What is the best way to store, update and retrieve that kind of informations ?
I tried to use a class mediator which stores properties in a Hashmap, but WSO2 always create a new instance of my custom class, so a new instance of my hashmap.
Any idea ? Thank you !
The usual practice to store the token is in the registry. This is used in the connector implementation [1] in the ESB server. Could you elaborate more on the issue? What is the ESB server version? What is the error stack trace? Have you used a similar implementation as in [1]?
Further to answer your question regarding the class mediator, you can use a static variable in the class mediator to share the token among the objects created. But then again, static variables are not thread-safe.
I'm using the registry for reading / storing data, and here is some issue..
When you read using property mediator, for example token - he is also cached for default 15sec. So after read, revoke new one, and store back - you will still get from property mediator the "old" one. This can be bypassed, using script mediator and store registry entry using code, and setting the CachableDurationto 0.
I described this reading storing from registry in my blog, check out especially the Known downside paragraph.

Google CDF: Can we set the value of a column as a runtime argument?

I am getting a value returned by hitting a HTTP endpoint which I am storing in a column. Now a want to trigger another Http Endpoint with the value in the column. But the HTTP endpoint takes hardcoded values or macros only. So I want to know if I can set a run-time argrument based on the column value
Please suggest How I can do this.
There are few ways of setting runtime arguments:
Using Argument Setter Plugin - type of Action plugin that allows one to create reusable pipelines by dynamically substituting the configurations that can be served by an HTTP Server.
Specifying runtime arguments as a JSON map in the request body, when starting an program.
CDAP Preferences HTTP RESTful API.
I recommend you check the official documentation for Datafusion, where you can find a way of setting variables/macros using the GCS bucket.
Additionally, have a look at the following thread on SO. It describes the method with specifying runtime arguments as a JSON map in the request body.

AWS API Gateway with dynamic URL path parameters

I've got an API with an integration to S3 to serve static files. My resource is quite simple in that I only require the filename to serve the file, like so:
However this requires the consumer to know the exact filename, i.e.
I want to make this a little more dynamic. Since my files are all JSON, I want the consumer to not have to provide the .json suffix. Is this currently possible with the URL path parameters? I know I can use method.request.path.file to access the purple value, but can I append .json to it myself?
API Gateway does not currently allow for concatenation of values in parameter mapping. This is a feature other customers have requested and is on our backlog.

Does DynamoDB support jsonp?

I took a look through the documentation, but couldn't find it. Can anybody who has used the service answer this?
DynamoDB objects' attributes can be int, string, int set or string set.
JSONP is string representing a javascript code that can be parsed.
What is the use you intend for it? What object are you going to store?
Are you invoking an AJAX call to the dynamodb api to retrieve an element and you want that element to follow JSONP pattern? or you wish to call DynamoDB in your server (perhaps using a servlet) and prepare a JSONP object to be sent to the client