Power BI, hide tabs based on role level security - powerbi

Is there a way to hide a tab based on role level security?
I have been able to lock the dataset but the tab is still visible.
The users who are not allocated access to the dataset are asking why there is no data. It would be great to hide the tab completely.
I am designing in power desktop and publishing the reports for the users to view on the BI service premium capacity.
Would greatly appreciate your help. Thanking in advance.

Row Level Security only applies to the data, being shown, it cannot show or hide tabs based on the users. Both the Power BI Service and Power BI Premium, can't show hide the tabs based on any user verification methods. I would have a look at creating an App, that way you should be able to hide the data bar on the right, and they will only get the filters options
Hope that helps


Does RLS apply on the dashboard tiles and are they cached?

I'm exploring Power BI RLS. I understand that roles (along with the filter criteria) are to be created in the PBI desktop and users are to be added into the roles via the PBI service. Then, when a user opens the report, the RLS will automatically show only those rows that satisfy the filter criteria.
This question is to ask - how does RLS behave with dashboard tiles? For example - say visuals from multiple reports (each report having RLS) are pinned as tiles onto a dashboard.
Does opening a dashboard ensure that RLS is applied to the pinned visuals?
I have read it somewhere that dashboards retain the tile values for 15 minutes. Does this also mean that RLS is also cached? For example - say RLS membership is updated, then will the dashboard tile immediately reflect the visual tile based on the new RLS?
yes RLS applies to pinned visuals in a dashboard. it applies in the same way as a report. Cache is a browser setting. You might also want to explore Goals while you on the same topic.

PowerBI - How to create an approval process in PowerBI Dashboard?

I am working on the reporting project that uses PowerBI as the data visualization tool.
I need create a processing approval workflow on the PowerBI tool. After seeing the Dashboard, the employer can approve some exception cases and the workflow can direct connect with email or ticket system.
There are 2 cases:
Approve for the whole dashboard that supports to be easy. I don't have any problem here.
Approve for singular object/row in a table chart. So I must generate number of buttons according to the number of row, which I need help. I don't know how to generate dynamic number of buttons and attached to row. And how to program/code it to create a view or action to become an approval step.
Button PowerBI
In this screenshot, my plan is create buttons in each row and each button has the same function with parameter is username or IP. And after that I can send email to the user and notice him/her that his/her case is approve for exception.
I find this https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/A-simple-and-fun-guide-to-Microsoft-Flow-and-Power-BI/ba-p/151530. But it doesn't seem helpful. Anyone here has ever dealt with approval case like this.
Is PowerBI able to do the approval process like I want?
Thank you so much.
First: This kind of goes against the spirit of BI in general. BI is for data visualization, exploration, etc. It's not really a UI for inserting data and executing tasks. Maybe you want instead to have a front end that lets you do things, and only needs to handle a very limited dataset? PowerApps is good for that. If the dataset is less than 1000 rows, this could work.
Second: I'm pretty sure it's not possible to create a button (like one that you'd see in an HTML page) that does what you want it to do in a Power BI table visual.
Third: There is a "drill through" button capability, but this just lets you navigate from one area in the report to another, not send an email or execute a Power Automate flow or anything like that. You may have seen a button on a table visual, but it's misleading. It's not really programmable like an HTML/JS button on a website.
That said, within the last 1.5 years or so, we now have the PowerApps add-in available. You could create an app that utilizes your streaming dataset, create a gallery that looks at that dataset and creates a kind of table with buttons on it, and then each button is set to execute the flow you've created in Power Automate.
PowerApp Add in chiclet
All of this is very, extremely straightforward, but beware, the PowerApp will start to cost you extra money depending on where your data is housed. If it's a SQL server, you'll need both a premium PowerApp license and Power Automate license too.
Sorry for the not so great news, but this is kind of a limitation of Power BI.

How secure is Row-Level Security in Power Bi?

I am wanting to know how secure Row-Level Security is.
We are currently working on creating a dashboard that would be shared with 500 users within our organisation. All of these users are managers and we would be using dynamic row-level security so that each user would only be able to view information in the dashboard related to their own team.
I have tested RLS and it worked fine, but I have had another Power Bi user tell me that RLS is not completely secure as my base data is coming from excel. My base data is in excel, but I convert it into a pbix file in Power Bi desktop before creating the role, then publishing to power bi service, where I assign users to the role and give read only access.
I am wondering once I have shared the dashboard with these users is there any way for them to get around the RLS and access the base data?
Thanks in advance,
There are a number of factors to consider for imported data.
If the user can download the report, they could remove the role and access all the data. I would recommend turning this off in the Power BI Admin protal for selected users, or an AD group.
They could connect to the dataset via Excel or another report and get the data that way without the role level filter being used. Having them as read only is one way of stopping them altering the report. I would suggest deploying the report as an app, then they can only access the surfaced report not the underlying dataset.

How Power BI apps handle modification?

I would like to understand how power BI Apps is handling modification for users
Actually my reports are shared in apps with many other users and need to make sure that if i modify any slicer for example : zooming on a specific area , does it impact other user's view ?
Thanks in advance! I really appreciate you time and effort
It's the same as when you pin the 'whole' report into a dashboard. You will change the view (filtering, zooming, etc) in the report but the dashboard will be displayed in the original (unfiltered, unzoomed) view.

Row Level Security not working in Power BI with Groups

I am running in this strange issue:
first I prepared some report with power BI desktop
then I go into "Manage Role" to create a rule that show data only for region ="Italy"
I upload the report to the power BI Services
I go to the security tab under dataset and associate some users (myuser#mytenant.com) to the rule
Finally I create a sharepoint page, where I embed the reports I prepared
When I access the report with myuser#mytenant.com I see all the data and not only the region = "Italy" as desired.
What is wrong with the rule?
Another strange thing is, testing the rule is fine, when I test an user the rule doesn't work...
Anybody anyidea?
thx a lot!
The typical "gotcha" is that the Power BI App Workspace (group) settings are left to the default: Members can edit Power BI content. For RLS to work, this needs to be changed to Members can only view Power BI content.
You make this change by logging in to app.powerbi.com (as a group admin), and using the left nav to choose the App Workspace (group) and then Edit Workspace.
This is described in the doco:
If you publish your Power BI Desktop report to a workspace within the Power BI service, the roles will be applied to on read-only members. You will need to indicate that members can only view Power BI content within the workspace settings.
If you have configured the workspace so that members have edit permissions, the RLS roles will not be applied to them. Users will be able to see all of the data.
official documentation: Using RLS with workspaces in Power BI