Passing a value from one Sharepoint page to a table in a second Sharepoint page - sharepoint-2013

I made a table on a SharePoint page using a webpart/snippet and some coding. My goal is to add code to pull a value for a couple of the cells in the table from another SharePoint page using a QueryString. My issue, I'm newer to SharePoint, and not sure how to set up the page that I'm pulling the information from. Ultimately, the page with the table will only be editable by a few owners. The page with the info to populate the cells will have multiple people that have the permission to edit the page to update their information daily. Now, here is where I'm not sure how to proceed. I don't want the users, most of which have no coding experience, to have to deal with entering their daily values into a coded snippet. But I'm not sure how to call the value from randomly entered data on a SharePoint page line. I believe it is SharePoint 2013. I can insert a table using the SharePoint feature rather than a snippet code, and that would be easily editable for the users. But Then I'm right back with not being sure how to call the information. I believe I can come up with the code once I figure out how I need to set up page with the information, but can edit the question as deemed necessary.

Follow the below thread
There are many way to send data from one page to another page
Query string is better if you are using table, redirect the link using custom code else follow the below link it might be help you to clarify or achieve something
have a nice day


icCube - having the specific report (and the current filtering) in the URL

If a user is working with a certain report and has a finding she needs to share with colleagues, it would be very useful for her, to have a url, she could send to her colleagues, that leads to this certain report with all filters she aplied already set.
Is there a way to achieve this?
So far we were only able to have the opened Report in the URL, if we create an application (which we usually don't use, since we have a heavily customized navigation on our own) and open a report within that application. But even then the used filters are not set in the URL.
Sorry this is not currently not supported but it is in our roadmap.

View currently published page in Sharepoint

I am making edits to a client's Sharepoint site.
I checked out the page, made all the changes required, checked it back in, and am waiting on their go-ahead to publish.
I want to double-check that certain elements are the same as they were before I started editing. Generally I would go to site contents > pages > version history of the page I am working on, and look at the currently published version (because, as an editor, it seems to only show me the unpublished draft when I am on the page URL).
Tried to do that today and am getting an error: Sorry, something went wrong
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131904.... Insightful and intuitive Microsoft error - well done guys (NOT).
Is there any other way that is more straightforward to just view what is currently published?
The quickest way to do this is to either log on as a test account that has only got read only permissions, or to ask one of your colleagues that doesn't have edit permissions to browse to the page and you can see what they see.
Version history, while is helpful when you need to roll back, won't show changes to web parts or other hidden elements when viewing it, so it's not always that helpful when using it for a case like yours.
As a side note, to log in as another user in SP2013, append this to your URL: http://yoursite/_layouts/15/closeconnection.aspx?loginasanotheruser=true

Django handling automatic data creation through URL's

hello guys hopefully you guys are willing to work with a newbie I'm working in django and handling a google map (in jscript) which upon displaying a marker I have set a link that is clickable that opens a django url passing data regarding the location of that marker. If that data does not exist in the database I have created a definition in my view that does a check and populates the database with that data if it does not exist. Now the issue here is that what ever you type in for the url parameters ends up becoming populated in the database since there is nothing to validate it against regardless of whether you click in the google map or not. Now what I was looking to do was limit this database addition strictly to when a user clicks on a google map link, what would you guys recommend?
ajax, sessions etc... ? and how to go about it an example per se?
It would be good to have more info.
As a general rule, the http GET method shouldn't be used to change data. In this case, use a POST request, probably through AJAX.

Is there a way to figure out how often a SharePoint user clicked on a SiteCollection?

I'd like to know if there is a way to figure out how often a SharePoint (2013) user clicked on a SiteCollection or Web. Is there a specific service that is capable of the logging or is there a log in the database anyway? My idea is to display the result as a graph. For example:
(user a)-[40 clicks]->(SiteCollection X)<-[60 clicks]-(user b)
Read this for analytics in Sharepoint
But, if this report is important to you I strongly recommend using something like google analytics (which is free of course) to track the data by your self.
You can create your own account, and send an event each time user enters your site or web.
I did some more research and found the "SharePoint audit log reports". They do almost exactly what I want. Information about how often items in a SiteCollection have been clicked is provided and reports are saved as exel sheets. Example

How to develop a button for followers of a web site

I apologize for my English it is not very good.
I am developing a website that will have own followers.
I need to create a button by followers such as facebook, twitter or google plus buttons.
Thank you for any information that will allow me to begin to develop the button next to the platform.
Thank you
First, your English is fair enough. For creating your own follow button you will have to have an image that will be displayed on your website. When someone clicks on that button, your webapp should be able to know who clicked it and your should be able to remember that user in future as well. So first you will have users to register on your website (like facebook and twitter) for unique identification of each user.
Next, for remembering that a particular user is following your website you need to persist some information about that user. The obvious approach is having a database table to store the information. For instance you can have IS_FOLLOWING column in your USER table
But there are some considerations. First, the user must remain on the same page or be able to continue his activity even after cicking the follow button. For example, if the user is filling some form then his data should remain intact even after clicking the follow button. If the user is directed to some other page, he might lose information.
Second, database operations are costly. So you need to use them wisely.
One approach that I could think of is having AJAX do the work. If you want to learn AJAX you can visit this website and for AJAX database operations this one will be helpful.
Ajax will do all the work in background and both the problems mentioned above will be addressed. I hope this was helpful.