Text overlay not working with Xorg modesetting driver - c++

This is a piece of code which displays text and background rectangle When this piece of code is run with Intel as default XORG driver everything works fine both text and rectangle are being displayed,whereas when i switch to the Modesetting driver only the background rectangle is seen and text is not being displayed
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Screen *scn = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);
int screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
int screen_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
int screen_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
int defaultScnDepth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(scn);
Visual *visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(scn);
Window window=XCreateSimpleWindow(display,RootWindow(display,screen_num), 50, 50, 400, 400, 2 ,BlackPixel(display,screen_num),WhitePixel(display,screen_num));
XMapWindow(display, window);
XShmSegmentInfo shmInfo;
XImage *xImage;
Pixmap backPixmap;
(xImage) = XShmCreateImage(display, visual, defaultScnDepth, ZPixmap, NULL, &shmInfo, screen_width, screen_height);
shmInfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, (xImage)->bytes_per_line * (xImage)->height, IPC_CREAT | 0777);
shmInfo.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(shmInfo.shmid, 0, 0);
xImage->data = shmInfo.shmaddr;
shmInfo.readOnly = False;
XShmAttach(display, &shmInfo);
(backPixmap) = XShmCreatePixmap(display, window, (char *) (shmInfo.shmaddr), &shmInfo, (xImage)->width, (xImage)->height, (xImage)->depth);
XGCValues values;
GC gc = XCreateGC(display, backPixmap, 0, &values);
XSync(display, false);
Drawable drawable =backPixmap;
visual = DefaultVisual(display, DefaultScreen(display));
Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(display, window, visual, AllocNone);
//gc = XCreateGC(display, drawable, 0, &values);
//XFlushGC(display, gc);
const char *text = "Hello";
XftDraw *xftDraw = NULL;
XRenderColor xrFGColor, xrBGColor;
XftColor xftFGColor, xftBGColor;
XftFont *font = NULL;
font = XftFontOpenName( display, DefaultScreen( display ), "morpheus-18" );
xftDraw = XftDrawCreate(display, drawable, visual, colormap);
int nextLineStartY, rectYRef;
bool firstIte;
unsigned int rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight;
nextLineStartY = 0; rectYRef = 0;
firstIte = true;
rectX = 0; rectY = 0; rectWidth = 0; rectHeight = 0;
std::istringstream strStream(text);
std::string line;
while(std::getline(strStream, line))
const char *lineText = line.c_str();
if(*lineText == '\0')
nextLineStartY += rectHeight + 1;
const char *text = lineText;
XGlyphInfo extents;
XftTextExtents8(display, font, (XftChar8 *)text, strlen(text), &extents);
unsigned int width = extents.width;
unsigned int height = extents.height;
int ascent = extents.y;
int lBearing = extents.x;
rectX = 50 - lBearing - 1;
rectY = 50 - ascent - 1;
rectWidth = width + 2 * 1;
rectHeight = height + 5 + 1;
rectYRef = rectY;
firstIte = false;
int diff = rectYRef - rectY;
rectY += nextLineStartY + diff;
nextLineStartY += rectHeight + 1;
xrBGColor.red = 0x7fff;
xrBGColor.green= 0x7fff;
xrBGColor.blue = 0x7fff;
xrBGColor.alpha= 0xffff;
XftColorAllocValue(display, visual, colormap, &xrBGColor, &xftBGColor);
// Draw background fill rectangle
XftDrawRect(xftDraw, &xftBGColor, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight);
XftColorFree(display, visual, colormap, &xftBGColor);
xrFGColor.red = 0xbfff;
xrFGColor.green = 0xbfff;
xrFGColor.blue = 0xbfff;
xrFGColor.alpha= 0xffff;
XftColorAllocValue(display, visual, colormap, &xrFGColor, &xftFGColor);
// Overlay Text
XftDrawString8(xftDraw, &xftFGColor, font, 50, 50, (XftChar8 *) text, strlen(text));
XColor xForeColor;
xForeColor.red = 0xafff;
xForeColor.green = 0xafff;
xForeColor.blue = 0xffff;
XftColorFree(display, visual, colormap, &xftFGColor);
XFreeColors(display, colormap, &(xForeColor.pixel), 1, 0);
XShmPutImage(display, window, gc, xImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 400, 400, false);
XSync(display, false);
I tried out other drivers too, with the radeon drivers i see a X error that shared pixmaps are not supported while i don't see any such error for the modesetting driver.
Has this something to do with the shared pixmaps, if yes how should i make it work with the modesetting driver.
I have been stuck on this for a while now, any help would be appreciated.


Gtk smooth panning issue

I am in a project where map and other information are displayed in a Gtk window. There are several map layers, that I draw into a Cairo surface and save in a .png (plotRect() function in code below). That .png is displayed in a Gtk image when there is a Gtk draw signal (draw()).
I now want to accomplish smooth grabbing and panning. When the mouse button is pressed, I want the whole image to be translated within the window area, follow the movements of the mouse. When the button is released the image should be Cairo remade and redrawn with new bounds. During the drag/pan procedure itself there is no need to draw areas that where previously out of the window borders -- it is OK to wait for that to be done when the mouse button is released.
Enclosed you find a simplified version of my code. The main has a loop going until the windows is closed, redrawing the image after each panning. The problem is in the pan() function. After the translation in line 21 I woould expect the draw statement in line 128 to successively draw panned images while moving the mouse, but the visible image is unaffected. Uncommenting line 23 shows that graph->image has really been modified, and I can see that the draw signal of line 25 is invoking the draw() callback function. After button release, the translated image is correctly displayed.
Can anyone please give me some advice?
I'm using gcc, Cairo, Gtk3 and Ubuntu 18.04 on a double-booted MacBook Pro 64 bit i5.
#include <cairo.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
mutex mtx;
bool gtkMainLoopRunning = false;
#define SLEEP(d) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(d))
template <class T>
inline T sqr(T x) {
return x * x;
class Graph {
double toplat, leftlon; // upper left corner
double dydlat, dxdlon; // pixels / degree lon/lat
int size; // window x = y
GtkWidget *window;
GtkImage *image;
const char *png = "/tmp/image.png";
cairo_surface_t *surface{};
cairo_t *cr{};
bool closed = false;
bool leftbuttondown = false;
int mousex = 0, mousey = 0;
Graph(const double, const double, const double, const double);
void plotRect(const double, const double, const double, const double);
bool pan();
static gboolean draw(GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, gpointer data) {
Graph *graph = (Graph *)data;
if (!graph->leftbuttondown) {
gtk_image_set_from_file(graph->image, graph->png);
return FALSE;
static gboolean clicked(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *button, gpointer data) {
Graph *graph = (Graph *)data;
if (button->button == 1) {
if (button->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
graph->leftbuttondown = true;
} else if (button->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) {
graph->leftbuttondown = false;
graph->mousex = button->x;
graph->mousey = button->y;
return FALSE;
Graph::~Graph() {
do {
} while (gtkMainLoopRunning); // wait until gtk main loop has stopped
void destroyWindow(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) {
gtkMainLoopRunning = false;
Graph *graph = (Graph *)data;
graph->closed = true; // signal gtkThread to finish
gtk_widget_destroy((GtkWidget *)graph->image);
Graph::Graph(const double minlat, const double minlon, const double maxlat, const double maxlon) {
gtk_init(NULL, NULL);
window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
size = 800;
image = (GtkImage *)gtk_image_new();
gtk_widget_set_size_request((GtkWidget *)image, size, size);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), (GtkWidget *)image);
gtk_widget_show((GtkWidget *)image);
g_signal_connect(image, "draw", G_CALLBACK(draw), this);
g_signal_connect(window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(destroyWindow), this);
surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, size, size);
cr = cairo_create(surface);
g_signal_connect(window, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(clicked), this);
g_signal_connect(window, "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(clicked), this);
g_signal_connect(window, "motion-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(clicked), this);
const double coslat = cos((minlat + maxlat) / 2 * M_PI / 180);
const double extension = max(maxlat - minlat, (maxlon - minlon) * coslat); // [lat degrees]
toplat = (minlat + maxlat + extension) / 2;
leftlon = (minlon + maxlon - extension / coslat) / 2;
dydlat = -size / extension; // [pixels/degree]
dxdlon = size / extension * coslat;
gtkMainLoopRunning = true;
bool Graph::pan() {
const int sqrSignifPan = sqr(4);
while (!closed) {
if (leftbuttondown) {
int x0 = mousex;
int y0 = mousey;
int dx = 0, dy = 0;
GdkPixbuf *origPixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file("/tmp/image.png", NULL);
char *origPixels = (char *)gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(origPixbuf);
const int rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(origPixbuf);
const int nChannels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(origPixbuf);
char *imagePixels = (char *)gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(gtk_image_get_pixbuf(image));
while (leftbuttondown) {
const int dx0 = dx, dy0 = dy;
dx = mousex - x0, dy = mousey - y0;
if (sqr(dx - dx0) + sqr(dy - dy0) >= sqrSignifPan) {
const int minx = max(0, -dx);
const int nx = max(0, size - abs(dx));
if (nx > 0) {
for (int y = max(0, -dy); y < min(size, size - dy); ++y) {
memcpy(imagePixels + (y + dy) * rowstride + (minx + dx) * nChannels, origPixels + y * rowstride + minx * nChannels, nx * nChannels);
// gdk_pixbuf_save(gtk_image_get_pixbuf(image), "/tmp/imagePixbuf.png", "png", NULL, NULL);
gtk_widget_queue_draw((GtkWidget *)image);
SLEEP(10); // pause for drawing
// rescale graph
toplat -= (mousey - y0) / dydlat;
leftlon -= (mousex - x0) / dxdlon;
dxdlon = -dydlat * cos((toplat + size / dydlat / 2) * M_PI / 180);
gtk_widget_queue_draw((GtkWidget *)image);
return true;
return false;
void Graph::plotRect(const double minlat, const double minlon, const double maxlat, const double maxlon) {
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1);
cairo_rectangle(cr, (minlon - leftlon) * dxdlon, (minlat - toplat) * dydlat, (maxlon - minlon) * dxdlon, (maxlat - minlat) * dydlat);
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 1, 0);
cairo_surface_write_to_png(surface, png);
int main() {
const double minlat = 59, minlon = 16, maxlat = 60, maxlon = 18;
Graph *graph = new Graph(minlat - 0.5, minlon - 1, maxlat + 0.5, maxlon + 1);
do {
graph->plotRect(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon);
} while (graph->pan());
delete graph;

X11 won't open a window

I am trying to open an X11 window, print out one pixel, and then later add code to make Terminate() return true. But it won't make a window. Here is my code:
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <iostream>
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
bool Termination() {
return true;
int main() {
Display *dspl = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if (!dspl) return 1;
int screenNumber = DefaultScreen(dspl);
unsigned long white = WhitePixel(dspl, screenNumber);
unsigned long black = BlackPixel(dspl, screenNumber);
Window win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dspl, DefaultRootWindow(dspl), 50, 50, 1280, 720, 0, black, white);
XSetStandardProperties(dspl, win, "Lel", "Gaem", None, NULL, 0, NULL);
GC gc = XCreateGC(dspl, win, 0,0);
XSetBackground(dspl, gc, black);
XSetForeground(dspl, gc, white);
XClearWindow(dspl, win);
XMapRaised(dspl, win);
XDrawPoint(dspl, win, gc, x, y);
while (Termination())
XFreeGC(dspl, gc);
XDestroyWindow(dspl, win);
printf("Job's done!\n");
return 0;
What's keeping X11 from making my window appear?
add this before the while
XMapWindow(dspl, win);
XInternAtom(dspl, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);

How to display an image into an XCB window?

I'm having trouble displaying an image (PNG extracted with libpng) into an XCB window, it is always entirely empty/white. I'm pretty sure the PNG extraction is correct since I can perfectly re-write it into another file.
I've tried everything I found (explanations, guides, documentation) and I'm running out of ideas:
Creating an xcb_pixmap_t calling xcb_create_pixmap_from_bitmap_data() with the data taken from the PNG, then calling xcb_copy_area() into the EXPOSE part of the event loop.
Creating an xcb_image_t* calling xcb_image_create_from_bitmap_data() then trying to map it to the window with xcb_image_put(). I've even tried to display each pixel with xcb_image_put_pixel(), but without success.
Code sample:
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap = xcb_create_pixmap_from_bitmap_data(
connection, // xcb_connect(0, 0) (type: xcb_connection_t*)
window, // xcb_generate_id(connection) (type: xcb_window_t)
img.getData(), // uint8_t*
img.getWidth(), // 128
img.getHeight(), // 128
img.getBitDepth(), // 8
screen->black_pixel, // screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(connection)).data (type: xcb_screen_t*)
// "img" is an instance of my own custom class, result of PNG reading
xcb_image_t* image = xcb_image_create_from_bitmap_data(
img.getHeight()); // image->data seems fine
image, 0, 0, 0); // This does nothing
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < screen->height_in_pixels; ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < screen->width_in_pixels; ++j)
xcb_image_put_pixel(image, j, i, 0); // Displays nothing
// Into event loop
case XCB_EXPOSE: {
xcb_expose_event_t* exposeEvent = reinterpret_cast<xcb_expose_event_t*>(event);
exposeEvent->x, exposeEvent->y, // Top left x & y coordinates of the source's region to copy
exposeEvent->x, exposeEvent->y, // Top left x & y coordinates of the destination's region to copy to
From the examples I found I saw that it didn't need a colormap, but could that be the case? Could anyone tell me where I've gone wrong?
I threw together a simple xcb image viewer about 4 years ago, but just noticed this question, so apologies for the necromancy.
It uses xcb_image, stb_image and nanosvg, but compiles to a relatively small static binary (with a musl or uclibc toolchain)
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <xcb/xcb_image.h>
#define STBI_NO_HDR
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "nanosvg.h"
#include "nanosvgrast.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
xcb_connection_t *c = xcb_connect(0, 0);
xcb_screen_t *s = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(c)).data;
int w, h, n,
depth = s->root_depth,
xcb_colormap_t colormap = s->default_colormap;
xcb_drawable_t win = xcb_generate_id(c);
xcb_gcontext_t gc = xcb_generate_id(c);
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap = xcb_generate_id(c);
xcb_generic_event_t *ev;
xcb_image_t *image;
NSVGimage *shapes = NULL;
NSVGrasterizer *rast = NULL;
char *data = NULL;
unsigned *dp;
size_t i, len;
values[] = { s->black_pixel, value_mask };
if (argc<2) return -1;
if ((data = stbi_load(argv[1], &w, &h, &n, 4)))
else if ((shapes = nsvgParseFromFile(argv[1], "px", 96.0f))) {
w = (int)shapes->width;
h = (int)shapes->height;
rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer();
data = malloc(w*h*4);
nsvgRasterize(rast, shapes, 0,0,1, data, w, h, w*4);
}else return -1;
for(i=0,len=w*h,dp=(unsigned *)data;i<len;i++) //rgba to bgra
image = xcb_image_create_native(c,w,h,format,depth,data,w*h*4,data);
xcb_image_put(c, pixmap, gc, image, 0, 0, 0);
xcb_map_window(c, win);
while ((ev = xcb_wait_for_event(c))) {
switch (ev->response_type & ~0x80){
case XCB_EXPOSE: {
xcb_expose_event_t *x = (xcb_expose_event_t *)ev;
case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: goto end;
default: break;
xcb_free_pixmap(c, pixmap);
return 0;

Gtkmm - always same image when taking screenshot

I have a small c++ (c++11) program that screenshots the whole screen and save it in a file when a button is clicked
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <gtkmm.h>
using namespace Gtk;
class MainWindow : public Window
MainWindow(): m_button("Take Screen Shot")
m_button.signal_clicked().connect(std::bind(&MainWindow::on_mouse_clicked, this));
virtual ~MainWindow() {};
void on_mouse_clicked()
auto root = Gdk::Window::get_default_root_window();
int height = root->get_height();
int width = root->get_width();
auto pixels = Gdk::Pixbuf::create(root, 0, 0, width, height);
pixels->save("s.png", "png");
Button m_button;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainapp;
return app->run(mainapp);
The problem is: i get always the same image! the state of the screen when the app is launched. I want to get always the current state of the screen
Got the same issue, but on few computers only. Don't know, why this happened, but seems to be gtk and/or display driver error (I've got this bug with Intel display driver).
Anywhere, the followin solution works to me, but only with native x11:
Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Window rootWnd = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
XWindowAttributes wa;
XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, rootWnd, &wa);
XImage *rootImg = XGetImage(dpy, rootWnd, 0, 0, wa.width, wa.height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
const unsigned long mRed = rootImg->red_mask,
mBlue = rootImg->blue_mask,
mGreen = rootImg->green_mask
for(int y = 0; y < wa.height; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < wa.width; x++)
const unsigned long bgrPixel = XGetPixel(rootImg, x, y);
const unsigned char blue = bgrPixel & mBlue,
green = (bgrPixel & mGreen) >> 8,
red = (bgrPixel & mRed) >> 16,
alpha = bgrPixel >> 24
const unsigned long rgbPixel = red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16) | (alpha << 24);
XPutPixel(rootImg, x, y, rgbPixel);
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> img = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data(
(guint8 *)rootImg->data,
rootImg->bits_per_pixel == 32,
img->save("s.png", "png");
P.S.: Please, do not forget that Xlib works with BGR, but Gdk::Pixbuf with RGB pattern.

When i compile acode i have this error cannot open file X11/Xlib.h in c++

/* Sequential Mandelbrot program mandelbrot.c */
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#define X_RESN 800 /* x resolution */
#define Y_RESN 800 /* y resolution */
typedef struct complextype
{ float real, imag;
} Compl;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
{ Window win; /* window initialization */
int width, height, /* window size */
x, y, /* window position */
border_width, /* border width in pixels */
display_height, /* size of screen */
screen; /* which screen */
char *window_name = "Mandelbrot Set", *display_name = NULL;
GC gc;
unsigned long valuemask = 0;
XGCValues values;
Display *display;
XSizeHints size_hints;
Pixmap bitmap;
XPoint points[800];
FILE *fp, *fopen ();
char str[100];
XSetWindowAttributes attr[1];
/* Mandlebrot variables */
int i, j, k;
Compl z, c;
float lengthsq, temp;
/* connect to Xserver */
if ( (display = XOpenDisplay (display_name)) == NULL )
{ fprintf (stderr, "drawon: cannot connect to X server %s\n",
XDisplayName (display_name) );
exit (-1);
/* get screen size */
screen = DefaultScreen (display);
display_width = DisplayWidth (display, screen);
display_height = DisplayHeight (display, screen);
/* set window size */
width = X_RESN;
height = Y_RESN;
/* set window position */
x = 0;
y = 0;
/* create opaque window */
border_width = 4;
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow (display, screen),
x, y, width, height, border_width,
BlackPixel (display, screen), WhitePixel (display, screen));
size_hints.flags = USPosition|USSize;
size_hints.x = x;
size_hints.y = y;
size_hints.width = width;
size_hints.height = height;
size_hints.min_width = 300;
size_hints.min_height = 300;
XSetNormalHints (display, win, &size_hints);
XStoreName(display, win, window_name);
/* create graphics context */
gc = XCreateGC (display, win, valuemask, &values);
XSetBackground (display, gc, WhitePixel (display, screen));
XSetForeground (display, gc, BlackPixel (display, screen));
XSetLineAttributes (display,gc,1,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinRound);
attr[0].backing_store = Always;
attr[0].backing_planes = 1;
attr[0].backing_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen);
XChangeWindowAttributes(display, win,
CWBackingStore | CWBackingPlanes | CWBackingPixel, attr);
XMapWindow (display, win);
XSync(display, 0);
/* Calculate and draw points */
for(i=0; i < X_RESN; i++)
{ for(j=0; j < Y_RESN; j++)
{ z.real = z.imag = 0.0; /* 800x800 scale factors */
c.real = ((float) j - 400.0)/200.0;
c.imag = ((float) i - 400.0)/200.0;
k = 0;
{ /* iterate for pixel color */
temp = z.real*z.real - z.imag*z.imag + c.real;
z.imag = 2.0*z.real*z.imag + c.imag;
z.real = temp;
lengthsq = z.real*z.real+z.imag*z.imag;
} while (lengthsq < 4.0 && k < 100);
if (k == 100) XDrawPoint (display, win, gc, j, i);
} }
XFlush (display);
sleep (30);
/* Program Finished */
Open up a command prompt and run the two commands:
find / -type f - name Xlib.h
find / -type d - name X11
That should help you locate that file and/or directory so you can see whether it's available.
If it is available (e.g., it's found at /usr/include/X_stuff/X11/Xlib.h), make sure your compiler command references it, like:
g++ -I/usr/include/X_stuff ...
If it's not there, install it.
Either you forgot to install the X development packages, or the directory containing the headers was not added to the includedir list.