I wrote a simple FLTK program to draw a circle when clicking on the "Draw Circle" button and to draw a line when clicking on the "Draw Line" button. I supposed to have only one graph. But I got two graphs in the panel. I want only one showing and the other disappearing. The following is the code:
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
using namespace std;
int flag = 0;
class Drawing : public Fl_Box {
void draw() {
fl_color(255, 0, 0);
int x, y, x1, y1;
if (flag == 1) {
double radius = 100;
x = (int)(w() / 2);
y = (int)(h() / 2);
fl_circle(x, y, radius);
else if (flag == -1) {
x = (int)(w() / 4);
y = (int)(h() / 4);
x1 = (int)(w() *3/ 4);
y1 = (int)(h() *3/ 4);
fl_line(x, y, x1, y1);
Drawing(int X, int Y, int W, int H) : Fl_Box(X, Y, W, H) {}
Drawing* d;
void circle_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {
flag = 1;
} // end sumbit_cb
void line_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {
flag = -1;
} // end clear_cb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Fl_Window* window = new Fl_Window(600, 550); // create a window, originally(400,400)
Drawing dr(0, 0, 600, 600);
d = &dr;
Fl_Button *b, *c;
b = new Fl_Button(150, 80, 100, 25, "&Draw Circle");
c = new Fl_Button(350, 80, 100, 25, "&Draw Line");
window->end(); //show the window
window->show(argc, argv);
return Fl::run();
I have used fl_overlay_clear() to clear graph. However it is not working. Any help will be appreciated.
There are several issues that need to be fixed in your program, but first of all using the draw() method as you did is basically correct. However, using fl_overlay_clear(); is useless, you can remove it.
My solution: your widget doesn't have a solid background (boxtype), i.e. your draw method draws over the background over and over again w/o clearing it. There are several ways to solve this, but if you want to learn what happens, try this first: add window->resizable(window); before window->show(argc, argv);, run the program again and resize the window. You'll notice that the previous drawing disappears and only one drawing stays. That's because the background is cleared when you resize the widget.
Next step: add a solid boxtype:
d = &dr;
and add Fl_Box::draw(); right at the beginning of your draw() method.
If you do that you may notice that your button(s) disappear when you click one of them - because your buttons are inside the area of your Drawing. The last thing(s) I fixed was to correct the coordinates of buttons and to enlarge the window (it was too small anyway to cover the entire Drawing). Here's my complete result:
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
using namespace std;
int flag = 0;
class Drawing : public Fl_Box {
void draw() {
fl_color(255, 0, 0);
int x, y, x1, y1;
if (flag == 1) {
double radius = 100;
x = (int)(w() / 2);
y = (int)(h() / 2);
fl_circle(x, y, radius);
} else if (flag == -1) {
x = (int)(w() / 4);
y = (int)(h() / 4);
x1 = (int)(w() * 3 / 4);
y1 = (int)(h() * 3 / 4);
fl_line(x, y, x1, y1);
Drawing(int X, int Y, int W, int H)
: Fl_Box(X, Y, W, H) {}
Drawing *d;
void circle_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) {
flag = 1;
// fl_overlay_clear(); // not useful
} // end sumbit_cb
void line_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) {
flag = -1;
// fl_overlay_clear(); // not useful
} // end clear_cb
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Fl_Window *window = new Fl_Window(600, 660); // create a window, originally(400,400)
Drawing dr(0, 60, 600, 600); // FIXED
d = &dr;
d->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); // ADDED
Fl_Button *b, *c;
b = new Fl_Button(150, 20, 100, 25, "&Draw Circle"); // FIXED
c = new Fl_Button(350, 20, 100, 25, "&Draw Line"); // FIXED
window->end(); // show the window
window->resizable(window); // ADDED
window->show(argc, argv);
return Fl::run();
I believe this does what you want.
PS: the official FLTK support forum can be found on our website and the direct link to the user forum (Google Groups) is
Just a quick addition to what Albrecht put so perfectly: FLTK drawing coordinates are relative to the window, not relative to the widget. You probably want to offset your drawing by the x() and y() coordinates of your widget.
In your handle() methods line_cb() , circle_cb() should call window()->make_current() and then fl_overlay_rect() after FL_DRAG events, and should call fl_overlay_clear() after a FL_RELEASE event. Refer for more details
This is a piece of code which displays text and background rectangle When this piece of code is run with Intel as default XORG driver everything works fine both text and rectangle are being displayed,whereas when i switch to the Modesetting driver only the background rectangle is seen and text is not being displayed
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Screen *scn = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);
int screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
int screen_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num);
int screen_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num);
int defaultScnDepth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(scn);
Visual *visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(scn);
Window window=XCreateSimpleWindow(display,RootWindow(display,screen_num), 50, 50, 400, 400, 2 ,BlackPixel(display,screen_num),WhitePixel(display,screen_num));
XMapWindow(display, window);
XShmSegmentInfo shmInfo;
XImage *xImage;
Pixmap backPixmap;
(xImage) = XShmCreateImage(display, visual, defaultScnDepth, ZPixmap, NULL, &shmInfo, screen_width, screen_height);
shmInfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, (xImage)->bytes_per_line * (xImage)->height, IPC_CREAT | 0777);
shmInfo.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(shmInfo.shmid, 0, 0);
xImage->data = shmInfo.shmaddr;
shmInfo.readOnly = False;
XShmAttach(display, &shmInfo);
(backPixmap) = XShmCreatePixmap(display, window, (char *) (shmInfo.shmaddr), &shmInfo, (xImage)->width, (xImage)->height, (xImage)->depth);
XGCValues values;
GC gc = XCreateGC(display, backPixmap, 0, &values);
XSync(display, false);
Drawable drawable =backPixmap;
visual = DefaultVisual(display, DefaultScreen(display));
Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(display, window, visual, AllocNone);
//gc = XCreateGC(display, drawable, 0, &values);
//XFlushGC(display, gc);
const char *text = "Hello";
XftDraw *xftDraw = NULL;
XRenderColor xrFGColor, xrBGColor;
XftColor xftFGColor, xftBGColor;
XftFont *font = NULL;
font = XftFontOpenName( display, DefaultScreen( display ), "morpheus-18" );
xftDraw = XftDrawCreate(display, drawable, visual, colormap);
int nextLineStartY, rectYRef;
bool firstIte;
unsigned int rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight;
nextLineStartY = 0; rectYRef = 0;
firstIte = true;
rectX = 0; rectY = 0; rectWidth = 0; rectHeight = 0;
std::istringstream strStream(text);
std::string line;
while(std::getline(strStream, line))
const char *lineText = line.c_str();
if(*lineText == '\0')
nextLineStartY += rectHeight + 1;
const char *text = lineText;
XGlyphInfo extents;
XftTextExtents8(display, font, (XftChar8 *)text, strlen(text), &extents);
unsigned int width = extents.width;
unsigned int height = extents.height;
int ascent = extents.y;
int lBearing = extents.x;
rectX = 50 - lBearing - 1;
rectY = 50 - ascent - 1;
rectWidth = width + 2 * 1;
rectHeight = height + 5 + 1;
rectYRef = rectY;
firstIte = false;
int diff = rectYRef - rectY;
rectY += nextLineStartY + diff;
nextLineStartY += rectHeight + 1;
{ = 0x7fff; 0x7fff; = 0x7fff;
xrBGColor.alpha= 0xffff;
XftColorAllocValue(display, visual, colormap, &xrBGColor, &xftBGColor);
// Draw background fill rectangle
XftDrawRect(xftDraw, &xftBGColor, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight);
XftColorFree(display, visual, colormap, &xftBGColor);
} = 0xbfff; = 0xbfff; = 0xbfff;
xrFGColor.alpha= 0xffff;
XftColorAllocValue(display, visual, colormap, &xrFGColor, &xftFGColor);
// Overlay Text
XftDrawString8(xftDraw, &xftFGColor, font, 50, 50, (XftChar8 *) text, strlen(text));
XColor xForeColor; = 0xafff; = 0xafff; = 0xffff;
XftColorFree(display, visual, colormap, &xftFGColor);
XFreeColors(display, colormap, &(xForeColor.pixel), 1, 0);
XShmPutImage(display, window, gc, xImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 400, 400, false);
XSync(display, false);
I tried out other drivers too, with the radeon drivers i see a X error that shared pixmaps are not supported while i don't see any such error for the modesetting driver.
Has this something to do with the shared pixmaps, if yes how should i make it work with the modesetting driver.
I have been stuck on this for a while now, any help would be appreciated.
I'm having trouble displaying an image (PNG extracted with libpng) into an XCB window, it is always entirely empty/white. I'm pretty sure the PNG extraction is correct since I can perfectly re-write it into another file.
I've tried everything I found (explanations, guides, documentation) and I'm running out of ideas:
Creating an xcb_pixmap_t calling xcb_create_pixmap_from_bitmap_data() with the data taken from the PNG, then calling xcb_copy_area() into the EXPOSE part of the event loop.
Creating an xcb_image_t* calling xcb_image_create_from_bitmap_data() then trying to map it to the window with xcb_image_put(). I've even tried to display each pixel with xcb_image_put_pixel(), but without success.
Code sample:
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap = xcb_create_pixmap_from_bitmap_data(
connection, // xcb_connect(0, 0) (type: xcb_connection_t*)
window, // xcb_generate_id(connection) (type: xcb_window_t)
img.getData(), // uint8_t*
img.getWidth(), // 128
img.getHeight(), // 128
img.getBitDepth(), // 8
screen->black_pixel, // screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(connection)).data (type: xcb_screen_t*)
// "img" is an instance of my own custom class, result of PNG reading
xcb_image_t* image = xcb_image_create_from_bitmap_data(
img.getHeight()); // image->data seems fine
image, 0, 0, 0); // This does nothing
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < screen->height_in_pixels; ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < screen->width_in_pixels; ++j)
xcb_image_put_pixel(image, j, i, 0); // Displays nothing
// Into event loop
case XCB_EXPOSE: {
xcb_expose_event_t* exposeEvent = reinterpret_cast<xcb_expose_event_t*>(event);
exposeEvent->x, exposeEvent->y, // Top left x & y coordinates of the source's region to copy
exposeEvent->x, exposeEvent->y, // Top left x & y coordinates of the destination's region to copy to
From the examples I found I saw that it didn't need a colormap, but could that be the case? Could anyone tell me where I've gone wrong?
I threw together a simple xcb image viewer about 4 years ago, but just noticed this question, so apologies for the necromancy.
It uses xcb_image, stb_image and nanosvg, but compiles to a relatively small static binary (with a musl or uclibc toolchain)
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <xcb/xcb_image.h>
#define STBI_NO_HDR
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "nanosvg.h"
#include "nanosvgrast.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
xcb_connection_t *c = xcb_connect(0, 0);
xcb_screen_t *s = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(c)).data;
int w, h, n,
depth = s->root_depth,
xcb_colormap_t colormap = s->default_colormap;
xcb_drawable_t win = xcb_generate_id(c);
xcb_gcontext_t gc = xcb_generate_id(c);
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap = xcb_generate_id(c);
xcb_generic_event_t *ev;
xcb_image_t *image;
NSVGimage *shapes = NULL;
NSVGrasterizer *rast = NULL;
char *data = NULL;
unsigned *dp;
size_t i, len;
values[] = { s->black_pixel, value_mask };
if (argc<2) return -1;
if ((data = stbi_load(argv[1], &w, &h, &n, 4)))
else if ((shapes = nsvgParseFromFile(argv[1], "px", 96.0f))) {
w = (int)shapes->width;
h = (int)shapes->height;
rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer();
data = malloc(w*h*4);
nsvgRasterize(rast, shapes, 0,0,1, data, w, h, w*4);
}else return -1;
for(i=0,len=w*h,dp=(unsigned *)data;i<len;i++) //rgba to bgra
image = xcb_image_create_native(c,w,h,format,depth,data,w*h*4,data);
xcb_image_put(c, pixmap, gc, image, 0, 0, 0);
xcb_map_window(c, win);
while ((ev = xcb_wait_for_event(c))) {
switch (ev->response_type & ~0x80){
case XCB_EXPOSE: {
xcb_expose_event_t *x = (xcb_expose_event_t *)ev;
case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: goto end;
default: break;
xcb_free_pixmap(c, pixmap);
return 0;
Creating a window with GLFW3 is done using glfwCreateWindow:
GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow ( int width,
int height,
const char *title,
GLFWmonitor *monitor,
GLFWwindow *share
If the monitor parameter is not NULL, the window is created in full screen mode on the given monitor. One can receive the primary monitor by calling glfwGetPrimaryMonitor, or chose one of the results of glfwGetMonitors. But how can I create a full screen window on the current monitor, i.e. the monitor the window is currently running in windowed mode? There seems to be no way to receive the currently used monitor. There is glfwGetWindowMonitor, but it only returns the monitor in full screen mode, NULL in windowed mode.
You can find the current monitor with glfwGetWindowPos/glfwGetWindowSize.
This function returns the monitor that contains the greater window area.
static int mini(int x, int y)
return x < y ? x : y;
static int maxi(int x, int y)
return x > y ? x : y;
GLFWmonitor* get_current_monitor(GLFWwindow *window)
int nmonitors, i;
int wx, wy, ww, wh;
int mx, my, mw, mh;
int overlap, bestoverlap;
GLFWmonitor *bestmonitor;
GLFWmonitor **monitors;
const GLFWvidmode *mode;
bestoverlap = 0;
bestmonitor = NULL;
glfwGetWindowPos(window, &wx, &wy);
glfwGetWindowSize(window, &ww, &wh);
monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&nmonitors);
for (i = 0; i < nmonitors; i++) {
mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitors[i]);
glfwGetMonitorPos(monitors[i], &mx, &my);
mw = mode->width;
mh = mode->height;
overlap =
maxi(0, mini(wx + ww, mx + mw) - maxi(wx, mx)) *
maxi(0, mini(wy + wh, my + mh) - maxi(wy, my));
if (bestoverlap < overlap) {
bestoverlap = overlap;
bestmonitor = monitors[i];
return bestmonitor;
After discussion on IRC it seems that it is not possible to retrieve the currently active monitor (as in the monitor the window is currently drawn on) with GLFW. Therefore it is not possible to create a full screen window on the current monitor.
EDIT: Even though there is no GLFW functionality to directly achieve this, the answer of Shmo provides an elegant solution.
Here is Shmo's answer, ported over to LWJGL:
/** Determines the current monitor that the specified window is being displayed on.
* If the monitor could not be determined, the primary monitor will be returned.
* #param window The window to query
* #return The current monitor on which the window is being displayed, or the primary monitor if one could not be determined
* #author Shmo<br>
* Ported to LWJGL by Brian_Entei */
#NativeType("GLFWmonitor *")
public static final long glfwGetCurrentMonitor(long window) {
int[] wx = {0}, wy = {0}, ww = {0}, wh = {0};
int[] mx = {0}, my = {0}, mw = {0}, mh = {0};
int overlap, bestoverlap;
long bestmonitor;
PointerBuffer monitors;
GLFWVidMode mode;
bestoverlap = 0;
bestmonitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();// (You could set this back to NULL, but I'd rather be guaranteed to get a valid monitor);
glfwGetWindowPos(window, wx, wy);
glfwGetWindowSize(window, ww, wh);
monitors = glfwGetMonitors();
while(monitors.hasRemaining()) {
long monitor = monitors.get();
mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
glfwGetMonitorPos(monitor, mx, my);
mw[0] = mode.width();
mh[0] = mode.height();
overlap =
Math.max(0, Math.min(wx[0] + ww[0], mx[0] + mw[0]) - Math.max(wx[0], mx[0])) *
Math.max(0, Math.min(wy[0] + wh[0], my[0] + mh[0]) - Math.max(wy[0], my[0]));
if (bestoverlap < overlap) {
bestoverlap = overlap;
bestmonitor = monitor;
return bestmonitor;
(See "Edit 2" below for the solution.)
I need to create SDL surfaces from scratch, instead of loading them from a file. Unfortunately, SDL_BlitSurface() seems to render all colors as black when used with the surface generated through SDL_CreateRGBSurface(). This is my code:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
SDL_Surface* layer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, 100, 100,
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.x = 0;
rect.y = 0;
rect.w = 100;
rect.h = 100;
Uint32 blue = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 255);
SDL_FillRect(layer, &rect, blue);
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, NULL, layer, NULL);
return 0;
What I get is a black screen, instead of a 100x100 blue rectangle. What I could find by Googling doesn't seem to help me, as those questions either apply to 8bit surfaces (and setting palettes — my bpp is 32 here) or are left unanswered.
So, I would like to know how should I properly blit a generated surface onto a SDL screen.
Edit: I see it was an error in the parameter ordering. The line in question should read
SDL_BlitSurface(layer, NULL, screen, NULL);
Still, I am having trouble to achieve the same effect in my more complex C++ program. I will post the relevant parts of the code here:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
SDLScreen screen(1024, 700, "Hello, SDL!");
SDL_Event event;
SDLMenu menu;
bool shouldQuit = false;
menu.setBounds(200, 100, 200, 600);
menu.addItem("New game");
menu.addItem("Load game");
menu.addItem("Save game");
while (!shouldQuit)
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
shouldQuit = true;
else if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP)
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q)
shouldQuit = true;
SDLMenu::setSelectionColorRGB(int r, int g, int b)
SDL_VideoInfo* info = (SDL_VideoInfo*)SDL_GetVideoInfo();
selectionColor = SDL_MapRGB(info->vfmt, r, g, b);
SDLText* current = NULL;
SDL_VideoInfo* info = (SDL_VideoInfo*)SDL_GetVideoInfo();
if (!items->empty())
current = getItemAt(currentItem);
selectionRect = getItemRect(current);
selectionCanvas = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE,
selectionRect->w, selectionRect->h,
SDL_FillRect(selectionCanvas, selectionRect, selectionColor);
SDL_SaveBMP(selectionCanvas, "selection.bmp"); // debug
for (list<SDLText*>::iterator i = items->begin();
i != items->end(); i++)
SDLMenu::draw(SDL_Surface* canvas)
int currentY = bounds.y;
if (selectionCanvas != NULL)
SDL_BlitSurface(selectionCanvas, NULL, canvas, selectionRect);
for (list<SDLText*>::iterator i = items->begin();
i != items->end(); i++)
(*i)->draw(bounds.x, currentY, canvas);
currentY += fontSize + itemGap;
SDLScreen::SDLScreen(int w, int h, string t, int d)
: width(w), height(h), depth(d), title(t)
SDL_WM_SetCaption(title.c_str(), NULL);
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
The selection rectangle for the active menu item should be blue, but it shows up in black. The file selection.bmp is also all black.
Edit 2: I found out what created the problem. The selectionRect was set relative to the screen, while the selectionCanvas had the width and height of a particular menu item. So, the filling was done out of bounds of the selectionCanvas. Adding separate SDL_Rect for filling solved the problem.
SDL_Rect fillRect;
fillRect.x = 0;
fillRect.y = 0;
fillRect.w = selectionRect->w;
fillRect.h = selectionRect->h;
SDL_FillRect(selectionCanvas, &fillRect, selectionColor);
// and later...
SDL_BlitSurface(selectionCanvas, NULL, canvas, selectionRect);
You inverted source and destination. To blit on screen, it should be
SDL_BlitSurface(layer, NULL, screen, NULL);
doc for SDL_BlitSurface