TopologyTestDriver with streaming groupByKey.windowedBy.reduce not working like kafka server [duplicate] - unit-testing

I'm trying to play with Kafka Stream to aggregate some attribute of People.
I have a kafka stream test like this :
new ConsumerRecordFactory[Array[Byte], Character]("input", new ByteArraySerializer(), new CharacterSerializer())
var i = 0
while (i != 5) {
Character(123,12), 15*10000L))
val output = testDriver.readOutput....
I'm trying to group the value by key like this :[Array[Byte], Character](inputKafkaTopic)
.filter((key, _) => key == null )
.mapValues(character=> PersonInfos(, character.id2, character.age) // case class
.groupBy((_, value) => CharacterInfos(, value.id2) // case class)
.count().toStream.print(Printed.toSysOut[CharacterInfos, Long])
When i'm running the code, I got this :
[KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000012]: CharacterInfos(123,12), 1
[KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000012]: CharacterInfos(123,12), 2
[KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000012]: CharacterInfos(123,12), 3
[KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000012]: CharacterInfos(123,12), 4
[KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000012]: CharacterInfos(123,12), 5
Why i'm getting 5 rows instead of just one line with CharacterInfos and the count ?
Doesn't groupBy just change the key ?

If you use the TopologyTestDriver caching is effectively disabled and thus, every input record will always produce an output record. This is by design, because caching implies non-deterministic behavior what makes itsvery hard to write an actual unit test.
If you deploy the code in a real application, the behavior will be different and caching will reduce the output load -- which intermediate results you will get, is not defined (ie, non-deterministic); compare Michael Noll's answer.
For your unit test, it should actually not really matter, and you can either test for all output records (ie, all intermediate results), or put all output records into a key-value Map and only test for the last emitted record per key (if you don't care about the intermediate results) in the test.
Furthermore, you could use suppress() operator to get fine grained control over what output messages you get. suppress()—in contrast to caching—is fully deterministic and thus writing a unit test works well. However, note that suppress() is event-time driven, and thus, if you stop sending new records, time does not advance and suppress() does not emit data. For unit testing, this is important to consider, because you might need to send some additional "dummy" data to trigger the output you actually want to test for. For more details on suppress() check out this blog post:

Update: I didn't spot the line in the example code that refers to the TopologyTestDriver in Kafka Streams. My answer below is for the 'normal' KStreams application behavior, whereas the TopologyTestDriver behaves differently. See the answer by Matthias J. Sax for the latter.
This is expected behavior. Somewhat simplified, Kafka Streams emits by default a new output record as soon as a new input record was received.
When you are aggregating (here: counting) the input data, then the aggregation result will be updated (and thus a new output record produced) as soon as new input was received for the aggregation.
input record 1 ---> new output record with count=1
input record 2 ---> new output record with count=2
input record 5 ---> new output record with count=5
What to do about it: You can reduce the number of 'intermediate' outputs through configuring the size of the so-called record caches as well as the setting of the parameter. See Memory Management. However, how much reduction you will be seeing depends not only on these settings but also on the characteristics of your input data, and because of that the extent of the reduction may also vary over time (think: could be 90% in the first hour of data, 76% in the second hour of data, etc.). That is, the reduction process is deterministic but from the resulting reduction amount is difficult to predict from the outside.
Note: When doing windowed aggregations (like windowed counts) you can also use the Suppress() API so that the number of intermediate updates is not only reduced, but there will only ever be a single output per window. However, in your use case/code you the aggregation is not windowed, so cannot use the Suppress API.
To help you understand why the setup is this way: You must keep in mind that a streaming system generally operates on unbounded streams of data, which means the system doesn't know 'when it has received all the input data'. So even the term 'intermediate outputs' is actually misleading: at the time the second input record was received, for example, the system believes that the result of the (non-windowed) aggregation is '2' -- its the correct result to the best of its knowledge at this point in time. It cannot predict whether (or when) another input record might arrive.
For windowed aggregations (where Suppress is supported) this is a bit easier, because the window size defines a boundary for the input data of a given window. Here, the Suppress() API allows you to make a trade-off decision between better latency but with multiple outputs per window (default behavior, Suppress disabled) and longer latency but you'll get only a single output per window (Suppress enabled). In the latter case, if you have 1h windows, you will not see any output for a given window until 1h later, so to speak. For some use cases this is acceptable, for others it is not.


Parallelize map() operation on single Observable and receive results out of order

Given an Observable<Input> and a mapping function Function<Input, Output> that is expensive but takes variable time, is there a way to call the mapping function in parallel on multiple inputs, and receive the outputs in the order they're produced?
I've tried using observeOn() with a multi-threaded Scheduler:
PublishSubject<Input> inputs = PublishSubject.create();
Function<Input, Output> mf = ...
Observer<Output> myObserver = ...
// Note: same results with newFixedThreadPool(2)
Executor exec = Executors.newWorkStealingThreadPool();
// Use ConnectableObservable to make sure mf is called only once
// no matter how many downstream observers
ConnectableObservable<Output> outputs = inputs
inputs.onNext(slowInput); // `mf.apply()` takes a long time to complete on this input
inputs.onNext(fastInput); // `mf.apply()` takes a short time to complete on this input
but in testing, mf.apply(fastInput) is never called till after mf.apply(slowInput) completes.
If I play some tricks in my test with CountDownLatch to ensure mf.apply(slowInput) can't complete until after mf.apply(fastInput), the program deadlocks.
Is there some simple operator I should be using here, or is getting Observables out of order just against the grain of RxJava, and I should be using a different technology?
ETA: I looked at using ParallelFlowable (converting it back to a plain Flowable with .sequential() before subscribing myObserver1/2, or rather mySubscriber1/2), but then I get extra mf.apply() calls, one per input per Subscriber. There's ConnectableFlowable, but I'm not having much luck figuring out how to mix it with .parallel().
I guess observeOn operator does not support concurrent execution for alone. So, how about using flatMap? Assume the mf function needs a lot time.
ConnectableObservable<Output> outputs = inputs
.flatMap(it -> Observable.just(it)
ConnectableObservable<Output> outputs = inputs
.flatMap(it -> Observable.just(it)
Edit 2019-12-30
If you want to run tasks concurrently, but supposed to keep the order, use concatMapEager operator instead of flatMap.
ConnectableObservable<Output> outputs = inputs
.concatMapEager(it -> Observable.just(it) // here
Doesn't sound possible to me, unless Rx has some very specialised operator to do so. If you're using flatMap to do the mapping, then the elements will arrive out-of-order. Or you could use concatMap but then you'll lose the parallel mapping that you want.
Edit: As mentioned by another poster, concatMapEager should work for this. Parallel subscription and in-order results.

Watermark trigger in Onyx does not fire

I have an Onyx stream of segments that are messages with a timestamp (coming in in chronological order). Say, they look like this:
{:id 1 :timestamp "2018-09-04 13:15:42" :msg "Hello, World!"}
{:id 2 :timestamp "2018-09-04 21:32:03" :msg "Lorem ipsum"}
{:id 3 :timestamp "2018-09-05 03:01:52" :msg "Dolor sit amet"}
{:id 4 :timestamp "2018-09-05 09:28:16" :msg "Consetetur sadipscing"}
{:id 5 :timestamp "2018-09-05 12:45:33" :msg "Elitr sed diam"}
{:id 6 :timestamp "2018-09-06 08:14:29" :msg "Nonumy eirmod"}
For each time window (of one day) in the data, I want to run a computation on the set of all its segments. I.e., in the example, I would want to operate on the segments with ids 1 and 2 (for Sept 4th), next on the ids 3, 4 and 5 (for Sept 5th), and so on.
Onyx offers windows and triggers, and they should do what I want out of the box. If I use a window of :window/type :fixed and aggregate over :window/range [1 :day] with respect to :window/window-key :timestamp, I will aggregate all segments of each day.
To only trigger my computations when all segments of a day have arrived, Onyx offers the trigger behaviour :onyx.triggers/watermark. According to the documentation, it should fire
if the value of :window/window-key in the segment exceeds the upper-bound in the extent of an active window
However, the trigger does not fire, even though I can see that later segments are already coming in and several windows should be full. As a sanity check, I tried a simple :onyx.triggers/segment trigger, which worked as expected.
My failed attempt at creating a minimal example:
I modified the fixed windows toy job to test watermark triggering, and it worked there.
However, I found out that in this toy job, the reason the watermark trigger is firing might be:
Did it close the input channel? Maybe the job just completed which can trigger the watermark too.
Another aspect that interacts with watermark triggering is the distributed work on tasks by peers.
The comments to issue #839 (:trigger/emit not working with :onyx.triggers/watermark) in the Onyx repo pointed me to issue #840 (Watermark doesn't work with Kafka topic having > 1 partition), where I found this clue (emphasis mine):
The problem is that all of your data is ending up on one partition, and the watermarks always takes the minimum watermark over all of the input peers (and if using the native kafka watermarks, the minimum watermark for a given peer).
As you call g/send with small amounts of data, and auto partition assignment, all of your data is ending up on one partition, meaning that the other partition's peer continues emitting a watermark of 0.
I found out that:
It’s impossible to use it with the current watermark trigger, which relies on the input source. You could try to pull the previous watermark implementation [...]
In my task graph, however, the segments I want to aggregate in windows, are only created in some intermediate task, they don't originate from the input task as such. The input segments only provide information how to create/retrieve the content of the segments to that intermediate task.
Again, this constructs works fine in above mentioned toy job. The reason is that the input channel is closed at some point, which ends the job, which in turn triggers the watermark. So my toy example is actually not a good model, because it is not an open-ended stream.
If a job does get the segments in question from an actual input source, but without timestamps, Onyx seems to provide room to specify a assign-watermark-fn, which is an optional attribute of an input task. That function sets the watermark on each arrival of a new segment. In my case, this does not help, since the segments do not originate from an input task.
I came up with a work-around myself now. The documentation basically gives a clue how that can be done:
This is a shortcut function for a punctuation trigger that fires when any piece of data has a time-based window key that is above another extent, effectively declaring that no more data for earlier windows will be arriving.
So I changed the task that emits the segments so that for every segment there will be emitted another "sentinel" like segment as well:
[{:id 1 :timestamp "2018-09-04 13:15:42" :msg "Hello, World!"}
{:timestamp "2018-09-03 13:15:42" :over :out}]
Note that the :timestamp is predated by the window range (here, 1 day). So it will be sent to the previous window. Since my data comes in chronologically, a :punctuation trigger can tell from the presence of a "sentinel" segment (with keyword :over) that the window can be closed. Don't forget to evict (i.e., :trigger/post-evictor [:all]) and throw away the "sentinel" segment from the final window. Adding :onyx/max-peers 1 in the task map makes sure that a sentinel always arrives eventually, especially when using grouping.
Note that two assumptions go into this work-around:
The data comes in chronological
There are no windows without segments

Monitor buffers in GNU Radio

I have a question regarding buffering in between blocks in GNU Radio. I know that each block in GNU (including custom blocks) have buffers to store items that are going to be sent or received items. In my project, there is a certain sequence I have to maintain to synchronize events between blocks. I am using GNU radio on the Xilinx ZC706 FPGA platform with the FMCOMMS5.
In the GNU radio companion I created a custom block that controls a GPIO Output port on the board. In addition, I have an independent source block that is feeding information into the FMCOMMS GNU block. The sequence I am trying to maintain is that, in GNU radio, I first send data to the FMCOMMS block, second I want to make sure that the data got consumed by the FMCOMMS block (essentially by checking buffer), then finally I want to control the GPIO output.
From my observations, the source block buffer doesn’t seem to send the items until it’s full. This will cause a major issue in my project because this means that the GPIO data will be sent before or in parallel with sending the items to the other GNU blocks. That’s because I’m setting the GPIO value through direct access to its address in the ‘work’ function of my custom block.
I tried to use pc_output_buffers_full() in the ‘work’ function of my custom source in order to monitor the buffer, but I’m always getting 0.00. I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be used in custom blocks or if the ‘buffer’ in this case is something different from where the output items are stored. Here's a small code snippet which shows the problem:
char level_count = 0, level_val = 1;
vector<float> buff (1, 0.0000);
for(int i=0; i< noutput_items; i++)
if(level_count < 20 && i< noutput_items)
out[i] = gr_complex((float)level_val,0);
else if(i<noutput_items)
level_count = 0;
level_val ^=1;
out[i] = gr_complex((float)level_val,0);
buff = pc_output_buffers_full();
for (int n = 0; n < buff.size(); n++)
cout << fixed << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << setfill('0') << buff[n] << " ";
cout << "\n";
Is there a way to monitor the buffer so that I can determine when my first part of data bits have been sent? Or is there a way to make sure that the each single output item is being sent like a continuous stream to the next block(s)?
GNU Radio Companion version: 3.7.8
OS: Linaro 14.04 image running on the FPGA
Or is there a way to make sure that the each single output item is being sent like a continuous stream to the next block(s)?
Nope, that's not how GNU Radio works (at all!):
A while back I wrote an article that explains how GNU Radio deals with buffers, and what these actually are. While the in-memory architecture of GNU Radio buffers might be of lesser interest to you, let me quickly summarize the dynamics of it:
The buffers that (general_)work functions are called with behave for all that's practical like linearly addressable ring buffers. You get a random number of samples at once (restrictable to minimum numbers, multiples of numbers), and all that you not consume will be handed to you the next time work is called.
These buffers hence keep track of how much you've consumed, and thus, how much free space is in a buffer.
The input buffer a block sees is actually the output buffer of the "upstream" block in the flow graph.
GNU Radio's computation is backpressure-controlled: Any block's work method will immediately be called in an endless loop given that:
There's enough input for the block to do work,
There's enough output buffer space to write to.
Therefore, as soon as one block finishes its work call, the upstream block is informed that there's new free output space, thus typically leading to it running
That leads to high parallelity, since even adjacent blocks can run simultaneously without conflicting
This architecture favors large chunks of input items, especially for blocks that take a relative long time to computer: while the block is still working, its input buffer is already being filled with chunks of samples; when it's finished, chances are it's immediately called again with all the available input buffer being already filled with new samples.
This architecture is asynchronous: even if two blocks are "parallel" in your flow graph, there's no defined temporal relation between the numbers of items they produce.
I'm not even convinced switching GPIOs at times based on the speed computation in this completely non-deterministic timing data flow graph model is a good idea to start with. Maybe you'd rather want to calculate "timestamps" at which GPIOs should be switched, and send (timestamp, gpio state) command tuples to some entity in your FPGA that keeps absolute time? On the scale of radio propagation and high-rate signal processing, CPU timing is really inaccurate, and you should use the fact that you have an FPGA to actually implement deterministic timing, and use the software running on the CPU (i.e. GNU Radio) to determine when that should happen.
Is there a way to monitor the buffer so that I can determine when my first part of data bits have been sent?
Other than that, a method to asynchronously tell another another block that, yes, you've processed N samples, would be either to have a single block that just observes the outputs of both blocks that you want to synchronize and consumes an identical number of samples from both inputs, or to implement something using message passing. Again, my suspicion is that this is not a solution to your actual problem.

While loop implementation in Pentaho Kettle

I need guidence on implementing WHILE loop with Kettle/PDI. The scenario is
(1) I have some (may be thousand or thousands of thousand) data in a table, to be validated with a remote server.
(2) Read them and loopup to the remote server; I use Modified Java Script for this as remote server lookup validation is defined in external Java JAR file (I can use "Change number of copies to start... option on Modified java script and set to 5 or 10)
(3) Update the result on database table. There will be 50 to 60% connection failure cases each session.
(4) Repeat Step 1 to step 3 till all gets updated to success
(5) Stop looping on Nth cycle; this is to avoid very long or infinite looping, N value may be 5 or 10.
How to design such a WhILE loop in Pentaho Kettle?
Have you seen this link? It gives a pretty well detailed explanation of how to implement a while loop.
You need a parent job with a sub-transformation for doing a check on the condition which will return a variable to the job on whether to abort or to continue.

Synchronizing input pins in directshow

I am creating a directshow filter which's purpose is to take 3 input pins and create a video which shows alternately vidoe from the first source, the second source and the third source, in a fixed time internal.
So if i have three webcam connected to my filter, i want the final video for example to show 5 seconds of the first cam, five seconds of the second cam, and so on...
I have tried two approaches:
Approach one
I use a class TimeManager. This class has a function isItPinsTurn(pinname). This functions returns true or false regarding if the pin is supposed to send sample to the output. To do this the TimeManager creates a new thread which sleeps every x seconds.
After it slept it changes to the current active inputpin to the next.
The result is that every x seconds the isItPinSTurn(pinname) function returns another pin. This way every pin only seconds output to the outputpin when it is its turn, hence i get the desired videos with x intervalls between the input cam.
The problem with this approach
Sleep doesn't seem to work in directshow filters. I get a runtime error:
abort() has been called
Approach two
I use the samples GetMediaTime method and a buffer which keeps track of how much video samples in terms of its mediatime, has already been sent to the output pin. This is best illustrated with code:
void MyFilter::acceptFilterInput(LPCWSTR pinname, IMediaSample* sample)
mylogger->LogDebug("In acceptFIlterInput", L"D:\\TEMP\\yc.log");
if (wcscmp(pinname, this->currentInputPin) == 0)
LONGLONG timestart;
LONGLONG timeend;
sample->GetTime(&timestart, &timeend);
*mediaTimeBuffer += timeend - timestart;
if (*mediaTimeBuffer > this->MEDIATIME)
*mediaTimeBuffer = 0;
When the filter starts the currentInputPin is set to pin0 (the first). Calls to acceptFilterInput (which is called by the the input pins receie function) adjust the mediaTimeBUffer with the size of the MediaSample-MediaTime. If this buffer is higher than MEDIATIME (which can for example be 5 (seconds)), the buffer is set back to zero and the next pin is set active.
Problems with this approach
I am not even sure if CMediaSample->GetMediaTime returns the data i need, as it seems to return negative numbers, which doesn't seem to make much sense. I didn't find useful information about the return value of GetMediaTime on the web.
You are expected to block execution (incoming calls to IPin::Receive) on input streams so that other streams could catch up on their own streaming threads. You typically achieve this by either using wait/synchronization APIs and functions, or by holding references on media samples so that input peer would block on empty allocator waiting for a media sample (buffer) to get available.
Yes Sleep works well, although polling is the worst of possible options.
Approach two does not make sense for me because I don't see any real synchronization there: there is no execution blocking, and there is no making pin active. You cannot force data on the input pin, you only can wait to get called with new media sample. So you should block accepting data on one input stream/pin until you get data on another.
Some useful relevant information on multiplexing:
How to make a DirectShow Muxer Filter - Part 1
How to make a DirectShow Muxer Filter - Part 2
GDCL MPEG-4 Multiplexer - available in source, and can multiplex data from 2+ streams