How to permit Google Cloud Data Fusion to connect to an AWS RDS MySQL database? - amazon-web-services

I'm getting an error in configuring a database connection in a Google Cloud Data Fusion Pipeline.
"Encountered SQL error while getting query schema: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server."
We can't connect outside of the company building as the company IP's are whitelisted in AWS security settings. I can query easily using mysql workbench inside the company so, I'm guessing I need to add some IPs to our AWS security groups to provide Data Fusion permissions? I can't find a guideline on this. Where can I find the ip's required to provide in AWS? (Assuming that might fix it)
I've added a mysql plugin artefact using 'mysql-connector-java-8.0.17.jar', which is referred to by plugin name 'mysql-connector-java'.

Do VPN between your GCP VPC and your AWS VPC where your RDS is residing

Simple way
Create Haproxy with public IP
Data Fusion --> VM Haproxy Public IP --> AWS RDS Private IP


Cloud fusion to on-prem postgresql database connection

I'm trying to establish connection to on-premise postgresql database from cloud data fusion. But I' not able to resolve Host and port. Where can I find host and port for postgresql DB, also anything needs to be done for postgresql db to access from data fusion?
I downloaded postgresl JDBC from cloud data fusion hub. In Data fusion studio, I selected PostgeSQL a source. While filling details in properties, I'm not sure where to find host/port in postgresql.
the answer is more "theoretical" than practical but I will try to resume it as easily as possible.
The first question you need to ask yourself is, is my PostgreSQL instance accessible via a public IP address ? If so, this is quite easy, all you need is an authorised user, the correct password, and the public IP adress of you instance (and the port you configured).
If your instance is not publically accessible, which is often the case, then the first thing to do is to setup a VPN connection between your on-prem database and the GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that is peered to your Data Fusion instance (if you setup a private instance which you usually do for security reasons). Once this is done, Data Fusion should be able to connect directly to the PostgreSQL source via the exported VPN route / routes from you peered GCP VPC.
I am happy to edit my answer with more detail based on your follow up questions.

How do I connect to Google Cloud SQL from Google Cloud Run via TCP?

Based on my current understanding, when I enable a service connection to my Cloud SQL instance in one of my revisions, the path /cloudsql/[instance name]/.s.PGSQL.5432 becomes populated. This is a UNIX socket connection.
Unfortunately, a 3rd party application I'm using doesn't support UNIX socket connections and as such I'm required to connect via TCP.
Does the Google Cloud SQL Proxy also configure any way I can connect to Cloud SQL via something like localhost:5432, or other equivalent? Some of the documentation I'm reading suggests that I have to do elaborate networking configuration with private IPs just to enable TCP based Cloud SQL for my Cloud Run revisions, but I feel like the Cloud Proxy is already capable of giving me a TCP connection instead of a UNIX socket.
What is the right and most minimal way forward here, obviously assuming I do not have the ability to modify the code I'm running.
I've also cross posted this question to the Google Cloud SQL Proxy repo.
The most secure and easiest way is to use the private IP. It's not so long and so hard, you have 3 steps
Create a serverless VPC connector. Create it in the same region as your Cloud Run service. Note the VPC Network that you use (by default it's "default")
Add the serverless VPC Connector to Cloud Run service. Route only the private IPs through this connector
Add a private connection to your Cloud SQL database. Attached it in the same VPC Network as your serverless VPC Connector.
The Cloud configuration is over. Now you have to get the Cloud SQL private IP of your instance and to add it in parameters of your Cloud Run service to open a connection to this IP.

RDS SQL server TLS/SSL encrytion from application servers

Need to encrypt data in transit from application severs to RDS SQL server with SSL/TLS?
I see aws gives the option to make force encryption = true in parameter group with self signed certs.
Is there a way to use customer certs to import into RDS?
Any configuration steps to do this at application server and on RDS?
Appreciate any info on this . Didn't find anything in AWS knowledge base.
Note: Application servers sit behind load balancer.
For RDS SQL Server you will need to use the PEM that AWS provides for TLS.
You have a choice of either:
Root certificate
Intermediary and root certificate
The application server will need to have access to this certificate before it can connect to the RDS instance.
Unfortunately at this time only Aurora supports uploading your own certificates (and then accessing via ACM), you will need to use the provided one.
For connecting and configuring the RDS there is a specific Using SSL with a Microsoft SQL Server DB Instance page.

How to set up a front end for AWS DBs without using the Internet

On AWS, I know how to set up a web server with inbound rules allowing HTTP and HTTPS and a database security group that only connect to the web server. The issue is I need to create a front end to manage the databases without using Internet access - this will be internal only and precludes the use of a public IP / public DNS. Does anyone know how I would do this?
To further elaborate, some of our AWS accounts are for internal use only - we can log in to the console, use CygWin to SSH in, see what's there, etc. But these accounts are for development purposes, and in a large enterprise such as this one, these are not allowed an IGW. So - no inbound Internet access is allowed. How do I create an app (e.g., phpMyAdmin type) in which our manager can easily view and edit the data in the database given the restriction that this must be done without inbound Internet access?
Host your database on RDS inside a VPC and create a VPN connection between your client network and your VPC.
host your database on one EC2 and also upload your front end there. your database will be running on locally on EC2 and you can connect front end to database. where database will not have public DNS it will running locally you can access only using SSH and front end script.
you check this official documentation from aws :
for frontend script you can use which is one file database management system. one simple file is there using this make connection to locally running database on EC2

AWS - Data Migration Service

Trying to Migrate RDS mysql to Redshift, When connecting the AWS RedShift Database in Target Connection it Throws the Error:
Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: IN/A, Application-Detailed-Message: N/A
Please help to resolve...
I have resolved my issue by adding few ingress/egress rules weren't defined on the security groups which are attached to DMS and Redshift.
Check this link for further information: AWS DMS endpoint connection to Redshift not working
For me, the private IP of redshift in the server name of the endpoint worked. I don't know why but it's working now.
AWS - Data Migration Service Endpoint Redshift error (Test failed)
The Leader private IP of redshift in the server name of the endpoint will work.
In your DMS (Data Migration Service) configuration where you enter the Server Name value, avoid the Redshift cluster DNS Name or the Public IP address. Instead, try using the private IP of the Redshift Leader node. It worked for me after I changed to the private IP of leader node.