Avoid a call to a function that may throw in a destructor - c++

I have a ODBC wrapper interface that enables me to execute SQL queries in C++. In particular, I use
the named parameter idiom for
the select statements, for example:
To achieve this effect, the class Table_t returns a proxy object Select_t:
class Table_t
// ...
Select_t Select(std::string const &Stmt)
{ return {*this, Stmt}; }
void Execute(std::string const &Stmt);
Select_t combines the basic statement with the additional clauses and executes the actual statement in the destructor:
class Select_t
Table_t &Table;
std::string SelectStmt,
Select_t(Table_t &Table_, std::string const &SelectStmt) :
Table(Table_), SelectStmt(SelectStmt_) {}
{ /* Combine the statements */ Table.Execute(/* Combined statement */); }
Select_t &OrderBy(std::string const &OrderStmt_)
{ OrderStmt = OrderStmt_; return *this; }
Select_t &GroupBy(std::string const &GroupStmt_)
{ GroupStmt = GroupStmt_; return *this; }
The problem is that Table.Execute(Stmt) may throw and I must not throw in a destructor. Is there a
way I can work around that while retaining the named parameter idiom?
So far the only idea I came up with is to add an Execute function to Select_t, but I would prefer not to:

Throwing "inside" a destructor is not a problem; the problem is exceptions escaping from a destructor. You need to catch the ODBC exception, and decide how to communicate the error by another interface.

Actually, separating the concerns of the query object and its execution might be a good idea.
Lazy invocation can be very useful.
The Execute function could reasonably be a free function.
For example:
auto myquery = Table.Select("foo").GroupBy("bar").OrderBy("baz");
auto future_result = marshal_to_background_thread(myquery);
auto result = Execute(myquery);
This would lend itself to re-use with respect to prepared statements.
auto myquery = Prepare(Table.Select("foo").Where(Equals("name", Param(1))).OrderBy("baz"));
auto result = Execute(myquery, {1, "bob"});
result = Execute(myquery, {1, "alice"});


Is there a less verbose idiom for unpacking an optional in C++?

In the project I am currently working on I find myself writing a lot of code that looks like the following, where, get_optional_foo is returning an std::optional:
auto maybe_foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...)
if (!maybe_foo.has_value())
return {};
auto foo = maybe_foo.value()
// continue on, doing things with foo...
I want to bail out of the function if I get a null option; otherwise, I want to assign a non-optional variable to the value. I've started using the convention of naming the optional with a maybe_ prefix but am wondering if there is some way of doing this such that I don't need to use a temporary for the optional at all? This variable is only ever going to be used to check for a null option and dereference if there is a value.
You don't need an intermediate object. std::optional supports a pointer interface to access it so you can just use it like:
auto foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...)
if (!foo)
return {};
Slightly different than what you are asking, but consider:
if (auto foo = get_optional_foo(1)) {
// ...
return foo->x;
} else {
return {};
This places the main body of the function in an if() block, which may be more readable.
Shortest I can think of:
auto maybe_foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...)
if (!maybe_foo) return {};
auto &foo = *maybe_foo; // alternatively, use `*maybe_foo` below
If you have multiple optionals in the function and it's very unlikely they'll be empty you can wrap the whole thing with a try - catch.
try {
auto &foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...).value();
auto &bar = get_optional_bar(...).value();
} catch (std::bad_optional_access &e) {
return {};

Is there a way to make a function have different behavior if its return value will be used as an rvalue reference instead of an lvalue?

I have a routine that does some moderately expensive operations, and the client could consume the result as either a string, integer, or a number of other data types. I have a public data type that is a wrapper around an internal data type. My public class looks something like this:
class Result {
static Result compute(/* args */) {
Result result;
result.fData = new ExpensiveInternalObject(/* args */);
return result;
// ... constructors, destructor, assignment operators ...
std::string toString() const { return fData->toString(); }
int32_t toInteger() const { return fData->toInteger(); }
double toDouble() const { return fData->toDouble(); }
ExpensiveInternalObject* fData;
If you want the string, you can use it like this:
// Example A
std::string resultString = Result::compute(/*...*/).toString();
If you want more than one of the return types, you do it like this:
// Example B
Result result = Result::compute(/*...*/);
std::string resultString = result.toString();
int32_t resultInteger = result.toInteger();
Everything works.
However, I want to modify this class such that there is no need to allocate memory on the heap if the user needs only one of the result types. For example, I want Example A to essentially do the equivalent of,
auto result = ExpensiveInternalObject(/* args */);
std::string resultString = result.toString();
I've thought about structuring the code such that the args are saved into the instance of Result, make the ExpensiveInternalObject not be calculated until the terminal functions (toString/toInteger/toDouble), and overload the terminal functions with rvalue reference qualifiers, like this:
class Result {
// ...
std::string toString() const & {
if (fData == nullptr) {
const_cast<Result*>(this)->fData = new ExpensiveInternalObject(/*...*/);
return fData->toString();
std::string toString() && {
auto result = ExpensiveInternalObject(/*...*/);
return result.toString();
// ...
Although this avoids the heap allocation for the Example A call site, the problem with this approach is that you have to start thinking about thread safety issues. You'd probably want to make fData an std::atomic, which adds overhead to the Example B call site.
Another option would be to make two versions of compute() under different names, one for the Example A use case and one for the Example B use case, but this isn't very friendly to the user of the API, because now they have to study which version of the method to use, and they will get poor performance if they choose the wrong one.
I can't make ExpensiveInternalObject a value field inside Result (as opposed to a pointer) because doing so would require exposing too many internals in the public header file.
Is there a way to make the first function, compute(), know whether its return value is going to become an rvalue reference or whether it is going to become an lvalue, and have different behavior for each case?
You can achieve the syntax you asked for using a kind of proxy object.
Instead of a Result, Result::compute could return an object that represents a promise of a Result. This Promise object could have a conversion operator that implicitly converts to a Result so that "Example B" still works as before. But the promise could also have its own toString(), toInteger(), ... member functions for "Example A":
class Result {
class Promise {
// args
std::string toString() const {
auto result = ExpensiveInternalObject(/* args */);
return result.toString();
operator Result() {
Result result;
result.fData = new ExpensiveInternalObject(/* args */);
return result;
// ...
Live demo.
This approach has its downsides though. For example, what if, instead you wrote:
auto result = Result::compute(/*...*/);
std::string resultString = result.toString();
int32_t resultInteger = result.toInteger();
result is now not of Result type but actually a Result::Promise and you end up computing ExpensiveInternalObject twice! You can at least make this to fail to compile by adding an rvalue reference qualifier to the toString(), toInteger(), ... member functions on Result::Promise but it is not ideal.
Considering you can't overload a function by its return type, and you wanted to avoid making two different versions of compute(), the only thing I can think of is setting a flag in the copy constructor of Result. This could work with your particular example, but not in general. For example, it won't work if you're taking a reference, which you can't disallow.

Function Return Type: Pointer, Reference or something else?

Let us assume I always need the direkt return type of the function to be of a errorcode (success of calculation or failure) , then I will return some arguments as parameters. Is it better to define them as reference (and create them before empty) or better to return pointer?
Edit: I should be more precise: The errorcode is obligatory because I have to stick to the coding guidline given.
Possibility A:
ErrorCode func( some_parameters ... , ReturnType & result)
ReturnType result; // empty constructor, probably not good practice
func( some_parameters ..., result)
Possibility B:
ErrorCode func( some_parameters ... , ReturnType * result){
result = new ReturnType(...)
ReturnType * result; // void pointer
func( some_parameters ..., result)
delete result; // this is needed if I do not use a smart pointer
Even better: Maybe you have a more appropriate solution?
Edit: Please indicate which standard you are using, since unfortunatelly (guidelines) I have to stick to C++98.
I would do the following (and in general do)
1.) throw an exception instead of returning error codes
if this is not possible (for any reason)
2.) return the pointer directly (either raw or std::unique_ptr) and return nullptr for failure
if return type has to be bool or not all objects returned are (pointers / heap allocated)
3.) return your error code (bool or enum class) and accept a reference parameter for all objects that are to be initialized (must have objects so to speak) and pointers to objects that may be optionally created / initialized
if the object cannot be created in advance to the call (e.g. because it is not default constructible)
4.) pass a reference to a pointer (raw or std::unique_ptr) or a pointer to a pointer, which will then be filled by the function
std::optional (or similar) may be an option if you only have a true/false return code.
I don't like returning std::pair or std::tuple because it can make your code look quite annoying if you have to start using .first/.second or std::get<>() to access your different return types. Using std::tie() can reduce this a little bit, but it is not (yet) very comfortable to use and prevents the use of const.
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> func1() { /* ... */ throw MyException("..."); }
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> func2() { /* ... */ }
ErrorCode func3(MyClass& obj, std::string* info = nullptr) { /* ... */ }
ErrorCode func4(std::unique_ptr<MyClass>& obj) { /* ... */ }
int main()
auto myObj1 = func1();
// use ...
catch(const MyException& e)
// handle error ...
if(auto myObj2 = func2())
// use ...
MyClass myObj3;
std::string info;
ErrorCode error = func3(myObj3, &info);
if(error == ErrorCode::NoError)
// use ...
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> myObj4;
ErrorCode error = func4(myObj4);
if(error == ErrorCode::NoError)
// use ...
Edit: And in general it is advisable to keep your API consistent, so if you already have a medium or large codebase, which makes use of one or the other strategy you should stick to that (if you do not have good reasons not to).
This is a typical example for std::optional. Sadly it isn't available yet, so you want to use boost::optional.
This is assuming that the result is always either "success with result" or "fail without result". If your result code is more complicated you can return
std::pair<ResultCode, std::optional<ReturnType>>.
It would be good style to to use the return value for all return information. For example:
std::tuple<bool, ReturnType> func(input_args....)
Alternatively, the return type could be std::optional (or its precursor) if the status code is boolean, with an empty optional indicating that the function failed.
However, if the calculation is supposed to normally succeed, and only fail in rare circumstances, it would be better style to just return ReturnType, and throw an exception to indicate failure.
Code is much easier to read when it doesn't have error-checking on every single return value; but to be robust code those errors do need to be checked somewhere or other. Exceptions let you handle a range of exceptional conditions in a single place.
Don't know if it's applicable in your situation but if you have only two state return type then maybe just return pointer from your function and then test if it is nullptr?

Boost::multi_index with map

I have a question about modifying elements in boost::multi_index container.
What I have is the structure, containing some pre-defined parameters and
a number of parameters, which are defined at run-time, and stored in a map.
Here is a simplified version of the structure:
class Sdata{
QMap<ParamName, Param> params; // parameters defined at run-time
int num;
QString key;
// more pre-defined parameters
// methods to modify the map
// as an example - mock version of a function to add the parameter
// there are more functions operating on the QMAP<...>, which follow the same
// rule - return true if they operated successfully, false otherwise.
bool add_param(ParamName name, Param value){
if (params.contains(name)) return false;
params.insert(name, value);
return true;
Now, I want to iterate over different combinations of the pre-defined parameters
of Sdata. To do this, I went for boost::multi_index:
typedef multi_index_container<Sdata,
indexed_by <
// by insertion order
//by key
const_mem_fun<Sdata, SdataKey, &Sdata::get_key>
//by TS
const_mem_fun<Sdata, TS, &Sdata::get_ts>
/// more keys and composite-keys
>//end indexed by
> SdataDB;
And now, I want to access and modify the parameters inside the QMap<...>.
Q1 Do I get it correctly that to modify any field (even those unrelated to
the index), one needs to use functors and do something as below?
Sdatas_byKey const &l = sdatas.get<sdata_tags::byKey>();
auto it = l.find(key);
l.modify(it, Functor(...))
Q2 How to get the result of the method using the functor? I.e., I have a functor:
struct SdataRemoveParam : public std::unary_function<Sdata, void>{
ParamName name;
SdataRemoveParam(ParamName h): name(h){}
void operator ()(Sdata &sdata){
sdata.remove_param (name); // this returns false if there is no param
How to know if the remove_param returned true or false in this example:
Sdatas_byKey const &l = sdatas.get<sdata_tags::byKey>();
auto it = l.find(key);
l.modify(it, SdataRemoveParam("myname"));
What I've arrived to so far is to throw an exception, so that the modify
method of boost::multi_index, when using with Rollback functor will return
struct SdataRemoveParam : public std::unary_function<Sdata, void>{
ParamName name;
SdataRemoveParam(ParamName h): name(h){}
void operator ()(Sdata &sdata){
if (!sdata.remove_param (name)) throw std::exception("Remove failed");
// in some other place
Sdatas_byKey const &l = sdatas.get<sdata_tags::byKey>();
auto it = l.find(key);
bool res = l.modify(it, SdataRemoveParam("myname"), Rollback);
However, I do not like the decision, because it increases the risk of deleting
the entry from the container.
Q3 are there any better solutions?
Q1 Do I get it correctly that to modify any field (even those
unrelated to the index), one needs to use functors and do something as
Short answer is yes, use modify for safety. If you're absolutely sure that the data you modify does not belong to any index, then you can get by with an ugly cast:
but this is strongly discouraged. With C++11 (which you seem to be using), you can use lambdas rather than cumbersome user-defined functors:
Sdatas_byKey &l = sdatas.get<sdata_tags::byKey>(); // note, this can't be const
auto it = l.find(key);
l.modify(it, [](Sdata& s){
Q2 How to get the result of the method using the functor?
Again, with lambdas this is very simple:
bool res;
l.modify(it, [&](Sdata& s){
With functors you can do the same but it requires more boilerplate (basically, have SdataRemoveParam store a pointer to res).
The following is just for fun: if you're using C++14 you can encapsulate the whole idiom very tersely like this (C++11 would be slightly harder):
template<typename Index,typename Iterator,typename F>
auto modify_inner_result(Index& i,Iterator it,F f)
decltype(f(std::declval<typename Index::value_type&>())) res;
i.modify(it,[&](auto& x){res=f(x);});
return res;
bool res=modify_inner_result(l,it, [&](Sdata& s){
return s.remove_param("myname");

Inject additional data in a method

I am adding the new module in some large library. All methods here are implemented as static. Let me briefly describe the simplified model:
typedef std::vector<double> TData;
double test ( const TData &arg ) { return arg ( 0 ) * sin ( arg ( 1 ) + ...;}
double ( * p_test ) ( const TData> &arg) = &test;
class A
static T f1 (TData &input) {
.... //some computations
B::f2 (p_test);
Inside f1() some computations are performed and a static method B::f2 is called. The f2 method is implemented by another author and represents some simulation algorithm (example here is simplified).
class B
static double f2 (double ( * p_test ) ( const TData &arg ) )
//difficult algorithm working p_test many times
double res = p_test(arg);
The f2 method has a pointer to some weight function (here p_test). But in my case some additional parameters computed in f1 for test() methods are required
double test ( const TData &arg, const TData &arg2, char *arg3.... ) { }
How to inject these parameters into test() (and so to f2) to avoid changing the source code of the f2 methods (that is not trivial), redesign of the library and without dirty hacks :-) ?
The most simple step is to override f2
static double f2 (double ( * p_test ) ( const TData &arg ), const TData &arg2, char *arg3.... )
But what to do later? Consider, that methods are static, so there will be problems with objects.
Updated question
Is it possible to make a pointer to a function dependent on some template parameter or do something like that
if (condition) res = p_test(arg);
else res = p_test2(arg, arg2, arg3);
without dirty hacks
Not gonna happen. If you can't modify the source of a function taking a function pointer, you'll have to use an exception vomit to gain the extra arguments. If you had a C++11 compiler (that does not exist yet) which supports thread_local, it's theoretically possible to do something better, or you could use OS-specific TLS. But as of right now, the only portable solution is an exception vomit.
void f(void(*fp)()) { fp(); }
void mah_func() {
try {
} catch(my_class* m) {
int main() {
my_class m;
try {
throw &m;
} catch(my_class* p) {
Alternatively, in your scenario, modifying f2 doesn't seem to be impossible, only difficult. However, the difficulty of altering it to take a std::function<double(const TData&)> would be very low- all you'd have to do is change the argument type, thanks to operator overloading. It should be a very simple change for even a complex function, as you're only changing the type of the function parameter, all the call sites will still work, etc. Then you can pass a proper function object made through bind or a lambda or somesuch.
"avoid changing", well that's a bit difficult.
however, you can use a static variable to pass arguments across calls of functions that don't pass the arguments.
remember that if there is more than one thread using those function, you need to either use thread local storage (which is what i recommend for that) or else ensure proper mutual exclusion for use of those variables, where in the case of a single variable shared between all the threads means exclusion all the way down the call chain. but do use thread local storage if threading is a problem. and if no threading problem, well, no problem! :-)