Initialize a 2d array with unknown first dimension size in C++ - c++

Say I need a 2d array, first dimension size set at runtime, and second dimension size is set to 5 at compilation time.
Since we can do this to initialize a 1d array with unknown size
int* arr;
arr = new int[12];
I would like to make the following code work
int* arr[5];
arr = new int[12][5];
I need the second dimension set to 5, not first dimension. So I need to be able to do arr[11][4] but not arr[4][11].
I know I can make arr an int** and then assign a 2d array to arr, so please avoid such answer.
I know I can use STL containers such as vector, so please avoid such answer.

You can write:
int (*arr)[5];
arr = new int[12][5];
Then you can access elements such as arr[11][4]. But not arr[12][5] as you suggest in the question, arrays are zero-indexed and the maximum element index is one less than the dimension.
All dimensions except the innermost must be known at compile-time. If the 5 is actually meant to represent a runtime value then you cannot use C-style arrays for this task .
NB. Consider using unique_ptr for safe memory management. The code would be auto arr = std::make_unique<int[][5]>(12);.


How to pass dynamic and static 2d arrays as void pointer?

for a project using Tensorflow's C API I have to pass a void pointer (void*) to a method of Tensorflow. In the examples the void* points to a 2d array, which also worked for me. However now I have array dimensions which do not allow me to use the stack, which is why I have to use a dynamic array or a vector.
I managed to create a dynamic array with the same entries like this:
float** normalizedInputs;//
normalizedInputs = new float* [noCellsPatches];
for(int i = 0; i < noCellsPatches; ++i)
normalizedInputs[i] = new float[no_input_sizes];
for(int i=0;i<noCellsPatches;i++)
for(int j=0;j<no_input_sizes;j++)
The function call needing the void* looks like this:
TF_Tensor* input_value = TF_NewTensor(TF_FLOAT,in_dims_arr,2,normalizedInputs,num_bytes_in,&Deallocator, 0);
In argument 4 you see the "normalizedInputs" array. When I run my program now, the calculated results are totally wrong. When I go back to the static array they are right again. What do I have to change?
Greets and thanks in advance!
Edit: I also noted that the TF_Tensor* input_value holds totally different values for both cases (for dynamic it has many 0 and nan entries). Is there a way to solve this by using a std::vector<std::vector<float>>?
Respectively: is there any valid way pass a consecutive dynamic 2d data structure to a function as void*?
In argument 4 you see the "normalizedInputs" array. When I run my program now, the calculated results are totally wrong.
The reason this doesn't work is because you are passing the pointers array as data. In this case you would have to use normalizedInputs[0] or the equivalent more explicit expression &normalizedInputs[0][0]. However there is another bigger problem with this code.
Since you are using new inside a loop you won't have contiguous data which TF_NewTensor expects. There are several solutions to this.
If you really need a 2d-array you can get away with two allocations. One for the pointers and one for the data. Then set the pointers into the data array appropriately.
float **normalizedInputs = new float* [noCellsPatches]; // allocate pointers
normalizedInputs[0] = new float [noCellsPatches*no_input_sizes]; // allocate data
// set pointers
for (int i = 1; i < noCellsPatches; ++i) {
normalizedInputs[i] = &normalizedInputs[i-1][no_input_sizes];
Then you can use normalizedInputs[i][j] as normal in C++ and the normalizedInputs[0] or &normalizedInputs[0][0] expression for your TF_NewTensor call.
Here is a mechanically simpler solution, just use a flat 1d array.
float * normalizedInputs = new float [noCellsPatches*no_input_sizes];
You access the i,j-th element by normalizedInputs[i*no_input_sizes+j] and you can use it directly in the TF_NewTensor call without worrying about any addresses.
C++ standard does its best to prevent programmers to use raw arrays, specifically multi-dimensional ones.
From your comment, your statically declared array is declared as:
float normalizedInputs[noCellsPatches][no_input_sizes];
If noCellsPatches and no_input_sizes are both compile time constants you have a correct program declaring a true 2D array. If they are not constants, you are declaring a 2D Variable Length Array... which does not exist in C++ standard. Fortunately, gcc allow it as an extension, but not MSVC nor clang.
If you want to declare a dynamic 2D array with non constant rows and columns, and use gcc, you can do that:
int (*arr0)[cols] = (int (*) [cols]) new int [rows*cols];
(the naive int (*arr0)[cols] = new int [rows][cols]; was rejected by my gcc 5.4.0)
It is definitely not correct C++ but is accepted by gcc and does what is expected.
The trick is that we all know that the size of an array of size n in n times the size of one element. A 2D array of rows rows of columnscolumns if then rows times the size of one row, which is columns when measured in underlying elements (here int). So we ask gcc to allocate a 1D array of the size of the 2D array and take enough liberalities with the strict aliasing rule to process it as the 2D array we wanted. As previously said, it violates the strict aliasing rule and use VLA in C++, but gcc accepts it.

declare and initialize 2d array with unknown size

I take the size of rows n and columns m from the user
I want to make a 2D array (matrix) of the size nxm , initialize it and do some work on it
int main()
int m,n;
const int grow=m;
const int gcol=n;
auto G = new double[grow][gcol](); //GIVES ERROR that grow and gcol must be const
/*int** G = new int*[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
G[i] = new int[n];*/
You can always index in a one dimensional array with y * gcol + x to make it effectively work as a two dimensional one. With that you can use a dynamic memory e.g. with a std::vector<double>.
//GIVES ERROR that grow and gcol must be const
No, it does not. Unless your compiler is bad. Read the error again.
It gives an error that gcol must be a constant expression.
You cannot have dynamic arrays of dynamic arrays. It's simply not possible in c++. You can only have dynamic arrays of things that have a static size, known at compile time.
Therefore, you cannot have a 2D array where both dimensions are determined at runtime.
You have 2 alternatives:
Use a dynamic array of pointers to dynamic arrays. Which is what you have there, commented out. A dynamic array of vectors works too.
Use a flat, one dimensional array that contains the rows in succession.
In either case, I recommend using a class to manage the memory. std::vector, perhaps.
Array size is part of the type and needs to be known at compile time. You get it at runtime. Use vectors instead.

When allocating a dynamic array, are the previous elements deleted?

Title says it all more or less. When I need an (for the sake of this example) integer array for an unknown amount of values I know I can change it's size using new *array = new int[size]. Now my question is: If I have an array of a certain size, but I need to make it bigger, can I just use the new operator to expand it and will it still have all previously stored elements or would it be smarter to create a whole new array with a dynamic size, copy all elements from the previous array into the new one and delete[] the old array. Basically just swapping between the two arrays, whenever I need a new size.
Specifically I am asking whether or not this piece of code would work in the way it's intended to work
for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++){
int *array = new int[i];
array[i-1] = i;
My assumption is that this array will first be the size of 1 and store the value 1 at index 0. Then it will reallocate its size to 2 and store the value to at index 1 and so on until i is 9.
I guess to rephrase my question a bit better: Does an array initialized with new have to be populated with elements or will it copy the elements it had from before using the operator?
You can't resize the array in this way. You need to make a new array and then copy the old array into it. You can also try std::vector, which does what you want automatically.
If you want to use pointers rather than std::vector to change the size of your array, you can do it in this way.
int n = 100; // This will be the number of elements.
int *array1; // Pointer
array1 = new int[n]; // This will allocate your array with size n, so you will have 100 elements. You can combine this with the previous in int *array1 = new int[n];
So fill up the this array however you please...
Then you decide you want a 200 element array instead? You will need to create a different array in the same way.
int *array2 = new int[200];
You can use the for loop to copy array 1 into array 2. The for loop should iterate as many times as there are elements in array 1 (100).
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
array2[i] = array[1];
At this stage array2 is exactly the same as array1, but with 100 uninitialized elements at your disposal from [100] to [199].
You won't need array1 anymore, so at some point, you should call
delete [] array1;
Your assumption, by the way would not work, because on the first cycle of your loop, you create (or try to create) an array of i=1 element. Arrays start counting at 0, so your only single element is [0]. When i is at 0, what is i-1?
If you try to access array[-1], you'll probably crash. But why should you want to create 10 different arrays? new keyword creates an unrelated object, not overwrites the one with the same name.
Does an array initialized with new have to be populated with elements or will it copy the elements it had from before using the operator?
new[] allocates new array, completely independent from previous.
I know 3 ways to "make the array bigger":
As #ravi mentioned, don't mess with poinsters, use modern std::vector.
Make new array in new pointer, std::move elements from old array to the new one, and then delete[] old array.
Get rid of new[] & delete[], use old realloc with malloc & free.
You have to allocate new array and copy old array's data into that. This is how vector is implemented. Had there been better way of doing it, C++ standard community would have considered that.

can we check the size of dynamic array on runtime

I create an array of size int arr[50]; but I will insert value in it during compile time , like my solution will insert 10 values in it after performing some function (different amount of values can come) , Now in second part of my program I have to loop through the array like it should iterate <= total values of array like in int arr[50] my program save 10 values , it should iterate to it only 10 times but how I can get that there is only 10 values in that array.
for (int ut=0; ut<=arr[100].length();ut++)
Though i know ut<=arr[100].length() is wrong , but its just assumption , that function will work if I solve condition in this way.
I know we can use vector , but I am just looking that type of thing using array.
Thanks for response
First of all, the array you show is not a "Dynamic Array". It's created on the stack; it's an automatic variable.
For your particular example, you could do something like this:
int arr[50];
// ... some code
int elem_count = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
In that case, the sizeof(arr) part will return the total size of the array in bytes, and sizeof(arr[0]) would return the size of a single element in bytes.
However, C-style arrays come with their share of problems. I'm not saying never use them, but keep in mind that, for example, they adjust to pointers when passed as function arguments, and the sizeof solution above will give you an answer other than the one you are looking for, because it would return sizeof(int*).
As for actual dynamically allocated arrays (where all what you have is the pointer to that array), declared as follows:
int *arr = new int[50];
// ... do some stuff
delete [] arr;
then sizeof(arr) will also give you the size of an int* in bytes, which is not the size you are looking for.
So, as the comments suggested, if you are looking for a convenient random access container where you want to conveniently and cheaply keep track of the size, use a std::vector, or even a std::array.
To use a std::array to produce equivalent code to that in your question:
std::array<int, 50> arr;
and then use it like a normal array. Keep in mind that doing something like arr[100] will not do any bounds checking, but at least you can obtain the array's size with arr.size().

Can I access elements of a 2D array using pointers in C++?

For 1D array, I can use array name as a pointer and add offset to it to access each element of the array. Is there something similar for 2D arrays?
I defined a 2D array as follows
int arr[2][3] = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}};
int** arrPtr = arr;
but I got compiler error for the second line. Shouldn't 2D array have type int**?
I came across another thread here:
C++ Accessing Values at pointer of 2D Array
and saw this:
2dArray = new int*[size];
Could someone please tell me what int*[size] means? (size is an int, I presume).
Thanks a lot.
A multidimensional array defined as yours is is only a single pointer, because the data is encoded in sequence. Therefore, you can do the following:
int arr[2][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
int* arrPtr = (int*)arr;
In general, the pointer to the element at arr[a][b] can be accessed by arrPtr + a*bSize + b where bSize is the size of the first array dimension (in this case three).
Your second question relates to dynamic memory allocation - allocating memory at runtime, instead of defining a fixed amount when the program starts. I recommend reviewing dynamic memory allocation on before working with dynamically allocated 2D arrays.
int* array[10] means an array of 10 pointers to integer.
You can access a 2D array with a simple pointer to its first entry and do some maths exploiting the spacial location principle.
int array[2][2] = {{1,2}, {3, 4}};
int* p = &array[0][0];
for(int i=0; i<2*2; i++)
printf("%d ", *(p++));
If you have a matrix:
1 2
3 4
in memory it is encoded as 1 2 3 4 sequentially ;)