can we check the size of dynamic array on runtime - c++

I create an array of size int arr[50]; but I will insert value in it during compile time , like my solution will insert 10 values in it after performing some function (different amount of values can come) , Now in second part of my program I have to loop through the array like it should iterate <= total values of array like in int arr[50] my program save 10 values , it should iterate to it only 10 times but how I can get that there is only 10 values in that array.
for (int ut=0; ut<=arr[100].length();ut++)
Though i know ut<=arr[100].length() is wrong , but its just assumption , that function will work if I solve condition in this way.
I know we can use vector , but I am just looking that type of thing using array.
Thanks for response

First of all, the array you show is not a "Dynamic Array". It's created on the stack; it's an automatic variable.
For your particular example, you could do something like this:
int arr[50];
// ... some code
int elem_count = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
In that case, the sizeof(arr) part will return the total size of the array in bytes, and sizeof(arr[0]) would return the size of a single element in bytes.
However, C-style arrays come with their share of problems. I'm not saying never use them, but keep in mind that, for example, they adjust to pointers when passed as function arguments, and the sizeof solution above will give you an answer other than the one you are looking for, because it would return sizeof(int*).
As for actual dynamically allocated arrays (where all what you have is the pointer to that array), declared as follows:
int *arr = new int[50];
// ... do some stuff
delete [] arr;
then sizeof(arr) will also give you the size of an int* in bytes, which is not the size you are looking for.
So, as the comments suggested, if you are looking for a convenient random access container where you want to conveniently and cheaply keep track of the size, use a std::vector, or even a std::array.
To use a std::array to produce equivalent code to that in your question:
std::array<int, 50> arr;
and then use it like a normal array. Keep in mind that doing something like arr[100] will not do any bounds checking, but at least you can obtain the array's size with arr.size().


Initialize a 2d array with unknown first dimension size in C++

Say I need a 2d array, first dimension size set at runtime, and second dimension size is set to 5 at compilation time.
Since we can do this to initialize a 1d array with unknown size
int* arr;
arr = new int[12];
I would like to make the following code work
int* arr[5];
arr = new int[12][5];
I need the second dimension set to 5, not first dimension. So I need to be able to do arr[11][4] but not arr[4][11].
I know I can make arr an int** and then assign a 2d array to arr, so please avoid such answer.
I know I can use STL containers such as vector, so please avoid such answer.
You can write:
int (*arr)[5];
arr = new int[12][5];
Then you can access elements such as arr[11][4]. But not arr[12][5] as you suggest in the question, arrays are zero-indexed and the maximum element index is one less than the dimension.
All dimensions except the innermost must be known at compile-time. If the 5 is actually meant to represent a runtime value then you cannot use C-style arrays for this task .
NB. Consider using unique_ptr for safe memory management. The code would be auto arr = std::make_unique<int[][5]>(12);.

trim array to elements between i and j

A classic, I'm looking for optimisation here : I have an array of things, and after some processing I know I'm only interested in elements i to j. How to trim my array in the fatset, lightest way, with complete deletions/freeing of memory of elements before i and after j ?
I'm doing mebedded C++, so I may not be able to compile all sorts of library let's say. But std or vector things welcome in a first phase !
I've tried, for array A to be trimmed between i and j, with variable numElms telling me the number of elements in A :
A = &A[i];
numElms = i-j+1;
As it is this yields an incompatibility error. Can that be fixed, and even when fixed, does that free the memory at all for now-unused elements?
A little context : This array is the central data set of my module, and it can be heavy. It will live as long as the module lives. And there's no need to carry dead weight all this time. This is the very first thing that is done - figuring which segment of the data set has to be at all analyzed, and trimming and dumping the rest forever, never to use it again (until the next cycle where we get a fresh array with possibily a compeltely different size).
When asking questions about speed your millage may very based on the size of the array you're working with, but:
Your fastest way will be to not trim the array, just use A[index + i] to find the elements you want.
The lightest way to do this would be to:
Allocate a dynamic array with malloc
Once i and j are found copy that range to the head of the dynamic array
Use realloc to resize the dynamic array to the size j - i + 1
However you have this tagged as C++ not C, so I believe that you're also interested in readability and the required programming investment, not raw speed or weight. If this is true then I would suggest use of a vector or deque.
Given vector<thing> A or a deque<thing> A you could do:
A.erase(cbegin(A), next(cbegin(A), i));
A.resize(j - i + 1);
There is no way to change aloocated memory block size in standard C++ (unless you have POD data — in this case C facilities like realloc could be used). The only way to trim an array is to allocate new array. copy/move needed elements and destroy old array.
You can do it manually, or using vectors:
int* array = new int[10]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
std::vector<int> vec {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
//We want only elements 3-5
int* new_array = new int[3];
std::copy(array + 3, array + 6, new_array);
delete[] array;
array = new_array;
vec = std::vector<int>(vec.begin()+3, vec.begin()+6);
If you are using C++11, both approaches should have same perfomance.
If you only want to remove extra elements and do not really want to release memory (for example you might want to add more elements later) you can follow NathanOliver link
However, you should consider: do you really need that memory freed immideately? Do you need to move elements right now? Will you array live for such long time that this memory would be lost for your program completely? Maybe you need a range or perharps a view to the array content? In many cases you can store two pointers (or pointer and size) to denote your "new" array, while keeping old one to be released all at once.

Is there any built in method in c++ to findout length of an array?

like array.length in java is there any built in method in c++ to findout size of an array?
I know about length(). but it only works for strings only ...
And i tried this ...
int a[10];
but it gives output as 10 but is there a way getting only 2 as output
If you're using C++, don't use arrays, use std::vector instead (especially if you need the count of currently held items, not the container's capacity). Then you can write:
std::vector<int> vec;
printf("%d\n", vec.size());
int a[10];
declares an array of 10 ints; sure, you're only initialising the first two, but the other 8 are still there, they're just (probably) filled with junk at the moment.
To do what you want, you should use a std::vector instead. You can then do this:
std::vector<int> a;
std::cout << a.size() << std::endl; // prints 2
Arrays in C/C++ do not store their lengths in memory, so it is impossible to find their size purely given a pointer to an array. Any code using arrays in those languages relies on a constant known size, or a separate variable being passed around that specifies their size.
In an array of 10 ints, when it is declared, memory is allocated for 10 int values. even if you initialize just two, the rest of it contains some junk values and the memory remains allocated.
If you want the used size, your best bet is to use std::vector.
if you want to know the number of elements in an array you can do this
int array[3] = {0, 1, 2};
int arraylength = sizeof(array)/ sizeof(*array);
Sure. It's name is vector::size. It doesn't apply to C-style arrays, only to std::vector. Note that Java's Array class is also not a C-style array.

Pointer to an array get size C++

int * a;
a = new int[10];
cout << sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
if i would use a normal array the answer would be 10,
alas, the lucky number printed was 1, because sizeof(int) is 4 and iszeof(*int) is 4 too. How do i owercome this? In my case keeping size in memory is a complicated option. How do i get size using code?
My best guess would be to iterate through an array and search for it's end, and the end is 0, right? Any suggestions?
well, what i fear about vectors is that it will reallocate while pushing back, well you got the point, i can jus allocate the memory. Hoever i cant change the stucture, the whole code is releevant. Thanks for the answers, i see there's no way around, so ill just look for a way to store the size in memory.
what i asked whas not what kind of structure to use.
Use std::vector<int> Or std::array<int, N> (where N is a compile-time constant).
If you know the size of your array at compile time, and it doens't need to grow at runtime, then use std::array. Else use std::vector.
These are called sequence-container classes which define a member function called size() which returns the number of elements in the container. You can use that whenever you need to know the size. :-)
Read the documentation:
std::array with example
std::vector with example
When you use std::vector, you should consider using reserve() if you've some vague idea of the number of elements the container is going to hold. That will give you performance benefit.
If you worry about performance of std::vector vs raw-arrays, then read the accepted answer here:
Is std::vector so much slower than plain arrays?
It explains why the code in the question is slow, which has nothing to do with std::vector itself, rather its incorrect usage.
If you cannot use either of them, and are forced to use int*, then I would suggest these two alternatives. Choose whatever suits your need.
struct array
int *elements; //elements
size_t size; //number of elements
That is self-explanatory.
The second one is this: allocate memory for one more element and store the size in the first element as:
int N = howManyElements();
int *array = int new[N+1]; //allocate memory for size storage also!
array[0] = N; //store N in the first element!
//your code : iterate i=1 to i<=N
//must delete it once done
delete []array;
sizeof(a) is going to be the size of the pointer, not the size of the allocated array.
There is no way to get the size of the array after you've allocated it. The sizeof operator has to be able to be evaluated at compile time.
How would the compiler know how big the array was in this function?
void foo(int size)
int * a;
a = new int[size];
cout << sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
delete[] a;
It couldn't. So it's not possible for the sizeof operator to return the size of an allocated array. And, in fact, there is no reliable way to get the size of an array you've allocated with new. Let me repeat this there is no reliable way to get the size of an array you've allocated with new. You have to store the size someplace.
Luckily, this problem has already been solved for you, and it's guaranteed to be there in any implementation of C++. If you want a nice array that stores the size along with the array, use ::std::vector. Particularly if you're using new to allocate your array.
#include <vector>
void foo(int size)
::std::vector<int> a(size);
cout << a.size();
There you go. Notice how you no longer have to remember to delete it. As a further note, using ::std::vector in this way has no performance penalty over using new in the way you were using it.
If you are unable to use std::vector and std::array as you have stated, than your only remaning option is to keep track of the size of the array yourself.
I still suspect that your reasons for avoiding std::vector are misguided. Even for performance monitoring software, intelligent uses of vector are reasonable. If you are concerned about resizing you can preallocate the vector to be reasonably large.

Does the array key determine array size in C++?

im storing some settings for objects in an array. the id's of objects are used as the key. the id's start from 100000 and go up. if i was to input data for an object with id 100 000, would cpp automatical create 99999 blank key entries starting from 0?
Array size is determined when you create an array.
To access object at index 100 000 you need to have array of at least that size, which answers your question.
If the array is smaller you will access memory at
array begin address + (index*object
which is not a good thing. E.g. the following will print some data but it is a data that are stored at that point in memory and it's outside of your array (not a good thing):
string arr[3];
cout << arr[5] << endl;
Assuming you are talking about standard array like:
string arr[10];
Array's size is specified when you compile it, for example you can't do:
string arr[]; // this will fail to compile, no size specified
But you do:
string arr[] = {"1","2","3"}; // array size is 3
string arr1[3]; // array size is 3
string arr2[3] = {"1"}; // array size is 3
If you want to map extra parameters for object you are better off using std::map like:
class person {};
std::map<person*,int> PersonScore;
This assumes that the additional parameters are not logically part of the object otherwise you would just add them to the object.
Maybe you want somthing along the lines of:
class ArrayPlus100k {
Item underlyingArray[NUM_ELEMENTS];
Item& operator [] (int i) { return underlyingArray[i-100000]; }
// etc.
If you truely mean an array, and by key you mean index, then subtracting 100,000 from your index will provide you with a zero based array index. There will be no unused entries.
There may be a better container than a flat array. Choosing the right data structure depends on what you are trying to do. If you are storing objects using a key, you might want to use a std::map<key, value>.
What happens depends entirely on the data structure you choose to use. If you use a map, only the items you insert will take up space in memory. If you use new to allocate an actual array, then you will want to allocate only enough space for for the items you want to store. In that case, adjust your index by subtracting 100,000.
No, it will not create 0-99999, but rather start from 100000 to your array size.
For example, if you declare the following:
int arr[5];
Starting from arr[2], you can store up to arr[7].
I hope you understand...