I have a data set with a column named Attribute, where some of the Attributes can be repetitive, as such:
Account Attribute
1234 Online
1458 Online
4587 Offline
When I use PROC TRANSPOSE, I get the error:
ERROR: The ID value "ClomnOnline" occurs twice in the same BY group.
So I used the LET option, but it combines all the data, so if I have multiple accounts under the same attribute, is gives only 1 observation
This is my code:
OUT=WORK.Final_transposed(LABEL="Transposed WORK.FINAL_SORTED")
LABEL=Label ;
BY Account_Branch_Id;
ID Attribute;
VAR acc ;
You will want to sort the data by attribute within branch and compute a sequence value within attribute. The sequence variable can be used in the ID statement along with attribute.
data have;
input branch $ account attribute $;
A 1234 Online
A 1458 Online
A 4587 Offline
A 1972 Online
proc sort data=have equals;
by branch descending attribute;
data have_v / view = have_v;
set have;
by branch descending attribute;
if first.attribute then sequence = 1; else sequence + 1;
proc transpose data=have_v out=want;
by branch;
id attribute sequence;
var account;
I am having two data sets. The first data set has airport codes (JFK, LGA, EWR) in a variable 'airport'. The second dataset has the list of all major airports in the world. This dataset has two variables 'faa' holding the FAA Code (like JFG, LGA, EWR) and 'name' holding the actual name of the airport (John. F Kennedy, Le Guardia etc.).
My requirement is to create value labels for in the first data set, so that instead of airport code, the actual name of the airport comes up. I know I can use custom formats to achieve this. But can I write SAS code which can read the unique airport codes, then get the names from another data set and create a value label automatically?
PS: Other wise, the only option I see is to use MS Excel to get the unique list of FAA codes in dataset 1, and then use VLOOKUP to get the names of the airports. And then create one custom format by listing each unique FAA code and the airport name.
I think "value label" is SPSS terminology. Looks like you want to create a format. Just use your lookup table to create an input dataset for PROC FORMAT.
So if your second table looks like this:
data table2;
length FAA $4 Name $40 ;
input FAA Name $40. ;
JFK John F. Kennedy (NYC)
LGA Laguardia (NYC)
EWR Newark (NJ)
You can use this code to convert it into a dataset that PROC FORMAT can use to create a format.
data fmt ;
hlo=' ';
set table2 (rename=(faa=start name=label));
proc format cntlin=fmt lib=work.formats;
Now you can use that format with your other data.
proc freq data=table1 ;
tables airport ;
format airport faa. ;
Firstly, consider if it is really a format what is needed. For example, you may just do a left join to retrieve the column (airport) name from table2 (FAA-Name table).
Anyway, I believe the following macro does the trick:
Create auxiliary tables:
data have1;
input airport $;
data have2;
input faa $ name $;
a aaaa
b bbbb
c cccc
d dddd
Macro to create Format:
%macro create_format;
*count number of faa;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct count(faa) into:n
from have2;
*create macro variables for each faa and name;
proc sql noprint;
select faa, name
from have2;
*create format;
proc format;
value $airport
%do i=1 %to &n;
"&faa%left(&i)" = "&name%left(&i)"
other = "Unknown FAA code";
%mend create_format;
Apply format:
data want;
set have1;
format airport $airport.;
What i want to do: I need to create a new variables for each value labels of a variable and do some recoding. I have all the value labels output from a SPSS file (see sample).
proc format; library = library ;
value SEXF
1 = 'Homme'
2 = 'Femme' ;
value FUMERT1F
0 = 'Non'
1 = 'Oui , occasionnellement'
2 = 'Oui , régulièrement'
3 = 'Non mais j''ai déjà fumé' ;
value ... (many more with different amount of levels)
The new variable name would be the actual one without F and with underscore+level (example: FUMERT1F level 0 would become FUMERT1_0).
After that i need to recode the variables on this pattern:
data ds; set ds;
if FUMERT1=0 then FUMERT1_0=1;
if FUMERT1=1 then FUMERT1_1=1;
if FUMERT1=2 then FUMERT1_2=1;
if FUMERT1=3 then FUMERT1_3=1;
Any help will be appreciated :)
EDIT: Both answers from Joe and the one of data_null_ are working but stackoverflow won't let me pin more than one right answer.
Update to add an _ underscore to the end of each name. It looks like there is not option for PROC TRANSREG to put an underscore between the variable name and the value of the class variable so we can just do a temporary rename. Create rename name=newname pairs to rename class variable to end in underscore and to rename them back. CAT functions and SQL into macro variables.
data have;
call streaminit(1234);
do caseID = 1 to 1e4;
fumert1 = rand('table',.2,.2,.2) - 1;
sex = first(substrn('MF',rand('table',.5),1));
%let class=sex fumert1;
proc transpose data=have(obs=0) out=vnames;
var &class;
proc print;
proc sql noprint;
select catx('=',_name_,cats(_name_,'_')), catx('=',cats(_name_,'_'),_name_), cats(_name_,'_')
into :rename1 separated by ' ', :rename2 separated by ' ', :class2 separated by ' '
from vnames;
%put NOTE: &=rename1;
%put NOTE: &=rename2;
%put NOTE: &=class2;
proc transreg data=have(rename=(&rename1));
model class(&class2 / zero=none);
id caseid;
output out=design(drop=_: inter: rename=(&rename2)) design;
%put NOTE: _TRGIND(&_trgindn)=&_trgind;
First try:
Looking at the code you supplied and the output from Joe's I don't really understand the need for the formats. It looks to me like you just want to create dummies for a list of class variables. That can be done with TRANSREG.
data have;
call streaminit(1234);
do caseID = 1 to 1e4;
fumert1 = rand('table',.2,.2,.2) - 1;
sex = first(substrn('MF',rand('table',.5),1));
proc transreg data=have;
model class(sex fumert1 / zero=none);
id caseid;
output out=design(drop=_: inter:) design;
proc contents;
proc print data=design(obs=40);
One good alternative to your code is to use proc transpose. It won't get you 0's in the non-1 cells, but those are easy enough to get. It does have the disadvantage that it makes it harder to get your variables in a particular order.
Basically, transpose once to vertical, then transpose back using the old variable name concatenated to the variable value as the new variable name. Hat tip to Data null for showing this feature in a recent SAS-L post. If your version of SAS doesn't support concatenation in PROC TRANSPOSE, do it in the data step beforehand.
I show using PROC EXPAND to then set the missings to 0, but you can do this in a data step as well if you don't have ETS or if PROC EXPAND is too slow. There are other ways to do this - including setting up the dataset with 0s pre-proc-transpose - and if you have a complicated scenario where that would be needed, this might make a good separate question.
data have;
do caseID = 1 to 1e4;
fumert1 = rand('Binomial',.3,3);
sex = rand('Binomial',.5,1)+1;
proc transpose data=have out=want_pre;
by caseID;
var fumert1 sex;
copy fumert1 sex;
data want_pre_t;
set want_pre;
x=1; *dummy variable;
proc transpose data=want_pre_t out=want delim=_;
by caseID;
var x;
id _name_ col1;
copy fumert1 sex;
proc expand data=want out=want_e method=none;
convert _numeric_ /transformin=(setmiss 0);
For this method, you need to use two concepts: the cntlout dataset from proc format, and code generation. This method will likely be faster than the other option I presented (as it passes through the data only once), but it does rely on the variable name <-> format relationship being straightforward. If it's not, a slightly more complex variation will be required; you should post to that effect, and this can be modified.
First, the cntlout option in proc format makes a dataset of the contents of the format catalog. This is not the only way to do this, but it's a very easy one. Specify the appropriate libname as you would when you create a format, but instead of making one, it will dump the dataset out, and you can use it for other purposes.
Second, we create a macro that performs your action one time (creating a variable with the name_value name and then assigning it to the appropriate value) and then use proc sql to make a bunch of calls to that macro, once for each row in your cntlout dataset. Note - you may need a where clause here, or some other modifications, if your format library includes formats for variables that aren't in your dataset - or if it doesn't have the nice neat relationship your example does. Then we just make those calls in a data step.
*Set up formats and dataset;
proc format;
value SEXF
1 = 'Homme'
2 = 'Femme' ;
value FUMERT1F
0 = 'Non'
1 = 'Oui , occasionnellement'
2 = 'Oui , régulièrement'
3 = 'Non mais j''ai déjà fumé' ;
data have;
do caseID = 1 to 1e4;
fumert1 = rand('Binomial',.3,3);
sex = rand('Binomial',.5,1)+1;
*Dump formats into table;
proc format cntlout=formats;
*Macro that does the above assignment once;
%macro spread_var(var=, val=);
&var._&val.= (&var.=&val.); *result of boolean expression is 1 or 0 (T=1 F=0);
%mend spread_var;
*make the list. May want NOPRINT option here as it will make a lot of calls in your output window otherwise, but I like to see them as output.;
proc sql;
select cats('%spread_var(var=',substr(fmtname,1,length(Fmtname)-1),',val=',start,')')
into :spreadlist separated by ' '
from formats;
*Actually use the macro call list generated above;
data want;
set have;
I've been trying to make my code more efficient and this is the original code, but I think it can be written in one step.
keep Multi Type;
proc sort; by Type;
proc means noprint data=TABLE1; by Type; var Multi;output out=Table2(drop= _type_ _freq_)sum=Multi;run;
proc means noprint data=Table1; var Multi;output out=Table3(drop= _type_ _freq_) sum=total ;run;
proc sql;
create table TABLE4as
select a.Type, a.Multi label="Multi", b.total label="total"
from TABLE2 a, TABLE3 b
order by Type;
data TABLE5;set TABLE4;
I am able to split up part of it, but I can't figure out how to get the PCT part in my code. This is what I have.
proc sql;
create table TABLE1 as
select distinct type, sum(percent*total_units) as MULTI label "MULTI",
MULTI/(percent*total_units)) as PCT
group by type;
I had to edit some of the code but I think the general idea should make sense.
The main problem is I cannot call upon the MULTI column because it is just being created but I want to create a percentage of the total for each type.
The "SAS" way to do something like this is to use a CLASS statement with PROC MEANS. That will calculate statistics on all the interaction levels in the data (identified by the TYPE variable). The row where TYPE=0 will be the "total" value, representing the value of that statistic for the entire data set.
In your case, we can take advantage of the fact that PROC MEANS will create the output data set sorted by TYPE and by the variables listed in the CLASS statement. That means we can just read the first observation and save it's value for calculating percentages.
It's probably easier to just show some code:
data TABLE;
Multi = percent * total_units;
keep Multi Type;
proc means noprint data=TABLE;
class Type;
var multi;
output out=next sum=;
data want;
retain total;
set next;
if _n_ = 1 then do;
/* The first obs will be the _TYPE_=0 record */
total = multi;
pct = (multi / total) * 100;
drop total _freq_ _type_;
Notice that you do not need to sort the data before using PROC MEANS. That's because we are using a CLASS statement rather than a BY statement. The data step is using the first observation in the data set created by MEANS (the TYPE=0 record) to retain the total sum of your variable. The delete statement keeps it out of the result.
CLASS statements with PROC MEANS are very useful. Take a few minutes to read up on how the TYPE variable is calculated, especially if you try using more than one class variable.
You can skip the initial data step by using the WEIGHT option in VAR statement of PROC MEANS (this will effectively do the multiplication for you). You can also use PROC TABULATE instead of PROC MEANS, as tabulate can calculate the percentage. I believe the following code will produce your required output in one go.
ods noresults;
proc tabulate data=have out=want (drop=_: rename=(total_units_sum=total total_units_pctsum_0=pct));
class type;
var total_units / weight=percent;
table type, total_units*(sum pctsum);
ods results;
If you need one step, maybe this will work, but it's not actually efficient, since it processes data twice, once for detail by TYPE, once for total.
proc sql;
create table TABLE1 as
, sum(d.percent*d.total_units) as MULTI label "MULTI"
, calculated MULTI/s.total as PCT
( select sum(percent*total_units) as total
group by type
For more efficiency, but in more than one steps you could simply replace tables withe views in your original code:
data TABLE; => data TABLE / view=TABLE;
create table TABLE4 => create view TABLE4
So I have multiple continuous variables that I have used proc rank to divide into 10 groups, ie for each observation there is now a "GPA" and a "GRP_GPA" value, ditto for Hmwrk_Hrs and GRP_Hmwrk_Hrs. But for each of the new group columns the values are between 1 - 10. Is there a way to change that value so that rather than 1 for instance it would be 1.2-2.8 if those were the min and max values within the group? I know I can do it by hand using proc format or if then or case in sql but since I have something like 40 different columns that would be very time intensive.
It's not clear from your question if you want to store the min-max values or just format the rank columns with them. My solution below formats the rank column and utilises the ability of SAS to create formats from a dataset. I've obviously only used 1 variable to rank, for your data it will be a simple matter to wrap a macro around the code and run for each of your 40 or so variables. Hope this helps.
/* create ranked dataset */
proc rank data=sashelp.steel groups=10 out=want;
var steel;
ranks steel_rank;
/* calculate minimum and maximum values per rank */
proc summary data=want nway;
class steel_rank;
var steel;
output out=want_min_max (drop=_:) min= max= / autoname;
/* create dataset with formatted values */
data steel_rank_fmt;
set want_min_max (rename=(steel_rank=start));
retain fmtname 'stl_fmt' type 'N';
/* create format from previous dataset */
proc format cntlin=steel_rank_fmt;
/* apply formatted value to rank column */
proc datasets lib=work nodetails nolist;
modify want;
format steel_rank stl_fmt10.;
In addition to Keith's good answer, you can also do the following:
proc rank data = sashelp.cars groups = 10 out = test;
var enginesize;
ranks es;
proc sql ;
select *, catx('-',min(enginesize), max(enginesize)) as esrange, es from test
group by es
order by make, model
I have two datasets in SAS that I would like to merge, but they have no common variables. One dataset has a "subject_id" variable, while the other has a "mom_subject_id" variable. Both of these variables are 9-digit codes that have just 3 digits in the middle of the code with common meaning, and that's what I need to match the two datasets on when I merge them.
What I'd like to do is create a new common variable in each dataset that is just the 3 digits from within the subject ID. Those 3 digits will always be in the same location within the 9-digit subject ID, so I'm wondering if there's a way to extract those 3 digits from the variable to make a new variable.
SQL(using sample data from Data Step code):
proc sql;
create table want2 as
select a.subject_id, a.other, b.mom_subject_id, b.misc
from have1 a JOIN have2 b
Data Step:
data have1;
length subject_id $9;
input subject_id $ other $;
abc001def other1
abc002def other2
abc003def other3
abc004def other4
abc005def other5
data have2;
length mom_subject_id $9;
input mom_subject_id $ misc $;
ghi001jkl misc1
ghi003jkl misc3
ghi005jkl misc5
data have1;
length id $3;
set have1;
data have2;
length id $3;
set have2;
Proc sort data=have1;
by id;
Proc sort data=have2;
by id;
data work.want;
merge have1(in=a) have2(in=b);
by id;
an alternative would be to use
proc sql
and then use a join and the substr() just as explained above, if you are comfortable with sql
Assuming that your "subject_id" variable is a number then the substr function wont work as sas will try convert the number to a string. But by default it pads some paces on the left of the number.
You can use the modulus function mod(input, base) which returns the remainder when input is divided by base.
/*First get rid of the last 3 digits*/
temp_var = floor( subject_id / 1000);
/* then get the next three digits that we want*/
id = mod(temp_var ,1000);
Or in one line:
id = mod(floor(subject_id / 1000), 1000);
Then you can continue with sorting the new data sets by id and then merging.