Missing Authentication Token while accessing API Gateway when tested in chrome but working in postman - amazon-web-services

I created an AWS Lambda function which invokes the endpoint of ML model I created in sagemaker. I tested it and it's working fine. Next I created REST API that calls this lambda function. I set any authentication type as NONE. Anyone with the url can access it. I created it following this aws blog. I tested my url in postman. It's working fine in postman but when I entered the url in chrome, its throwing {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"} error. Can someone please tell how do I get rid of that error while testing my url in chrome

The error is misleading. It's got absolutely nothing to do with tokens. What is actually happening is that the URL you are trying to access is invalid.
API Gateway's URL looks like this: https://xxxxxxx.execute-api.some-region.amazonaws.com/your-stage but it's very likely that you created an endpoint on API Gateway, which would then be accessible via https://xxxxxxx.execute-api.some-region.amazonaws.com/your-stage/YOUR_ENDPOINT
If you hit the base URL or a path which does not exist, you will get that weird, misleading Missing Authentication Token message.
So, long story short, hit a valid path for your API and it should work just fine.
Tip: maybe you are doing a POST request via Postman but whenever you try with the browser it issues a GET request, which would also result in an invalid path and therefore the Missing Authentication Token message.


Getting 401 from Netsuite REST API

I'm following this tutorial here to attempt to authenticate using Token Based Authentication with Netsuite:
through postman using Netsuite's Postman environment, but I continue to receive "401 Invalid login attempt".
When I check the Login Audit Trail, I see that there is no role being assigned to my authentication attempts -- it's just blank. To me, this indicates that the token is not properly assigned to the User/Role, but I've walked through the directions several times and everything appears to be setup properly.
I've seen other similar posts about this, but those seem to boil down to the Netsuite Account ID formatting. However, my Netsuite Account ID is all numbers, so I don't think this is a factor.
This should work fine assuming you have created an integration and an access token. Configure Oauth 1.0 in postman with the following fields filled out correctly:
signature method (should be HMAC-256)
consumer key (from the integration you created in netsuite)
consumer secret (from the integration you created in netsuite)
access token (from the access token created in netsuite)
token secret (from the access token created in netsuite)
realm (your account id, if using a sandbox, make sure the realm looks like 1234567_SB1, with an _ and not a -)
You won't be able to complete TBA using postman because using netsuite TBA requires a callback URL that netsuite will redirect you to with the necessary credentials (access token and & token secret).
I'm having this exact same issue. I have custom code written in Salesforce APEX that is connecting to NetSuite just fine. We also have a Workato integration that is connecting to NetSuite just fine.
No matter what I do in Postman, I get a 401 Invalid Login response. I'm losing my mind...
I finally got this to work for me. Postman had a request header of "Connection"="keep-alive". Once I removed that it worked fine! Wow.. I've been trying to get this to work for weeks, looking at it every few days for an hour or two. What a frustrating error message "Invalid Login".

"Missing Authentication Token" trying to perform a Post to AWS api

There have been loads of topics on this error and I've spent hours reading through them. I am getting this error when trying to load the URL of my Post method (it works fine when I test it within the AWS console). When I run the URL created after I deployed it:
I get this errror: message "Missing Authentication Token"
I can see the response contained this error: missingAuthenticationTokenException
I've done the exact same thing with a Get and had no problems. Is this something specific to Post?
I deployed the app after every change and took the URL from the method's STAGES tab.
Validation and authentication are set to "None"
Is there anything else I can do to debug this?

Credentials aren't allowed error when using Outlook REST API Oauth2 in AWS server

I'm trying to implement Outlook Oauth2 in our Django backend server which is hosted on an AWS instance.
I carefully followed the instructions in their python tutorial and it works 100% in my local machine. I am able to grab the authorization code which I then convert in my backend server to an access token.
The problem lies in our demo server which is an AWS instance. We have a button that redirects the users to Outlook authentication. The URL has the following format:
I am receiving the following error whenever I convert the authorization code into an access token just after the consent screen:
'error': 'access_denied',
'error_description': 'Your credentials aren't allowed'
The weird thing is that if I use POSTMAN using the demo server Outlook credentials, I am able to retrieve an access token from Outlook.
Basically, it works for both in my local machine and using Postman. I really think that I'm just missing a very small piece of code/configuration here. Are there some extra settings that I need to do in order to make Outlook Oauth2 work in AWS?
We were able to fix the bug by adding User.Read into the scopes. Apparently, that's the only thing missing from all of this.

Reactjs app making requests to Django which exists on different domain

I'm trying to make a request from my reactjs app existing on "localhost:3000" to my django living in "localhost:8000"
I was expecting some authentication token in header to passed along with the request, but it's not the case. The request seems to be stripped and the token is nowhere to be found. Unless I pass the token in the url as a parameter (which exposes the token that can be decoded. I don't like it), I can't seem to be able to get the token in any way.
so my questions:
is this CORS issue? My understanding is that CORS usually deals with javascripts only, and Django already has the middleware to deal with this.
I'm currently using a GET as method. Does using a POST help in this case? How would the reactjs script be written? Currently it's just a href attached to a NavItem
and ultimately:
How do I pass the token from reactjs to django?
We can perform the implicit grant on the front-end and then configure the Django API in Auth0 and specify its identifier in the audience parameter. This would grant you an access token which you could then use against your API. Your API would then verify the token and check the audience is correct. (This has a good overview of the process https://auth0.com/docs/api-auth/grant/implicit and then with the API https://auth0.com/docs/architecture-scenarios/spa-api)
Basically what we can do is when Auth0 authenticates the user it redirects the user to the app with an access token, and optionally an id token, in the hash fragment of the URI. We can extract that and use the token to call the API on behalf of the user.
So, after we have [created the API in Auth0][3, [defined the endpoints]3, and secured the endpoints we can call the API (by sending the access token in an Authorization header using the Bearer scheme).
If you have any Auth0 specific question please feel free to join over in community.auth0.com you may have better luck finding help/solutions.
The 403 error is telling you that the request is not being processed because something is stopping from process that request 403: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated
As you said probably because the CORS, try to follow the guide bellow of how to install Django-cors

Facebook auth setup

How can I setup PAW to work with Facebook locally for development? Or even at all for that matter?
I have a node.js backend that I'm setting up with Facebook Auth. Every one of my routes needs the user to be logged in. I have two endpoints related to FB Auth. localhost:3000/api/v1/loginFB and localhost:3000/api/v1/callbackFB. Both of these work great in a web browser.
loginFB simply returns this string... https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=523534457345&redirect_uri=https://localhost:3000/api/v1/callbackFB&scope=email,public_profile,user_friends.
When I call that URI in a browser, it returns a code=blahblah which my callbackFB endpoint uses to fire off another request to get the access token. All good.
So now in PAW I'm confused by the difference between the request URI and the Authorization URL text field? Should I use the loginFB URI for my request URI? And then https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth in the Authorization URL textfield?
Basically what's happening is that when I click Get Access Token, it returns the code but my callbackFB endpoint 500's by saying "This authorization code has been used." The code that it's getting returned is definitely different each time I Get Access Token.
This is where I'm at with this thing (Client ID and Client Secret are actually my App ID and App Secret from fb's dev management site, and the Access Token URL is actually set to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/oauth/access_token which I'm 99% sure is the correct URI):
This is the error I get when I click Get Access Token button:
It would be awesome to get some advice from anyone with experience with this issue. Thanks.
Re: #MichaMazaheri
tl;dr Fixed in version 2.2.2
Sorry for the super late follow-up. We actually fix this exact issue in Paw 2.2.2, which is already released on our website, and pending review for the Mac App Store. (It was some JSON vs. Form URL-Encoded parsing issue). Thanks for reporting.