Google Sheets hours worked before and after specified time - if-statement

I am trying to specify a time that starts a shift premium for a time card. I was so happy I finally figured out how to get it, but then I changed a time to a first shift time and thats when I lost all hope. I have spent hours messing with this and my current formula's looks like
My end goal is to have it so first shift (7am - 3pm) fall under base pay, 2nd shift (4pm-12am) fall under x1.05 and anything past 12am falls under x1.1
Just getting this far has been a mind blower for me and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have moved this to its own sheet to share with everyone. I am still playing with things myself and trying different things, but on the sheet I have included the variables along with the wording of the contract that effects the pay scale. NOTE the times I originally provided were just examples from the top of my head.
My Sheet

It doesn't look like your current sheet accounts for the multiple criteria you're wanting to evaluate. First shift (x1) begins at 7; second shift (x1.05) begins at 15:00, and third shift (x1.10) begins at 24:00.
I added each of those directly above the columns they affect and used this formula for the Base column:
...this for the x1.05 column:
...and this for the x1.10 column:
So far, it's working as expected. One thing I didn't add into it is to account for someone who starts their shift before 7 a.m. If you want this to be included in the x1.10 column, you could add a calculation for that to the formula there.
Here's what it looks like:
I'm working in Excel, but these formulas should all work in Google Sheets as well.


How to automatically feed a cell value from a range of values, based on its matching condition with other cell value

I'm making a time-spending tracker based on the work I do every hour of the day.
Now, suppose I have 28 types of work listed in my tracker (which I also have to increase from time to time), and I have about 8 significance values that I have decided to relate to these 28 types of work, predefined.
I want that, as soon as I enter a type of work in cell 1 - I want the adjacent cell 2 to get automatically populated with a significance value (from a range of 8 values) that is pre-definitely set by me.
Every time I input a new or old occurrence of a type of work, the adjacent cell should automatically get matched with its relevant significance value & automatically get populated in real-time.
I know how to do it using IF, IFS, and IF_OR conditions, but I feel that based on the ever-expanding types of work & significance values, the above formulas will be very big, complicated, and repetitive in the future. I feel there's a more efficient way to achieve it. Also, I don't want it to be selected from a drop-down list.
Guys, please help me out with the most efficient way to handle this. TUIA :)
Also, I've added a snapshot and a sample sheet describing the problem.
Sample sheet
XLOOKUP() may work. Try-
Or FILTER() function like-
You can use this formula for a whole column:
Adapt the ranges to your actual tables in order to include in the second argument all the potential values and their significances
This is the formula, that worked for me (for anybody's reference):
I created another reference sheet, stating the types of work & their significance. From that sheet, I'm using either vlookup, filter, xlookup.Using gforms for inputting my data.

Google Sheets: Sum a Value Range Within a Specified Time Frame

I'm trying to sum a range of values, within a given time frame. The time frame could be x hours, or y days, etc. An example:
So for each row, I need to sum the last hours or days as specified in cells C2:E2, which are numeric (just added formatting to show the text). Note that the datetime values do not follow any interval pattern, but are always sequential.
Although I've tried searching SO, and via Google, I haven't been able to find a way to do this.
Any suggestions would be very welcome.
I've added to a link to an example sheet of what I'm trying to do... pls just ask if I can add any further info!
Test Sum By Time
=SUMIFS(B3:B, A3:A, ">="&NOW()-1)
=SUMIFS(B3:B, A3:A, ">="&NOW()-7)
In Google sheets, use the =TODAY() code to for today's date and put this in another cell. You could always create a new sheet (which we will call sheet3) which you hide afterwards. Let's imagine you put this in cell A1.
You can use the =IMPORTRANGE("the google sheets website link", "Sheet Name!A3:A31" to insert the values. Let's imagine you import this into B3:B31. In C3, you put =IF(REGEXMATCH(B3, A1), 1, 0).
You continue this in each cell from B4:B31, each time changing "B3" to the current row number. Then we can use the =SUM(C3:C31) code to count how many meet this condition. Let's imagine you put this in A2.
Now back to the original sheet. Use `=IMPORTRANGE("the google sheets website link", "sheet3!A2" in the cell C3.
For the other 2, I don't know, sorry!

What is a working formula that can calculate to show if an appointment time has surpassed two hours by referencing the current time

I'm currently tying up a work project in Google Sheets, but I'm stuck on an addition that I would like to add. I had an idea to show whether an input appointment time had surpassed a 2 hour window while referencing the current time. I tried the code below but I keep getting N/A returns or #error. Any help would be appreciated.
"=IF(A2+TIME(2,0,0)<(TEXT(NOW()'HH:mm'), 'YES', 'NO')"
Basically if the input time in cell A2 plus two hours is less than the current time, it would state yes or no. I admit my knowledge although growing, is still a bit basic. Thanks for any advice or suggestions.
Try this:
=IF(A2+(2/24)<now(), "YES", "NO")

Optimizing / speeding up calculation time in Google Sheets

I have asked a few questions related to this personal project of mine already on this platform, and this should be the last one since I am so close to finishing. Below is the link to a mock example spreadsheet I've created, which mimics what my actual project does but it contains less sensitive information and is also smaller in size.
Mock Spreadsheet
Basic rundown of the spreadsheet:
Pulls data from a master schedule which is controlled/edited by another party into the Master Schedule tab.
In the columns adjacent to the imported data, an array formula expands the master schedule by classroom in case some of the time slots designate multiple rooms. Additional formulas adjust the date, start time, and end time to be capped within the current day's 24-hour period. The start time of each class is also made to be an hour earlier.
In the Room Schedule tab, an hourly calendar is created based on the room number in the first column, and only corresponds to the current day.
I have tested the spreadsheet extensively with multiple scenarios, and I'm happy with how everything works except for the calculation time. I figured the two volatile functions I use would take some processing time just by themselves, and I certainly didn't expect this to be lightning-fast especially without using a script, but the project that I am actually implementing this method for is much larger and takes a very long time to update. The purpose of this spreadsheet is to allow users to find an open room and "reserve" it by clicking the checkbox next to it (which will consequently color the entire row red) allowing everyone else to know that it is now taken.
I'd like to know if there is any way to optimize / speed up my spreadsheet, or to not update it every time a checkbox is clicked and instead update it "manually", similar to what OP is asking here. I am not familiar with Apps Script nor am I well-versed in writing code overall, but I am willing to learn - I just need a push in the right direction since I am going into this blind. I know the number of formulas in the Room Schedule tab is probably working against me yet I am so close to what I wanted the final product to be, so any help or insight is greatly appreciated!
Feel free to ask any questions if I didn't explain this well enough.
to speed up things you should avoid usage of the same formulae per each row and make use of arrayformulas. for example:
IF((TEXT(K3:K, "m/d")<>$A$1)*((M3:M-L3:L)<0), K3:K+1, K3:K+0), ))
=IF(AND(TEXT(K3,"m/d")=$A$1,(M3-L3)<0),TIMEVALUE("11:59:59 PM"),M3+0)
IF((TEXT(K3,"m/d")=$A$1)*((M3-L3)<0), TIMEVALUE("11:59:59 PM"), M3:M+0), ))

average hourly traffic over the year

After hours of searching the web (including SO), I am requesting advice from the community. RRD seems to be the right tool for this, but I could not get a straight answer until now.
My question is : Is it possible to get RRD output a graph for the day, that averages data from the past year ?
In other words, I want the "view span" to be one day long, but the "data span" to extend over the last 12 months, so that for 6pm, the value will be computed as the average value of ALL previous traffic measured at 6pm last 12 months.
Any hints, or instructions welcomed!
There is no direct way to create such a graph, at least in theory it would be possible using multiple DEF lines together with the SHIFT operation to create such a chart ... you would have to use a program to create the necessary command line though