Facebook Group API - No Preview - facebook-graph-api

Good afternoon,
Any knows why when I make a group post through the API with for example the following link:
- https://www.motocasiao.pt/advert/8F70CC3EF/ktm-1190-adventure
No preview is generated, only the url is shown..
Output: https://prnt.sc/q05517
Thanks in advance

When content is shared for the first time, the Facebook crawler will scrape and cache the metadata from the URL shared. The crawler has to see an image at least once before it can be rendered. This means that the first person who shares a piece of content won't see a rendered image.
There are three ways to avoid this and have images render on the first Like or Share action:
Pre-cache the image with the Sharing Debugger: Run the URL through the URL debugger to pre-fetch metadata for the page. This can also be used to update the image for a piece of content.
Pre-cache the image using Graph API: Perform a force-scrape of the URL programmatically using the Graph API to pre-fetch metadata for the page . This can also be used to update the image for a piece of content.
Use og:image:width and og:image:height Open Graph tags: Using these tags will specify the image dimensions to the crawler so that it can render the image immediately without having to asynchronously download and process it.


Images not rendering on-page in vue v-for from S3 uploaded into Strapi admin

I have an API call that is publically accessible:
The API is a strapi app that has had images uploaded to it and the images are hosted in S3.
I am trying to render the images in a v-for in a Gridsome app but all I see is an empty page with the images visible in the inspector but not on the page - the URL's of the images when individually accessed display the images fine in a browser:
All my <li> items are like this, the images are "there" but aren't being displayed. Can anyone offer any insight as to why? They show fine in the Strapi admin and when placed in the HTML statically, my S3 bucket is public and I have no issues accessing the individual image URL's that render inside the v-for and seeing the images in a new tab:
An example URL of the image in the screenshot here:
I have double checked in Chrome also. It's completely baffling me.
.drag-galery__item class is setting the opacity 0, this is making the image invisible

I want to update a DIV that will contain an image from a database PostgreSQL, without refreshing the entire page. Backend Django

I want to update a DIV that will contain an image, initially there is no image, the image is in a database (the images table will have a field with the image path) PostgreSQL. Every time the database loads an image (it can be at any time) the DIV must be updated, showing the new image, without refreshing the HTML page. If the user wants to see the next image loaded in the database, he will only have to refresh the page. Thank you very much for your support.
Simple solution for you...

resizing images to load faster in django

Hi everyone i'm working in a blog project in django framework where you can upload images and text. I have 30 images uploaded and the page takes 2234kb for most of its images when loading and all the images are loading at the same time. So when my users hit the page (the post list page) load all the images and its make the page slower. If anyhow i could load, not all the images, but a typically 20 images at a time when they are loading and rest images will be loading when the user scroll the page. is there anything how to do it i'm using html template in django. please help me.
What you are looking for is called image lazy loading. You can find here a guide about it. It should be fairly easy to implement, if you follow the instructions.

django sorl-thumbnail json

I am using Sorl-Thumbnail to generate thumbnails within pages via template tags.
This all works perfectly fine.
However I have now added a store locator function to the site which feeds into my Google Maps JS via JSON.
In the infowindow popups I would like to put a tiny image of the storefront.
So I need to create another size of thumbnail and I need to include the URL for this within my JSON.
It seemed initially that Sorl doesnt support this due to its requirement for Tags within a page.
I have looked at the low level API version "get_thumbnail" and have tried to implement this within my Model without much luck so far.
I have no problem with my JSON and serialisation, just getting the thumbnail generated and into the model prior to this.
Has anyone had any experience with this scenario previously?

Storing multiple images for an item in Sitecore

I want to store multiple images for an item (e.g. images of a building) and I need to create a image viewer control in the ASP.NET website as well.
What are good options to save and retrieve images from Sitecore? If there is an Image list kind of control that would be ideal in my scenario.
Is it a good option to use the "Attachment" field type? If anyone has code examples, please share.
The Sitecore Field Suite open source module contains an "Image Field" control that allows you to attach multiple images to a content item. Unlike a normal multilist, the Image List allows authors to see the images they are attaching directly in the Content Editor, which can be very helpful in choosing and arranging Carousel items.
Blog post introducting the Field Suite: http://blog.velir.com/index.php/2012/10/24/sitecore-field-suite/
FIeld Suite on Sitecore Marketplace: http://marketplace.sitecore.net/en/Modules/Field_Suite.aspx