Power BI Visualize Many to Many - powerbi

I currently have two tables: A "Send ID" table and an "Affiliation Table" each based on a column of customer IDs.
No columns have purely distinct values so I cannot create a many to one relationship.
I would like to visualize the Send IDs based on the Affiliations as shown here:
Desired Output
I can work with either having the Send IDs repeat per affiliation in the new desired table or have them unique per affiliation - either way works with me.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

noyraz's solution in establishing a many to many relationship based on the customerID should suit your needs.
If you are required to find out where a customer appears in the affiliation table or sendID table, I highly recommend performing a full outer join in the query editor.
Using the picture below, right click on any of the tables, and select reference.
Reference Screenshot
Then rename the table if you like
Click on Merge Queries
In the drop down, select the other table you didnt reference, then click on both customerIDs
select full other join.
Full Outer Join labled screenshot
Expand the new table column
deselect the ID if you like.
Expanding Column Screenshot
If there are occurrences where they don't appear (useful for sending and delivered tables), you can do visual level filters to see where either the Affiliation or SendID is null/blank.

when you create Many To Many relationships like Here
all you have to do next it's just visual this like you desire
hope I understand your question right


Join 2 table in power bi

I need help on this issue as i don't have any experience in Power Bi. I want to join 2 table in Power Bi where it have the same column which is Part_Number. How can i make this 2 table to match by Part Number and return the value?
Recon Table
Inventory Table
I would like to have Part Number, Part Name, QTY, Total Quantity as the result. Hope that i can the clarification i need. Thanks a lot!
For this case you simply must merge the tables. It doesn't look like you have done a lot of research on the matter though, so it's hard to understand exactly what you need help with.
To merge your two tables in Power Query, I would right click in the left hand side menu and select Merge Queries as New.
After that you simply follow the on-screen instructions and select your two tables and their respective key columns. After merging you can choose to disable load of your two original tables to save space in your data model, but this depends on your requirements.
If this was my data model, I would think on why joining these tables are necessary, instead of using these two tables as fact tables, and creating a third table to handle the part number dimension with associated part metadata.
Read the docs: Merge queries in Power Query

Power Bi dealing with repeated instruments from REDCap

I have data like this:
It comes from REDCap, and as you may be able to tell, the data in the far right columns are repeated variables about each "protocol_title" (the far left column). I.e. "Love it" and "I want a disc instead" are both about "study 2"
I've imported the data into Power Bi and currently I have this:
What I'd like is for the top left visual to only have one row per study (with columns such as principal investigator and method of image transfer, i.e. columns that had data in the first row) and a visual on the lower left with all the right-most columns.
By switching the top visual from a table to a matrix I can kinda accomplish this:
But it adds a bunch of unnecessary columns. As an alternative I thought I could add a filter to the top visual that would filter to "redcap_event_name"=="protocol_information" which would only be those top rows.... but given the visuals are linked, if I do that it removes everything from the bottom visual. I'd like to keep the link between the visuals so that if I select "study2" in the top visual, it'll highlight relevant study 2 information in the bottom one.
So my question is: what's the best approach for making the visuals I want? Are there special settings for visuals? Do I need to do something to the data first in the query? How should I go about this?
You might want to rework you data structure. At first glance, your flat source table could be parsed into two tables :
This can be done in PowerQuery.
For Protocol :
Select columns A to R.
Filter on redcap_event (?) starts by "protocol_info"
Delete empty rows
For Survey
Select columns A (to keep the protocol ID and be able to link both tables), T and U.
Filter on redcap_event (?) starts by "survey"
Delete empty rows.
You should end up with the two table with a one-to-many relationship between Protocol[Protocol_ID] (column A) and Survey[Protocol_ID] (same)
And it should make everything much easier: visuals, calculations...

PowerBI - Filter Table/Report based on User Selection of Slicer falls between Valid From Date & Valid To Date

I have been trying to find an answer to my problem but to no avail, so hoping someone is able to provide some ideas / advice on if this is possible and if so, how to go about it? I've tried various things and none have worked.
We create views within SQL and then connect to them using 'Import' from the Data Connectivity Mode when connecting to the SQL Server from within Power BI. Within the view, we use tables that contain a 'Valid From Date' and 'Valid To Date' for each row of data, so when a change occurs a row is closed off and a new row is created. This is so we can limit the rows of data within the table.
When trying to create a report within Power BI, we need to make it that the end user can use a data drop down list to select a date and the data within the whole of the report shows any rows that the selected date falls on or between the Valid From and Valid To dates. We use Cards, Tables, Matrix and Charts within our reports, so all would need to reflect the date selected by the user.
I have tried various methods that I could think to get it to work but each have had limitations where it either doesn't work or only partly works.
Any help / advice on this would be really appreciated.
Many Thanks

Connect elements in PowerBI?

I have the results of a survey in an excel file that I would like to analyze in PowerBI. The fact is that I thought I could have a drop down item so that the user can select the question they want to see the results of. In addition, various filters such as the age and the position of the respondent's respondents. Finally there would be another element that would be a graph in order to be able to visualize the results. I have tried to test all three elements, but they do not connect with each other. That is to say, when I select a question from the drop-down menu and then select a filter, the graph does not update. Do you have any idea?

In Power BI Desktop, how can I group all measures together (instead of placing under different tables)?

Tableau automatically groups measures together but Power BI Desktop doesn't natively support this. I find it annoying to have to place measures under imported tables as the measures don't really belong to those "parent tables" (and quite often take input from multiple tables — which one would you consider the "parent"?)
So I experimented with some workarounds and I'm sharing the successful (as of the date of this post) ones here:
Method 1 (recommended): "Model" view > "Enter data" to enter a manual data table. Give a name like "_Measures_" so it appears on top of tables, and keep only the default dummy column "Column". Create/move measures under it, then right click to delete that "Column". Now you're left with a blank table that groups those measures under it.
Method 2: "Data" view > "New table" to create a DAX calculated table. Rest the same as above, except that for a DAX calculated table you can't delete the dummy column but instead you can hide it.
You can also "Enter data" using Power Query Editor but I don't recommend going with that extra step -- workarounds are supposed to be quick (and dirty) anyways!
Final results look like this (note the difference of the icons):