Can't apt-get install packages on pythonanywhere - django

I'm trying to deploy a django project to pythonanywhere. I'm using this package in my project:
In order for preview-generator to work it has the following requirements:
apt-get install zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev python3-pythonmagick inkscape xvfb poppler-utils libfile-mimeinfo-perl qpdf libimage-exiftool-perl ufraw-batch ffmpeg
The Bash console in Pythonanywhere won't let me install packages as root. Is there any way for me to install these required packages on the pythonanywhere server?
I read that the best you can do is make a request to the pythonanywhere team to have the packages added in future versions. Is this still the case?


how to install pip remotely using ssh

Hi I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I am trying to upload a django project which I have developed locally on my machine and now moved the project files to a server and am trying to install django on the server.
I have Python 2.7.5 installed and accessed the server remotely using ssh (putty) I can confirm Python is installed by running the command python --version
I don't have pip installed as when i run the command pip --version
I get following notification
-bash: pip: command not found
I am new to django and python so not sure what I should do to install both django and pip.
p.s In my requirements file and when working locally I have pip and django installed correctly and all working.
Ok, lets say you are already on your remote server. First thing to do is to install pip for your version of python. You can do this via:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
From now you have pip installed. Next thing to do is to install django globally in your system:
pip install django==1.11
Please note that django 1.11 is the last version that supports
Next thing to do is to create django app:
django-admin startproject test_project
And the last thing is to install virtualenv
To install libraries for each of your django projects and keep them
pip install virtualenv
Also note
If you have requirements.txt file with all libs, you can do something like this on your remote server:
pip install -r requirements.txt
That will automatically install all libraries at once
First you should understand which OS you're running:
uname -a
lsb_release -a
When you find the OS version, you can easily follow this guide:

django update version without pip

I want to update my django version (1.8 ->1.9).
My current version was installed using pip (pip install Django) .
Now I need to install a newer version without pip.
I think I should run from the django package folder, using the file:
python install
[I've installed some other packages using a file .]
The question - will that create some problems? And, does the install method take care for uninstalling the older version? Or I have to uninstall manually somehow?
I don't have internet connection in this computer, so no pip.
Download a release (they are available on GitHub), and copy to your computer.
Then use pip install to install the archive. For example
pip install django-1.9.3.tar.gz
For more ways to use pip install, see the docs.

installing django-remote-forms on pythonanywhere virtualenv

I want to install django-remote-forms on pythonanywhere virtualenv
but it seems pip repo dose not include django-remote-forms
and also whene I upload the files on pythonanywhere host I dont have required premission
for installing using
if any one could help me
You can install it directly from github:
pip install --user

How do you install Docutils from the Terminal so that Django admindocs will work?

Docutils is a great package. If you are using Django the admindocs package needs docutils. Instructions are available for installing with a web browser, but what if you are remote and logging in with a terminal over SSH? How to install in that case? What if you just want a quick recipe to do the job with the terminal?
I know I'm rather late to this question, but the accepted answer doesn't really reflect the common best practices from Python community members (and even less so from the Django community members.) While the outlined manual installation process does work, is is far more pains taking and error prone than the following:
You really should be using Pip. With Pip installing docutils system wide is as simple as:
$ sudo pip install docutils
This not only works for docutils but nearly any package on the 'Cheese Shop' as well as many other code repositories (Github, Bitbucket, etc.)
You may also want to look into other common Python best practice tools like virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper so that you can avoid global package installation.
To install Pip on Ubuntu/Debain I generally do the following:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
BTW: for virtualenv 'sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv' and for virtualenvwrapper 'sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper'.
The key to the install is to use the curl utility. The following will install docutils:
mkdir docutilsetup
cd docutilsetup
curl -o docutils-docutils.tar.gz
gunzip docutils-docutils.tar.gz
tar -xf docutils-docutils.tar
cd docutils
sudo python install
This performs the following steps: Create a directory to download docutils into. cd into the directory just made, and use curl to download the zipped version of docutils. Unzip the file which creates a subdirectory docutils. cd into that directory and install with root permissions.
If you are using Django you will have to restart Django for admindocs to start working.
Although it is an old thread, I want to share the answer I found. To install type command
sudo apt install python-docutils
sudo apt install python3-docutils
This will install the dependencies too. Yesterday, I installed docutils using this command for Geany editor and it is working fine.

How can I tell whether/where python a virtualenv has been set up? (aka installing lxml on bitnami's djangostack)

I'm working on a django application on the bitnami djangostack. I want to use the lxml library, but I haven't been able to install it. Or rather, I haven't been able to install it where django can find it.
I've already used apt-get to install the libxml2, libxslt, and python-dev dependencies. Both of these commands report success*:
sudo pip install lxml
sudo apt-get install python-lxml
easy_install fails with a super-long error message that makes me think it can't find the dependencies. (I've run into this problem before.)
When I open up python or call python shell and try "import lxml", I get
"ImportError: No module named lxml"
As best I can tell, bitnami has set up a virtual environment for django, and pip and aptitude are installing lxml perfectly -- to the wrong python. Assuming that's all correct, how do I get lxml installed to the right one?
When you use apt-get install you are installing system libraries. BitNami DjangoStack is self-contained and independent. You could upgrade or remove your system libraries with apt-get and it would not be affected. Unfortunately lxml is not included in the stack nor libxslt which is a depency. We will include it in a future version however please find below the steps for manualing installing lxml on top of the python version included in BitNami DjangoStack.
You will need to use the system libraries for libxslt and libxml2. Be sure that you have them installed:
sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1.1 libxslt1-dev
Download lxml and uncompress it:
tar zxvf lxml-2.3.2.tgz
cd lxml-2.3.3
Load the BitNami environment:
. path_to_your_djangostack_installation/scripts/ <-- notice the space between the dot and the path to the script.
which python <-- the output should be the python version from BitNami.
Install lxml specifying the path to your system libraries (notice that you should execute this command in the lxml directory):
python install --with-xslt-config=/usr/bin/xslt-config --with-xml2-config=/usr/bin/xml2-config
Now executing import lxml in the python console should work.
(This was already replied here)
There have been a couple of blog postings on installing this library on shared hosting.
How to install lxml for python without administative rights on linux?