Facebook Graph API Webhook for Manage Page Livestreaming - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to get a webhook for a user's managed page going live and I've got the live_video webhook subscription in my Facebook App dashboard, but it's not going for my managed pages or those that I authorize when I authorize my app. I am using the pages_show_list scope so that my app is aware of the pages but that doesn't seem to be enough.

I needed the manage_pages scope, and thus app review.


Facebook App Review instagram_basic not being tested properly

Currently I am trying to get my app approved by Facebook.
My app allows users to connect their instagram account. I use data like instagram_profile_picture and followed_by_count to complete their profile with reliable data.
For that, I request the permission instagram_basic within the Facebook-login process. Obviously the process only works if a instagram account is connected to the Facebook account which they are logging in with.
Facebook rejected my app because they could not test the permission properly. But they say that my screencast shows a valid use case (where my FB account is connected to a instagram account). I have checked the test-user they have used to review my app and it is not connected to a instagram account. What makes requesting the permission pretty useless.
I thought that Facebook is smart enough to understand that, but I guess that's not the case.
Can anyone help me?
Facebooks test-user-system is a mess. But you have to try (I tried several times) creating an Instagram-account using the fb test user, you should then try to connect the instagram account in the instagram mobile app to the fb test user. This worked out for me.

Obtaining Access Token Server Side Instagram Graph Api V3

What I'm trying to achieve:
Fetch images from my own Instagram business account to display on a website using the Instagram graph api v3.3 by not obtaining a user access token from a client side Facebook SDK login modal because users just shouldn't be doing that to see a simple Instagram feed.
I have the permissions manage_pages and instagram_basic granted(gone through app review). I'm using app_id and app_secret as user access_token parameter value(which may not be the access token Instagram graph api is looking for) as when I tried to fetch any data there is an error message:
" #10) To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this 'Page Public Content Access' feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review.'" However, I don't need the permission Page Public Content Access because I'm fetching images from my own account. This is also confirmed by the Facebook App Review support.
The query that is used to get the images is as follows:
My access token in this case is app_id|app_secret since I can't access the user access token.
The developer api guide "https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started/" only shows a way to get user access token using the client side Facebook SDK login button which generates a user access token after a visiting user interacts with a modal that pops up to have them login. But again, a simple Instagram image gallery shouldn't require every user that visit the site to log in to their own Facebook account.
I have bugged the App Review support team at Facebook with no real answer. I couldn't join the Facebook developers support group as no one is approving my request to join and I've also tried my best to seek help from the facebook developers support team but I can't reach them. So I'm turning to Stack Overflow to ask if there is any way to display images from an Instagram Business Account without sticking a Facebook login SDK modal on the site.
Thanks so much.
EDIT: After reading #misorude's comment, I'm thinking would adding the Facebook login modal on the website and querying it by logging into my own Facebook account and then capturing my own user access token that is returned by the api and then use that access token for every susequent api calls to fetch images work?

Facebook Redirect URI configuration for app that uses webhooks only

I have created an app that just wants Users to subscribe for User_events and manage_pages WebHooks subscriptions. As a developer I am able to test the WebHooks at my callback url where I am handling all my graph api calls and retrieving additional information using restfb.
I am confused on having a redirect uri, when I want users to authorize the app. Basically my understanding so far is that I need to make my app public and submit for review in order for others to see. Is redirect uri mandatory for my app? my app wont need users to visit my website or login to any of my callback urls. Only information I need when the user subscribe(or authorize) my app is their uid and pages they are giving me the permission to.
Please note I started reading about facebook webhooks and app development very recently (a week). Any suggestions would be great help.

How to perform instant Facebook login for a link to Facebook login-enabled site

I wonder what is the right technique to streamline the login to my site via Facebook.
Currently, I have a web site integrated with Facebook Login button. Right now, it's an independent web site, and not a "Facebook app" (running in the canvas). While this is not my decision, this could change in long term if matters.
The way the authentication work: the "fb-login-button" is redirected to my application URL using onlogin() event; the server side uses the cookie to retrieve the "access token" and perform further Graph API work. The business logic resides on the server side.
The current business requirement is the following:
Suppose someone posts a link to my site, somewhere in Facebook, for example in our site community page:
A Facebook logged-in user clicking on the link - should get to the target page, after his Facebook identify got verified, and the result should be personalized for that user.
If a Facebook user already has an active session with my site - trivial.
Assuming a user had approved my site (app) in the past, but has no active session - here I am looking for the best practice to do the login.
Also, I would appreciate a hint how to handle the app authorization (i.e. showing the Facebook authorization dialog) in a most efficient way.
Thanks for any hint.
Check out FB Login Architecture and FB.getLoginStatus. Based on FB documentation, If you use javascript sdk, it only triggers a Popup on the same page and once authenticated it will go back to the same page. So once the login status is confirmed then you can get users information from graph api and update via AJAX on your page. You can also checkout this server side login. Hope this helps.

Facebook Integration Static access token

I'm trying to use the facebook API on the backend of a website. Essentially, I want to be able to create events using a Djano app and have it create the corresponding facebook events.
The organization I am creating events for already have a facebook page. I only am concerned with posting events on that organization's page. I am the admin for the organization so I know all the login info.
What I am am trying to figure out is how I can setup the access token such thatit just works for the organization without any need to login to the facebook app. I was thinking that setting a static access token would do the trick, but I cannot find anyway to do it.
So, what is the standard way to create a facebook app that only interfaces with one predefined user?
Im not entirely sure what you're trying to do. However the static access token has now been deprecated. Do you want to: create an event for the person using the page, or for the company's page/profile?
Hope I can help