Facebook Redirect URI configuration for app that uses webhooks only - facebook-graph-api

I have created an app that just wants Users to subscribe for User_events and manage_pages WebHooks subscriptions. As a developer I am able to test the WebHooks at my callback url where I am handling all my graph api calls and retrieving additional information using restfb.
I am confused on having a redirect uri, when I want users to authorize the app. Basically my understanding so far is that I need to make my app public and submit for review in order for others to see. Is redirect uri mandatory for my app? my app wont need users to visit my website or login to any of my callback urls. Only information I need when the user subscribe(or authorize) my app is their uid and pages they are giving me the permission to.
Please note I started reading about facebook webhooks and app development very recently (a week). Any suggestions would be great help.


Facebook Graph API Webhook for Manage Page Livestreaming

I'm trying to get a webhook for a user's managed page going live and I've got the live_video webhook subscription in my Facebook App dashboard, but it's not going for my managed pages or those that I authorize when I authorize my app. I am using the pages_show_list scope so that my app is aware of the pages but that doesn't seem to be enough.
I needed the manage_pages scope, and thus app review.

Request additional permissions only for specific users in Meteor

I have an application allowing users to sign in using their Facebook and Twitter accounts. I only need a very basic information like their email address and full name. Everything works fine and as planned.
requestPermissions: {
facebook: ['email'],
github: ['user:email']
But, now I need to implement a feature posting to a Facebook page and Twitter on behalf of the admin users only. So, I need to get additional permissions from specific users only.
Admin users are eligible to manage our page at Facebook. The app needs to request additional permissions to be able to post to the page. I wan't to keep those basic permissions for regular users.
How can I accomplish that?
One way you can do is,
If you know that logged in user is Admin, put the re-authenticate button in user-dashboard (or somewhere which makes sense) that will do authentication user of user for whatever permissions as required by application.
This will basically do, oauth with social service like usual and upon completion you will get aceess code and against this code get the re-newed access token from social service. (This is normal , how you basically do the oauth manually) Now, use this access token to post to social services.
For this, you will need to use node modules such as for facebook -fb_graph , for twitter- twiiter
Hope this helps

How to read Facebook Insights for a Native/Desktop app programmatically

Unfortunately I'm struggling to understand the documentation provided by Facebook.
This is the scenario:
- Some of my iPhone Apps are also registered as Native/Desktop Apps on Facebook in order to support the Facebook Audience Network.
- I'm building a tool in python which will retrieve data from the reporting API in order to run some automated analysis on specific metrics (request, impressions and so on).
The question is: how do I retrieve this data?
The documentation for the reporting API is here: Reporting API
However I'm struggling with the access token.
It says that I could use the specific App Token available here: App Tokens
However by using such token, I get an error saying that app tokens can't be used for Desktop/Native Ads.
What is the correct way to do it then? Here is where I struggle to understand Facebook Documentation.
My guess is that I should use a User Access Token instead, generated for a user that is also the admin of the App for which I want to retrieve the insights.
What really freaks me out is that apparently, this can't be done with normal HTTP calls only but it requires instead to go through the Facebook Login Dialog. I also need to create another Facebook (web) app because there is no way to get a simple "User Object"... Everything needs to start and go through a registered Facebook App. And there's no way to go through these steps by using backend code only.
So... to recap... in order to read the Insights for a Native/Desktop Facebook App (APP_A), I have to:
- Create a new Web Facebook App (APP_B)
- Create a web interface somewhere for APP_B) which will trigger the Facebook Login Dialog and request the read_insights permission.
- Login through this web interface and generate a User Access Token
- Put this User Access Token in my backend code and run the scripts that retrieve the data provided by the Reporting API for APP_B
Really... to me... it doesn't make any sense to create a new Facebook App in order to access the data of another Facebook App.
Isn't there another better, simpler, quicker, cleaner way to achieve the same final result?

Connect facebook phonegap login with django allauth

I'm building up an app that should allow the user to sign up / sign in with Facebook and then he should be able to login (always via Facebook) to the "main" website
To be honest it's a bit more complicated than this. That's because I'm using django-tastypie and django-allauth in the main website to allow sign up, login, and browsing of our API
Basically I want to make the mobile app user browse the tastypie API (accessible only if logged and if you're an user in the main website) and grant him the rights to add rows (like orders)
Here's what I have
A phonegap app with a working Facebook login (I'm working on that right now)
A website with django-allauth and django-tastypie that makes me register as a new user using the allauth's Facebook login
No trace on the main website if the mobile user is doing a sign up via Facebook (this is the problem)
I'm basically confused how I should work with access tokens and how to pass further parameters (I don't need only the Facebook infos to complete the registration, but some custom fields too)
Anyone got experiences on this or would like to expose his workflow?
One common way of doing things is to leave all registration related functionality up to the website. In your phonegap app you can simply point the user to /accounts/login/ using the In-App-Browser (IAB). The IAB has events like loadstart and exit that you should monitor. A simple way of monitoring whether or not the user is successfully logged in is to have him redirected to a specific url, say /accounts/login/complete/, at the end of the login. If you attach a token to that return url (as in /accounts/login/complete/?token=123) you will be able to parse that token in your app. You could simply use the session ID as a token.
A more secure way is to use the django-oauth2-provider app and actually implement a proper oauth handshake. Handling that is almost the same. Using IAB open /oauth/authenticate/, you will be asked to login using allauth, then an oauth2 confirmation dialog appears, after which the oauth grant code is passed to a success URL. You can pick that code up from phonegap and using AJAX calls from within the phonegap app you can fetch the oauth access token. Btw, django-rest-framework has builtin support for django-oauth2-provider (don't know about tastypie).
A completely different approach is to implement a Facebook login in your mobile app, completely independent from the web site. Once logged in you'll be handed over a Facebook access token. Now, you can send this token over to the web site. Given the token, the website can fetch the user (https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=...), check whether or not that user is already known, if so return an appropriate token/session for that user, if not, create the user account and also return a token.

How to perform instant Facebook login for a link to Facebook login-enabled site

I wonder what is the right technique to streamline the login to my site via Facebook.
Currently, I have a web site integrated with Facebook Login button. Right now, it's an independent web site, and not a "Facebook app" (running in the canvas). While this is not my decision, this could change in long term if matters.
The way the authentication work: the "fb-login-button" is redirected to my application URL using onlogin() event; the server side uses the cookie to retrieve the "access token" and perform further Graph API work. The business logic resides on the server side.
The current business requirement is the following:
Suppose someone posts a link to my site, somewhere in Facebook, for example in our site community page:
A Facebook logged-in user clicking on the link - should get to the target page, after his Facebook identify got verified, and the result should be personalized for that user.
If a Facebook user already has an active session with my site - trivial.
Assuming a user had approved my site (app) in the past, but has no active session - here I am looking for the best practice to do the login.
Also, I would appreciate a hint how to handle the app authorization (i.e. showing the Facebook authorization dialog) in a most efficient way.
Thanks for any hint.
Check out FB Login Architecture and FB.getLoginStatus. Based on FB documentation, If you use javascript sdk, it only triggers a Popup on the same page and once authenticated it will go back to the same page. So once the login status is confirmed then you can get users information from graph api and update via AJAX on your page. You can also checkout this server side login. Hope this helps.