Passing custom headers in WSO2 API Manager - wso2

I am exploring options to pass custom/standard headers to downstream service using WSO2 Api Manager.
I have gone through mediation documentation, and had play around with WSO2 developer studio as well.
I see that the documentation of the latest version of API Manager- 3.0.0 and the actual product vary a lot and I ran into different issues as the WSO2 developer studio is still designed for older version of API Manager.
Can you guide me to proper documentation which holds true for API Manager 3.0.0 or a simple way to achieve header mapping for request and response from API Manager.


WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 - Response Header update

I am studying Open source API manager implementation on microservices and I start with WSO2 API Manager 3.1.0 using the available documentation but many solutions mentioned in the document doesn't work.
For example, I checked a forum where people are trying to remove some parts of Response headers especially server: WSO2 Carbon Server. As per documentation it says update <API-M_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences/main.xml and add lines mentioned here This did not work for me.
Is this something only available in licensed version or what is the correct process?

swagger url for WSO2 Governance registry5.4.0 REST API

I am exploring the WSO2 Governance registry version 5.4.0. I would like to get the swagger url for WSO2 governance registry REST API so that I can call the rest apis to create/update/delete/get resources in Publisher portal.
I have installed the WSO2 Governance registry 5.4.0 locally on my windows 10 machine.
Please help me with this. Thanks a lot in advance.
First of all this is not a programming issue but support. Please refer below documentations provided by WSO2:
Invoking a REST Service Using the In-built Swagger UI
Adding a
REST Service
For this case you better subscribe to WSO2 mailing list and mail them your query. They will surely reach you.

WSO2 Api Manager - Generating REST APIs from SOAP

WSO2 API Manager version: 2.1.0
This link suggests that it is possible to generate REST APIs from a SOAP Endpoint:
Like this:
I cannot post images yet so I am including the link above
However, when I select the radio button for the Soap Endpoint, I do not see the radio buttons for the following two options:
1. Pass Through
2. Generate REST APIs
How do I get those two options.
This feature is not available in wso2am 2.1.0 version. It is a feature that will be available with wso2am 2.2.0.
APIM 2.2.0 is not yet released. But you can try this in a milestone release found at
Download the pack from

WSO2 ESB, REST Apis Versioning strategy

I have PizzaV1.0.0 API, which strategy does it use to generate a new V2.0.0 version and keep both in ESB.
If version the CAR, the duplicity of APIs and Sequences.
I have not found a way to version the APIs in eclipse, I need to version the API and some sequences that have changed.
In API Manager I created a new version, now I have two versions published.
What versioning strategy do you use in ESB to stay in sync with API Manager?
Maybe this post can help you
I do what they describe and it is working great.

WSO2 API Manager - is ESB and rest of Carbon framework included in this package?

I am trying to build a POC using WSO2 middle ware that demonstrates API Management as well as ESB features. Will I need to download WSO2 Carbon as well as WSO2 API Manager? Or does WSO2 API Manager include ESB and the rest of the Carbon framework?
The API Manager is based on Carbon, and contains the features it needs to provide the advertised functionality. In other words, out of the box, you get API management, the API gateway, the API store and the publisher apps. If you need full ESB features beyond what the API gateway functionality provides, you can download the ESB separately.