WSO2 Api Manager - Generating REST APIs from SOAP - wso2

WSO2 API Manager version: 2.1.0
This link suggests that it is possible to generate REST APIs from a SOAP Endpoint:
Like this:
I cannot post images yet so I am including the link above
However, when I select the radio button for the Soap Endpoint, I do not see the radio buttons for the following two options:
1. Pass Through
2. Generate REST APIs
How do I get those two options.

This feature is not available in wso2am 2.1.0 version. It is a feature that will be available with wso2am 2.2.0.
APIM 2.2.0 is not yet released. But you can try this in a milestone release found at
Download the pack from


Passing custom headers in WSO2 API Manager

I am exploring options to pass custom/standard headers to downstream service using WSO2 Api Manager.
I have gone through mediation documentation, and had play around with WSO2 developer studio as well.
I see that the documentation of the latest version of API Manager- 3.0.0 and the actual product vary a lot and I ran into different issues as the WSO2 developer studio is still designed for older version of API Manager.
Can you guide me to proper documentation which holds true for API Manager 3.0.0 or a simple way to achieve header mapping for request and response from API Manager.

WSO2 API Manager: Creating SOAP or websocket API changes existing APIs types

I'm using WSO2's API Manager version 2.5.0 (
I create a REST API then create a SOAP API. When I edit the REST API looking at the first page (Design), it shows a SOAP endpoint instead of the REST endpoints. If I then create a websocket API and view the design page of the REST and SOAP APIs, the endpoints aren't shown indicating they are now websocket APIs. If I then create another REST API, viewing the design page of the other APIs shows they are now back to normal.
What is causing this to happen? Is there a fix for it? Does anyone have information about this? I've done extensive research looking through their docs, their github, stackoverflow, and google searches with no luck.
This is a known issue in 2.5.0 and fixed in 2.6.0.
Edit: My bad. It seems it's fixed after 2.6.0 release.
You can use the development branch[1].

WSO2 analytics confusion

I would like to generate visualization(charts) on the usage of API accessed via WSO2 API Manager. I see many products and versions and cannot find right one. What is the difference between these products ?
API M Analytics 2.2
API DAS server 3.2
API Streaming processer 4.1
I'm using API manager 2.2 version and need real time analytics so which one is suitable for this purpose and the corresponding documentation to setup ?
Thanks in advance.
With APIM 2.2.0 you should use APIM Analytics 2.2.0. It's a DAS with some custom code specific to APIM.
For statistics, APIM out of the box supports batch analytics only. However, it supports alerts.
You can read this for analytics configurations.

WSO2 API Manager - API Usage statistics by each user is missing in latest release 2.0.0

I am using WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 along with WSO2 DAS 3.0.1
Query : API Usage statistics in PUBLISHER STATISTICS does not have user-wise split in latest version. Based on the documentation and webinars of WSO2, looks like user-wise split for API usage statistics was available in earlier versions. Am i missing any configurations here? Please clarify.
If you are referring to APIM 1.10, then AFAIK there is no major difference in statistic bases in APIM 1.10 and 2.0. The statistics module in both versions is able to show publisher wise user statistics. For that you can use this guide.As in the documentation you can check the user statistics by clicking on the API and referring to its Users tab.
Hope this helps.

WSO2 ESB Managing feature repository

I am trying to get available features from wso2 esb 4.5 from the repository
I can see this repository by browing the URL in IExplorer with a proxy configurated. I have add the sample wrapper.conf file to wso2 esb/repository/conf with the following lines
with no success.
Any help?
Wrapper mode has been removed since Carbon 4.0.0 which ESB 4.5 is based on. So this will not work.