How attach resolvers for each field in Appsync and query after - amazon-web-services

I need you help.
Currently I'm working with AppSync, and I know how to create resolvers, pipelines, etc. But I don't know how to use the fields resolvers. For example, I attach a resolver for each field of my type, because some fields have different sources, but if I want to query the "type", I need to create a new resolver for the query operation "getCustomer"? what is the correct way to use the field resolvers?
Please if possible an example of each resolve in VTL.
Thanks for your help.

Yes, you should create a resolver on the getCustomer query also.
This will be performed first and the results will be available in the context when resolving the field level resolvers.


Using an exisiting AppSync API w/ Amplify

AppSync, DynamoDB, and Lambda
So I am a bit stuck on how to integrate AppSync within Amplify in React Native. I have an existing API within AWS AppSync that I created on the console. This API has several different models like: Users, Videos, VideoComments, etc. Some of the objects within these models have custom mapping templates and resolvers that are really important for the application.
For Example, this is a quick look at what we have schema wise.
type User {
userId: Id!
name: String
uploadedVideos(limit: Int, nextToken: String): VideoConnection
etc etc
type Video {
videoID: Id!
object: S3Object
userId: Id!
uploadedBy: User
We have a resolver that runs with a simple getVideo query that will retrieve the uploadedBy attribute by using the userId, and retrieves all the necessary information of that user.
Additionally, the data sources (dynamoDb tables) we created for the models have primary keys, and some have sort keys. Like a VideoLikes table keeps track of who liked a video and to avoid duplicates the primary key is the VideoID and the sort key is UserID. This is just a minor example, we have other places where we do this to also have access to LSIs.
When I started using Amplify, I tried recreating the AppSync API because I liked how powerful the CloudFormation capabilities were with the different staging environments. However, I noticed the DynamoDB for models were automatically defined and were automatically set to an id as a primary key. We use the LSIs to help sort by certain values, like for a video if we wanted to sort by the number of likes, or comments, so unfortunately this would not work for us. So when I noticed this, I used the "Codegen" command from my original AppSync API and ran into the issue where my resolvers and mapping templates were not copied down with the schema, queries, mutations, and subscriptions making most of the queries fail because those data sources were missing.
So my question is:
Is there a way to integrate/use EVERYTHING from my exiting AppSync API within my React Native application? This includes the custom resolvers and mapping templates.
Is there a way to set a primary and sort key for the DynamoDB of the Models when creating an API directly within the Amplify CLI?
Is there another way to have data sorted efficiently within DynamoDB without using LSIs and GSIs? If the models automatically generate tables with GSIs, this can be problematic because I know GSIs are a bit more expensive so I would like to avoid those as much as possible. Is there another service that will sort the data that can be used within AppSync from DynamoDB?
Any help will be appreciated, thank you.
Is there a way to integrate/use EVERYTHING from my exiting AppSync API within my React Native application?
Yes, you can deploy your API however you want and then use it using amplify client tools. You can always use the Ampify CLI's codegen features without deploying the API via the amplify api category. You can use custom stacks to define custom resolvers that are not generated by #model but this will deploy a new API with the same structure as your existing API.
Is there a way to set a primary and sort key for the DynamoDB of the Models when creating an API directly within the Amplify CLI?
Soon. There is an RFC here and implementation is in PR here
Is there another way to have data sorted efficiently within DynamoDB without using LSIs and GSIs?
No but you can use index overloading to make 1 index store and sort multiple different conceptual object types. TBH this is a complex subject but here is a good place to start

AWS Appsync multiple dynamodb requesst in one dynamodb resolver

I would like to know if it is possible to have multiple dynamodb request using only one dynamo resolver in AppSync?
Or the only/best way to have more complicated processing is to use a lambda function ?
Practically, no. You even cannot query on multiple indices in a single resource definition for an query, indeed.
However, if you are to use that structure for joining multiple DynamoDB tables, you can attach resolvers not to the query entry; but to the field you want to relate on other fields.
I had an issue like relating users to another table for containing the posts and I've passed it by attaching a resolver aiming the Posts field of the User type.
This issue refers to a similar problem and is quite helpful for that kind of cases:
If it is not the case of yours, you can elaborate the question. I may look like guessing your purpose for relating tables, all in all.
Have you looked at batch resolvers with AWS AppSync?
This will allow you to write to one or more tables in a single request, and also allow you to do multiple write/read/delete operations in a single request.
You can do it with pipeline resolvers

Loopback default values for missing properties when fetching data from MongoDB

How should I define the Loopback model so that all the properties listed in the model JSON file would always appear on the result even when those properties have no value (or are missing) from the MongoDB record? Should this behaviour be configured in the Loopback or in the MongoDB?
MongoDB is a Schema-less database. It is designed in this way to give us flexibility for adding new fields to a document without any need to restart the database. So I don't think that it is a good idea to handle this scenario on the database side.
I think the best way to handle this could be setting a default value for every property in LoopBack model definition. This solution has a problem when some data is inserted into the database from outside the project.
You can also handle missing parameter at the front-end side.
Another solution that I can think of, is implementing an afterRemote method for checking the existence of all the fields. In this case, you can use this function after any API route that you want to. You can check the following link for more information:

use tastypie for non-crud operations

I'm starting with tasty pie and have a few questions, I'm a little lost.
As I could see, I can create a resource using ModelResource if I'm using a django model or use only Resource if I'm using a non-orm resource. But what I don't understand is if I always have to "map" a tastypie resource with some entity. What if I don't need to use CRUD operations? for example temperature conversions or math operations where I don't need to query any table? or for instance if I only want an api called /status where I query a few tables, make some calculations and return only an "up" string in json format or something like that when I do a GET request? Is tasty useful for this?

How to set up custom fields configuration schema in Jira?

I need to set up the custom schema for bug. I don't plan to do estimation of bug, put them on Agile board, some other fields should be hide also. I need to decrease number of fields in bug for my company users. I tried it several times, but unsuccessfully. Please, provide me steps.
Do I need create issue type schema?
As far as I understand you are interesting in customizing fields configuration for specific issue type. What you need is to setup a field configuration for your case and then map it to a specific issue type in a field configuration scheme. This can be either existing scheme or you can setup a new one. Scheme then should be associated with a project you want these changes to be applied to. This link can also be helpful for you in order to understand the general concept of configuring fields and screens.