How to set up custom fields configuration schema in Jira? - customization

I need to set up the custom schema for bug. I don't plan to do estimation of bug, put them on Agile board, some other fields should be hide also. I need to decrease number of fields in bug for my company users. I tried it several times, but unsuccessfully. Please, provide me steps.
Do I need create issue type schema?

As far as I understand you are interesting in customizing fields configuration for specific issue type. What you need is to setup a field configuration for your case and then map it to a specific issue type in a field configuration scheme. This can be either existing scheme or you can setup a new one. Scheme then should be associated with a project you want these changes to be applied to. This link can also be helpful for you in order to understand the general concept of configuring fields and screens.


Django Graphene/GraphQL best design for model field-level permissions

I am using Django as back-end with graphene-django serving the front-end. I am new to both django and graphene so I am not sure what is the best approach to achieve field-level permissions with no code repetition in this set-up. For example, if my model is:
class MyModel(models.Model):
field1 = models.CharField()
field2 = models.CharField()
I want to be able to specify that user1 can read field1 but not field2; when the user1 queries GraphQL for all MyModels it would be only allow to retrieve field1 from rows (nodes) and not field2.
I did a bit of research and found 2 possible alternative solutions but I fear they may not be in the spirit of Django framework and/or conflicting with each other and there may be a better way to achieve this in Django. Ultimately I don't want to be repeating the permissions code in multiple parts of the Django and Graphene back-end so want this to be centralised at the lowest possible level, ideally at the Django model. I need to be able to control full CRUD per field depending on user_id and maybe even have some additional logic. The options I found were:
overriding get_node resolver in graphene-django DjangoObjectType to check for permissions there. Personally I see this as a very bad and last-resort solution as the checks are done only on graphql query/mutation layer and not elsewhere in Django. I could easily write a Django form or view that would not benefit from the permission check unless this is coded again in that form/view.
I could extend the Django model to perform arbitrary per-field checks and this seems the right level where to enforce permission checks but ideally I would prefer to use built-in features or a 'popular' library for this type of stuff. I tried searching for a library but I couldn't find anything that is even remotely production ready or gaining any traction - which leads me to the consider that there may be a better approach to address this problem. Django-field-permissions package seemed on the right path though.
I was wondering if anyone has a view on the best approach to solving this problem that fits Django and Graphene frameworks and without repeating the permissions code everywhere?
You're not going to find a stable/popular package for this, as it's not a design that a database can support well.
You cannot link (Foreign Key) a field and a table, you can only link two tables using a field. Therefore, any work to determine whether a row in a table has access to a field in another table, will be costly and error prone.
The best you could do, is to write a service layer that sits in between a resolver and a model that nullifies fields a user has no access to. You pass it the user (info.context.user) and a model, and it does a separate query to a field permissions model, fetches the record and nullifies each field according to permissions.
This inherently means each field needs to be nullable in order to support the permissions, complicating the frontend - it's a lot of work...
A better approach if your business logic allows it, is to group those fields into models, that can then be tied to "roles" or groups. So if this were medical data in a hospital:
- name ----- \
- address | -> Person model => all personnel, except custodial
- birth date -/
- medication -------\
- patient history | => PatientStatus model => all medically trained personnel
- current physician /
- ...
That way you use standard built-in permissions to deny access to entire tables (as illustrated above) and object level permissions (Guardian, Authority) to deny access to all but the current physician for the really classified things.
Hope this helps and good luck!

Archive data after every year

I have lots of models in my project like Advertisements, UserDetails etc. Currently I have to delete the entire database every year so as to not create any conflicts between this year data and previous year data.
I want to implement a feature that can allow me to switch between different years. What can be the best way to implement this?
I think you could switch schemas in PostgreSQL. It's not completely straightforward. There are several ways to do that you can look into. The way I did it was to use a default search path for the Django database user account (e.g. user2018, user2019, etc) that only included the schema I wanted to use. I can't check the exact settings right now because my office network is down. You can also do it in or in each individual model using db_table according to what I've read, although both those solutions seem more convoluted that using the search path.
You would have to shutdown, change the database username in (or change the search path in PostgreSQL, change the schema over to a new one, and then run migrate to create the tables again. If you have reference data in any of the tables then schema-to-schema copies are easy to do.
Try searching for change django database schema postgresql to see what options there are for specifying the schema.

Loopback default values for missing properties when fetching data from MongoDB

How should I define the Loopback model so that all the properties listed in the model JSON file would always appear on the result even when those properties have no value (or are missing) from the MongoDB record? Should this behaviour be configured in the Loopback or in the MongoDB?
MongoDB is a Schema-less database. It is designed in this way to give us flexibility for adding new fields to a document without any need to restart the database. So I don't think that it is a good idea to handle this scenario on the database side.
I think the best way to handle this could be setting a default value for every property in LoopBack model definition. This solution has a problem when some data is inserted into the database from outside the project.
You can also handle missing parameter at the front-end side.
Another solution that I can think of, is implementing an afterRemote method for checking the existence of all the fields. In this case, you can use this function after any API route that you want to. You can check the following link for more information:

Show only tickets in specific State

I would like to have in my OTRS the functionality that when a ticket is in a specific state ("comment") this ticket will not be visible anywhere in Dashboard/Orders for all agents except for the Admin agent.
Is there a way to show/hide tickets based on the TicketState for specific Agents only?
Thank you.
You can build custom dashlets for groups, which show only certain tickets. For this you need to create an xml-File and place it in your Kernel/Config/Files/ directory as it is described in this blog post.
In your case you would need to replace the standard dashlets with custom ones, which exclude the state, which is admittedly a little tedious...

Sitecore 6 Filtering Items based on a profile

I am looking for a generic method of filtering a series of sitecore items based on the users current profile, I found one promising example:
How do I trigger a profile in Sitecore DMS?
However a few critical references are missing which is a shame as it looks to be a suitably generic function
Resources.Settings.AnalyticsUserProfileEnableSwitch I assume to simply be a boolean switch
The killer is ApplyUserProfile(filter)
Please keep in mind that user profiles are NOT the same thing as profiles in DMS. In DMS this is in reference to Analytics profiles related not to the specific user, but in visiting profiles... i.e. Marketing personas.
If you want to filter items based on user profiles, you simply get the Sitecore.Context.User.Profile and get whatever the property is and implement your logic to how you want to filter.
If you want to filter items based on DMS profiles, then that's something that's going to be difficult to do due to the fact that personas are not entered into the Analytics database real time. Those really aren't something you'll even be aware of at run time and therefore it's going to be difficult to categorize the persona at run time. You could, however, use the rules system to do some filtering based on other criteria (such as using the Engagement plans or something else)... but without more information, that's about as much as can be said.