Authentication with Postman on a SAML/shibboleth based website without using browser - postman

I'm trying to understand the process of login to a website using the Network tab on Google Chrome because I have to use that process for autenticate accounts on an mobile application.
The login is completed when I reach the page "", but I don't understand how to replicate all this on Postman. I've tried to do this:
Right-click on the SSO request
Copy as Curl (bash)
And it seems to work, but when I do the same thing with the second request (POST) I get a different message compared to the one on the Network tab.
Those 3 calls are based on automatic redirect by the browser, and I don't understand how to replicate it on Postaman. Is this possibile to do? Any other suggestion on how to use those requests for authenticate an account outside the website (example mobile app)?.


Reaching IAP secured Cloud Run app (working as an API) through Postman

I am having a hard time making a Cloud Run app that would serve as an internal API for employees (no frontend).
This would have endpoints like: POST where i want to pass some body parameters.
After IAP is setup and applied through a Load Balancer, I can enter the url in a browser and a consent screen appears. I log in with an account that has permissions and the relevant code runs as expected.
When trying with Postman, having the OAuth2 set as Authentication, setting all the token configurations etc - I get a consent screen in the browser as expected. After authentication I get a Access Token back to Postman in the format ya28.a0 ... w0123. When clicking "SEND" it returns
Invalid IAP credentials: Unable to parse JWT
My question
What is required to reach the endpoint (code/app) with the given OAuth header after consent? It works from the browser directly but not through Postman after getting the Access Token from browser consent. The endpoint/app is not reached at all from my understanding. So I cant break down the header in the endpoint-code as far as I know.
The goal is to be able to pass body parameters and having a nice shared API collection in postman. And that cant be done in the same way directly through a browser.
I've set up all the necessary steps in GCP for a Cloud Run app secured by IAP.
I've made sure a simple endpoint works as expected directly through a browser + consent screen.
I've successfully made Postman OAuth2 go through my consent in GCP and ask for auth.
I've got an Access Token back to Postman before sending the request.

Need Help to do Login authentication oauth2.0 while load testing

I have a BlazeMeter Pro account and I am stuck on the step I try to record in Jmeter and also try with BlazeMeter recording but not able to do it.
Now flow is I have to login into the system and perform the operation, we implement oAuh2.0 from the development side to authenticate the user from the Gmail and we face issue while record script that user is not able to authenticate to login when you hit with single or multiple users.
to authenticate I need all the below parameters and I have all details but now in Jmeter or BlazeMeter, I do not understand where I add all details.
we are implementing a following steps at record time
Load a respective URL and open Gmail Login page
After Enter email and password page is redirect and particular website will be display
After enter user name and password on the website UI is display.
Please guide me on how I implement this and process my flow for load testing.
As per Google documentation in OAuth 2.0 for Client-side Web Applications you need to
Send a request to with:
This request you should be able to record using your favourite recording option.
In your case you need to change this redirect_uri to some web server which you control as you will receive the token there in form of https://your_redirect_url_here/callback#access_token=your_token_will_be_here&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3600
It's a good idea to use HTTP Mirror Server for this purpose.
Once you get the token you will be able to add HTTP Header Manager and configure it to send Authorization header with the value of Bearer ${your_token}
More information:
OAuth 2.0 Documentation
OAuth 2.0 Playground (if your application uses different flow you can replicate it there and see relevant requests/responses which can be later on implemented in JMeter)

Unable to set cookie on Safari (Works on Chrome)

Hi I have been creating my first MERN stack web application and deployed frontend and backend on separate domains.
Frontend (netlify) :
Backend (heroku) :
Github (this is my repository, just in case) :
So getting cookies from Backend and storing in order to request another api calls with cookies worked fine with Chrome (I haven't tried yet with Firefox but I believe it works as well)
However, when I tested it with Safari, I can see cookies on response but it was not stored for later request, so I couldn't get authorized. However, when I uncheck Prevent cross-site tracking under Safari preferences, I could get cookies for the later API calls.
I guess this is a cors issue which came from Safari property. I spent so much time to find a way to solve it but I couldn't. Is there any way to make it possible for Safari users to get login and set token on different domains?
Or Should I just use the same domain, for example, I deploy the frontend and backend on Heroku together to use the same domain?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Shopify app showing request blocked by an extension

I have deployed my nodejs app on aws ec2 and its working fine while I am using it on the browser normally. But when I am accessing it from inside my Shopify app then it is showing that the request has been blocked by an extension.
I tried to access it in incognito mode also but got the same result.
Can someone please help.
Shopify blocks all http requests. You may want to check if you are loading any URL in http
Update -
AWS provides secure URLs. Find it and use it instead!

WSO2 Identity Server Basics - Making it Work

I'm new to the SSO world and I've recently installed WSO2 Identity Server 5.0 and done my best to hook in a service provider but I just can't seem to figure out how to make SSO happen.
Here is my current situation and goal:
I have a MojoPortal website where a user can log in. From there, the user can click a link to our FTP site powered by GoAnywhere. We want the user to be logged into the FTP site just by clicking the link instead of having to log in to it as well. The FTP site is SAML2 enabled so I chose the WSO2 ID Server to give SSO capabality between my mojoPortal and goAnywhere sites.
Here is what I think needs to happen - sanity checks welcome:
1. User clicks to access the FTP website and my mojoPortal website needs to create a SAML request and send it to the ID server. I can't seem to get a grip on doing this from an ASP.NET page.
2. ID server gets the request and validates it (you can test the request in the "SAML Request Validator" tool in the WSO2 console, right?)
3. ID server sends a response to the GoAnywhere FTP site which can be simulated with the SAML Response Builder tool in the ID server console.
4. The FTP sites says either OK or NO to access.
5. Not sure what happens next - how does the user get redirected to the FTP site.
So I have big issues: I don't understand the flow in great enough detail and I'm also having difficulties in getting the technologies to work together.
Any comments / help at all are greatly apprciated!
MojoPortal website - is this SAML2 Web Browser based SSO supported? If yes, then the solutions is clear.
You just have to register your 2 sites in WSO2 IS as SPs.
Then what will happen is , once the user log-in to the MojoPortal website, he user will have a live login session, therefore once he clicks on the FTP site, he will be able to access it without having to log-in again.
Hope this clarifies your doubts.