associate a commit with a ticket retrospectively - fossil

When committing, I used by mistake the ActifactID of ticket change instead of the ticket hash label:
fossil commit -m "Workaround X [58480ac08c]"
In fossil ui, it is still a clickable link and leads to the ticket. However, the check-in does not appear under "Check-ins Associated With Ticket".
Is there a way to associate a check-in with a ticket retrospectively?

On the command line, you can use 'fossil amend'.

Found in
In fossil ui, open check-in's properties and click on edit. The comment text can be changed there (to include the correct ticket hash label).


Sitecore 8 Insert link to items in bucket

I am using Sitecore 8.1 and Glass mapper ORM. In page editor mode, I have a link field which can be linked to news article page. The folder structure is
News/News article. News folder is of type Bucket and article is bucketable item.
When I am trying to insert link from other pages to the actual news article I am unable to find search box or expand items under news. Is there any way I can insert link to the news article? Appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.
You have 2 options:
In the content editor in the view ribbon you can enable "Buckets". This will make all bucket items visible again (the bucket is expanded and all folders and items can be seen in the tree). This setting is taken into account in the "insert link" window as well.
Use the search tab in the "insert link" window (normally you should have 3 tabs (link, media items, search). The search tab will let you find the bucketed items as well, but also others - it is not restricted to a bucket.
After trying this myself, I noticed that if you edit the link field within the experience editor the search is indeed not provided (not even with the general link with search field). In the content editor the search is present.
A workaround is option1, or use an EditFrame. But I would contact Sitecore Support as well and ask them to add this - I'll do it too.
Edit2 : issue has just been registered as a bug. If you need a fix without waiting for a solution in a future version, you can ask Sitecore Support.

How can you rename a wiki page in Fossil SCM?

How can I rename a wiki page in Fossil SCM?
In my particular case, I'd like to rename my project (in Admin, Configuration, Project Name), but if I do that then when I click Home in the main menu nothing is displayed, because there's not yet a wiki page whose name matches my new Project Name. I'd like to rename my project, and rename my (sole) wiki page to match.
You can’t rename a wiki page, because wiki pages are identified by their name; that would be tantamount to deleting the old page. And you can’t delete a wiki page; Fossil never deletes an existing artifact.
But you can create a new wiki page (with your project's new name), and copy the old page's contents to the new one. If you remove all the text from the old wiki page, that old page will disappear from the list of wiki pages.
There's something to be said for a wiki rename command that would implement this sequence of actions automatically, but that hasn't been done so far. You can post a request on the fossil forum, and see if one of the developers picks it up. :-)
In principle it can be renamed by running the following in a SQLite file editor (if you try it from the "Raw SQL Commands" page, only the first UPDATE is successful):
UPDATE attachment SET target='new name' WHERE target='old name';
UPDATE event SET comment=':new name' WHERE comment=':old name';
UPDATE event SET comment='+new name' WHERE comment='+old name';
UPDATE event SET comment=replace(comment, '[old name]', '[new name]') WHERE comment like '%[old name]%';
UPDATE tag SET tagname='wiki-new name' WHERE tagname='wiki-old name';
At first glance it works but then you will not be able to update the content (which in fact can be useful to protect an article).
For the renaming to be effective you also have to modify the binary blob that contains the article, as well as update the deltas in case you have made previous edits.
I was working on this script that does the above automatically. To use it you have to execute the following in a console: oldname newname repo.fossil
If everything goes well, something like this should appear:
This is fossil version 2.16 [7aedd56758] 2021-07-02 12:46:01 UTC
Artifact 61e7cc32f7 updated to 84b8195fe6
Artifact c2290869ad updated to 3ff4f96773
Artifact e993cd0331 updated to bc7e8d52df
References updated

How to add new users to watch-list in Redmine

How do I add new users to the "Watch List" for a particular bug in Redmine so that they will get updates for changes to said bug?
Ok, so this is a case of "the best to place to hide is in plain sight."
To add a user, open the bug and in the bottom right there will be a section called Watchers. Next to that is an Add link. Click that, and select the users to add to the watch list. Screenshots below.
If you are in the process of creating a bug, you can scroll down to the bottom of the "New Issue" section, and select the watchers there. This method will also ensure they are emailed about the creation of the bug. IIRC, adding them after the fact doesn't result in their being emailed until an actual change is made to the bug's status.

Can I modify the email that's created from a WI when I click the "send work item to microsoft outlook" button?

Can I modify the email that's created from a work item when I click the "send work item to microsoft outlook" button?
I've found a transform that allows you to alter the email related to an alert but (so far) not for this button? any ideas?
It is not possible to do that. It is on our backlog, but it will not be part of TFS vNext (TFS11)
Ewald Hofman (Program Manager TFS)
It is possible, with a small workaround.
Here's how:
1. Setup a Query that includes the fields you would like to show in the email. Filter it to include the criteria of your needs.
(In my case, I've chosen Team Project, ID, Title, Assigned To, State, History, Description. )
Run the query. It will likely give you a list of tasks/Work Items that apply to the query.
Right click on the one you wish to email, and select Send Selection to MS Outlook.
** 'Viola' - it will include the fields you've selected.

changing locations in django satchmo

I am using Satchmo(skeleton project that comes in the projects folder when you download Satchmo) but am not in the US. I see that by default there is a Zipcode/Postcode* and list of states on the checkout page.
My question is, is the best way to change this(location details, billing information) to edit the /satchmo/apps/satchmo_store/shop/ file (hard edit the Order model)
or is there a better way to maybe set your location to a place other than the USA?
The reason I'm asking is because I'm not sure what implication a change like this might have throughout the skeleton project if I just deleted the zip code column.
go to /admin/l10n/country/ and mark the appropriate countries as active
go to /admin/shop/config/, select the site (probably localhost) and set the default shipping country and possible shipping countries
if you want to control whether the state and ZIP are requred or not, go to /settings/ , select "Satchmo Shop Settings" and modify "Required billing data", "Required shipping data" and "State required?" settings.