Sitecore 8 Insert link to items in bucket - sitecore

I am using Sitecore 8.1 and Glass mapper ORM. In page editor mode, I have a link field which can be linked to news article page. The folder structure is
News/News article. News folder is of type Bucket and article is bucketable item.
When I am trying to insert link from other pages to the actual news article I am unable to find search box or expand items under news. Is there any way I can insert link to the news article? Appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.

You have 2 options:
In the content editor in the view ribbon you can enable "Buckets". This will make all bucket items visible again (the bucket is expanded and all folders and items can be seen in the tree). This setting is taken into account in the "insert link" window as well.
Use the search tab in the "insert link" window (normally you should have 3 tabs (link, media items, search). The search tab will let you find the bucketed items as well, but also others - it is not restricted to a bucket.
After trying this myself, I noticed that if you edit the link field within the experience editor the search is indeed not provided (not even with the general link with search field). In the content editor the search is present.
A workaround is option1, or use an EditFrame. But I would contact Sitecore Support as well and ask them to add this - I'll do it too.
Edit2 : issue has just been registered as a bug. If you need a fix without waiting for a solution in a future version, you can ask Sitecore Support.


Sitecore page components aren't versioned with page

For a website we're working on, we had a pretty complex design to support. So, we chose the strategy where all content on each page is made up of components. Authors can insert various components such as a heading, rich text block, images, etc, allowing them flexibility in laying out pages. This was the only away we could support the complex design that was created.
This set up is working well except when it comes to versioning and search. When pages are versioned, the components on the page are not. When items are indexed for search, the components on the pages are not being indexed as part of the page. We think we may be able to solve the search issue with a custom search index, but the versioning issue seems much more complex.
Has anyone else faced these issues or have thoughts on solutions? We're on Sitecore 7.5.
A simple answer would be to upgrade to version 8 as soon as its released as version 8 will add versioning to the renderings field.
My Guess is that you are setting the content of the fields on the rendering parameters of each item? If that is the case I would suggest taking a slightly different approach. Use DataSources. You could have a few templates that hold the data, e.g. RichTextTemplate, SingleLineTextTemplate, ImageTemplate - all with a single field in, then when you add a heading or rich text block to the page, setup the rendering to all the editor to create the data source.
This way all the content can be versioned properly and you are still separating your content and presentation.
To keep the tree un-cluttered, we use an "Assets" folder under the item for all content:
Example Tree:
Page 1
Rich Text Block
Page 2
Rich Text Block
Image Block
The search problem sounds similar to this post: How to index sub-content in Sitecore with Lucene?
That suggests a computed field. In your computed field, check that your template is a page and then get all the renderings for that page. Once you have those, get the renderings DataSource items and you can build a big search field using the content from the DataSource item's fields.
This would save having an extra index with a custom access layer. It all stays within the Sitecore API.

Sitecore 7 Custom Experience Buttons Missing

Not sure why but I am not seeing the 'Applications' folder under 'Content'. All the tutorials out there mention editing the (/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience Button) items to accomplish what I need.
My guess is I don't have view access to the core database in order to see these items or folders? If this isn't the case, how would I go about finding these buttons? Any help appreciated and I apologize if I didn't provide enough info but my goal is to add features to the page editor component toolbars.
To make this a formal answer...
First, login to desktop mode (on login screen, select "Desktop" from "Options" expander below form). Next, change database to core at bottom right:
Finally, re-open your content manager and you should see the /sitecore/content/Applications node.

Insert a link, Search tab, giving wrong ID of the item and link is broken

I am using Sitecore 7, in rich text editor I want to add a link to a pdf file, I used "Add a Link" option from the tool bar, I went to "search" tab which I believe is new in this version of Sitecore, I searched my item and inserted a link, Sitecore uses following format for insert the link
But the ID generated by the search function is not correct, it does not exist in the Sitecore database, If I manually edit the ID to the valid ID, it works, Why search function gives me a wrong ID?
See attched image as well.
I've created a ticket to the support yesterday about that issue, i'll edit my answer when i get an answer back (They can reproduce the error on a clean 7.2)
I've make a blog post which talk about the issue and give the ticket number (you can as the patch to the support)

Sitecore how to hide/disable HTML tab from your Rich Text Editor

Could someone suggest how to hide/disable HTML tab from your Rich Text Editor on sitecore?
I had a look at this, but requires a change on Sitecore core rich text XML.
Problem with this solution is we need to modify the XML for each instance and what about upgrades?
In the Core database (you can switch using the icon in the bottom right next to the clock) you can go to /sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/*profile you want*/buttons/HTML view and deny read-access on that for your users. Alternatively, at least in Sitecore 6.5, there's a profile without the HTML view. It's called Rich Text IDE. You can set the datasource field of a Rich Text field to that one, and not have the HTML view.
That's only removing the HTML option on the bottom left though, I'm not sure how to remove the Edit HTML option you have before you've opened the RTE itself (where you have Show Editor/ Suggest Fix / Edit Html). Looking at This question it might be you'll have to change the XML anyway.
The way we've got upgrades and different instances handled is by having the changed file in source control, and making sure we include it when building a deployment package.
Adding onto Trayek's great answer - you can remove access to the "Edit HTML" as outlined by Alex Shyba below:
Go to the core database, locate the field definition item:
/sitecore/system/Field types/Simple Types/Rich Text/Menu/Edit Html
On the Security Tab, click “Assign” and select the role you don’t want this option to be available to. Deny inheritance of this item or specify other security settings that make sense for your needs.
I added "Everyone" and then selected the "X" by Inheritance for Items, and the "Edit HTML" option was removed.
Taken from:

Search tags/facets in Sitecore Item Buckets

I'm looking to use the Sitecore Item Buckets package from Shared Source since I needed faceted search functionality and it makes sense to use the built in functionality rather than writing by own Lucene.Net search.
Sitecore Item Buckets
I'm having trouble with the search, or maybe I am reading the documentation wrong.
According to the documentation in section 2.2.3 & 3.1.3 I just need to mark a field as "Is Facet" and my filter will show in the search results.
I've also defined a tag field on the template and changed the Tag Parent field in "/sitecore/system/Modules/Item Buckets/Item Buckets Settings" to point to correct folder. This is working correctly, I can apply a set of tags to an item and search from the Bucket UI using "tag:CSharp" and it brings back the correct results, but again there is no filter shown in the list. I've rebuilt the bucket indexes in all cases.
Am I missing something? Should these show up in the list automatically, do I need to change some settings or provide my own implementation?
This is all within the Buckets Client UI, I haven't started writing any code yet, and on a clean install of Sitecore 6.5 (update-5/rev. 120706).
I'm not sure the documentation wording around this is entirely clear at the points I've mentioned. If you read further down the document though, section 4.3:
Item Buckets ships with 5 different types of faceting.
If you would like to introduce your own faceting categories then you only need to implement the IFacet interface.
There is an example of IFacet implementation in the documentation, or use dotPeek to look at the implementations of the existing Facets.
You also need to add an item to Sitecore: /sitecore/system/Modules/Item Buckets/Facets