Installing PGroonga on Windows 10 for PostgreSQL 11 - postgresql-11

PostgreSQL extension Novice here.
So I am trying to install PGroonga on Windows 10 for PostgreSQL 11(already installed)
The instructions it telling me to extract the downloaded PGroonga package. And I need to specify PostgreSQL folder as extract target folder as show below.
If you installed installer version PostgreSQL,
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\%POSTGRESQL_VERSION%
is the extract target folder.
If you installed zip version PostgreSQL,
is the extract target folder.
I installed my PostgreSQL using the installer version however,I am unable to find this folder on my PostgreSQL and therefore can’t install the extension.
Any help will be highly appreciated .
The extracted pGroonga file has bin, etc, include, lib, share folder. While my installed pg11 also has bin etc include init lib and share folder. Extracting this file here will update the files which I think is not good. I have however copied the files to respective folder but I still get an error when.


Installing Python 2.7.16 and packages offline. Concerns with dependencies

I am attempting to install Python 2.7.16, openpyxl, and pyinstaller onto a Windows 10 machine that is offline for security reasons. To clarify, I have a mapped network drive on there from which I can transfer the files I need to use.
What is the best way to go about this? I currently have a .msi Python installation file directly from their website. The packages I need are packaged as .tar.gz files. I currently have those on my windows machine, but do not want to proceed until I know for sure what I need to do. Also, do I need to do anything for dependencies? If so, how do I find the dependencies for the packages I need?
Side Notes
The version of Python (2.7.16) comes with pip. Not sure if that makes a difference. Downloading and transferring things requires me to ask my admin, for him to download the files, and then transfer them to my drive so I can have them on my computer. If able, I would like to do this in as little attempts as possible.
Useful links
My solution would be to seek out the offline versions of the python and pip installer and follow this guide
Also a great tip: try the complete procedure (the installing of the required software) on a seperate pc which you have disconnected and do the installation. Note everything you have to do to get it working and use those instruction on your originally intended machine. This will prevent you from having to go back and forth and scratch your head while installing on the target machine.
Please note that I have NO idea how python works and this is just a hunch from me as a programmer.
Installing Python and packages on an Offline Machine: A Comprehensive Guide
The Environment
Let us begin by defining the environment in which this guide may be of some great use. If your situation can be described by one or more of the following, you might have great results following this guide...
The machine you are developing on is offline. (No connection to the internet)
You need to develop and run Python on the machine that is completely offline.
If this sounds like you, read the following cases in which a few minor details may make a big difference in getting you started.
You are not allowed to plug in any external media devices into the offline machine. This includes but is not limited to a USB, CD, floppy disk, or any other removable media that may be of some use in helping you transfer Python files to the offline machine.
You are allowed to map a network drive (somewhere else on the local network). This would fix the problem mentioned in number one with removable media.
Answer: In this case, just proceed with the guide, as this was my case and I will explain in detail how I solved my problem.
There is no physical way to transfer files onto the development machine that is offline.
Answer: If this is your case, you need to get in touch with the admin team who handles the software on your development machine. Direct them to this guide to proceed.
Let's Get Started
Warning A:
The following must be performed on a computer with an internet connection. It is impossible to download things from any website without an internet connection.
Warning B:
There is a longer way, and there is a shorter way to do the following. To avoid the longer way, you must be able to install python on a different machine that is online. This can be the same machine that you are using to download the packages and python version, or it can even be a home machine. This can be any machine in the world that is on the internet. It's sole purpose will be to help you identify the dependencies of each package.
Installing Python
Visit the python website and identify the version you want. 2.7.9 and up is recommended for this guide. Download the file for your specific system.
Python 2.7.9 :
Python 3.7.3 :
The reason I provided Python 2.7.9 is because that is the earliest 2.7.x version that comes with pip (a package manager).
Visit the python package index to locate the packages you will be using in your python project.
Search the package you need, go to the downloads, and get the (.tar.gz) file. Not the .whl files unless you know what you are doing with those.
Tip: If you want to keep track of the packages you are installing, I suggest you put them all in one folder somewhere you can find, or just write them down on paper.
Unpack the .tar.gz package files. You can get rid of the .tar.gz once you unpack them as they will not needed any longer.
Install the version of python that you downloaded for your system in step 1 above.
(This may just be running the .msi file for windows or unpacking some files for linux) If you are not sure how, just look at this brilliant guide
Now you should be able to go to your terminal and type "python" and get the python interpreter to open up. If you get a "cannot find python command" you need to setup your path variable.
Windows guide:
Linux guide:
Your python installation is done! And your packages should also be ready to install!
Installing Python Packages
What you need to know here is that MOST all python packages have dependencies, which are other packages which packages need installed before they can be installed. If you need more explanation on dependencies, read here:
Before proceeding be sure to add the Python/Scripts folder to your path variable too or pip will not work. Follow this link for instructions.
Install packages using pip install [package_name] for every package you need, on your machine that is on the internet, and then do a pip freeze to see all the packages installed.
Once you can see all the packages installed, which will include the dependencies for the ones you ran pip install on, you need to manually download these dependencies from the python package index just like you did with the regular packages.
Moving Offline
Once you have identified all the packages you will need, and all of their dependencies, you will need to download them, unpack all of them, and move them into one folder, which I will call "OFFLINE_SETUP_FOLDER".
To be clear:
The packages we installed before was only to find out the dependencies we were going to need. You do not have to re-download the packages you have already downloaded before running pip install. You should only need to download the dependencies you have found during the pip freeze command.
Finally you need to copy into the "OFFLINE_SETUP_FOLDER" your python installation file, be it a .msi file for windows, or the .tar file for linux.
Your "OFFLINE_SETUP_FOLDER" should contain the following...
In the following, package can be the name of any package that you downloaded, and the a and b inpackage1a and package1b just represent dependencies for that package. These file names are just examples for packages
python.msi (installation file for python)
/package1 (normal package folder)
/package1a (package dependency folder)
/package1b (package dependency folder)
/package2 (normal package folder)
/package3 (normal package folder)
/package3a (package dependency folder)
Once this is complete, you need to move that folder onto the machine that is completely offline form the network.
Then run the installation for python as you did before and install it on the machine. Do no forget to setup the path variable. Refer back to the Installing Python section if needed.
Open your terminal or CMD and CD into the "OFFLINE_SETUP_FOLDER".
Now you need to CD into each individual package folder, and run this command: python install and let it run.
If the package install fails, it will be because one of the dependencies has not been installed. If this is the case, CD into the dependency that is says is missing, and run python install in there first.
Keep repeating these steps until all packages and dependencies have been installed.
This is the end of this python guide for installing python on an offline machine. I hope this helped :)

Where is StarCluster Installed on MacOS

I installed "StarCluster" using the terminal on my MacOs by following instructions from the link provided below. Now, I need to edit the configuration file to add my AWS credentials. However, I am not sure which folder "StarCluster" is installed on my hard drive. Does anyone know how to locate the folder ? I would appreciate your help.
According to the easy-install docs:
By default, packages are installed to the running Python installation's site-packages directory, unless you provide the -d or --install-dir option to specify an alternative directory, or specify an alternate location using distutils configuration files.
Here's a guide to finding your site-packages directory.

Server can't find packages after upgrade

Private nuget server can't find packages after upgrade
I had to update the nuget server to get it to accept packages that were failing to upload (apparently the package format changed in dotnet core or something). Now all the previously uploaded packages aren't showing up in nuget. I can see all of them on the server just sitting there in their directories. But they can't be found. New packages are ending up in the server's package directory rather than their own directories.
From prior experience I don't think just copying the packages into the packages directory is going to work.
Trying to actually upgrade the NuGet.Server package from v2.8.6 to v3.0.2 appears to work but in the end the package is still at v2.8.6.
Don't try to upgrade nuget.server projects. That way lies madness.
Carry out the instructions like making a new one.
1) Create a new empty Web Project; target framework is NET Framework 4.6
2) Add NuGet.Server version 3.0.2
3) Fix duplicate <compilation> tag in web.config
4) Apply your API key to web.config and any other nuget configurations you have.
5) Remove old project from installation directory; leaving behind only the Packages directory and optionally any static files you uploaded to the installation directory itself (I keep a copy of nuget.exe and local project icons there).
6) Copy build output of new project to web installation directory.
It starts working. I don't know what's up with upgrading but it ends up with a smashed web.config and who knows what else.

How to install pecl memcached extension on wamp?

I need to install memcached for my windows 64bit wamp running on localhost. My specific php version is 5.5.12.
I am using version 2.2.0 of the extension found here:
How do I install the extension as it is a .tgz file?
I tried finding a working dll for this extension without any success.
Step 1:
Check in your PHP’s extension directory (like: C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.25\ext) if not exists file php_memcache.dll, go to the page
to download this file (depends on your PHP version) and put php_memcache.dll in your directory C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.25\ext
Step 2:
Edit your file php.ini, add this line:
Step 3: restart apache
and check now your phpinfo

SublimeText 3 - Package Control: Removed directory for orphaned package ColdFusion

I am running SublimeText 3 (build 3083). I follow the manual install directions for the ColdFusion plugin as described here (
Download Manually
Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option
Unzip the files and rename the folder to ColdFusion
Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory
This has worked (and still works) on many machines. But today I have a PC that each time I re-open SublimeText it removes the ColdFusion directory and in the SublimeText console it says "Package Control: Removed directory for orphaned package ColdFusion". Haven't been able to find anything on this yet. Help appreciated. Thanks!
The "Download Manually" section is for Sublime Text 2 only. At the very top of the README you linked are the ST3 instructions:
The development branch contains a rewrite of the ColdFusion plugin. The only installation method is via Git.
cd Packages/
git clone
cd ColdFusion
git checkout development
On Windows machines, the Packages folder is in %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages. You'll need to have a working copy of git on your machine, which can be obtained here.
Alternatively, you can download a zip file of the development branch, extract it, rename the resulting ColdFusion-development folder to ColdFusion, then copy that into your Packages folder.
I did a little digging, and apparently this package is no longer being developed. However, the CFML package has been suggested as a replacement. Not being a ColdFusion user, I haven't tested it myself, but reviews from others are good. It's available for ST3 only, but can be installed directly via Package Control, so you don't have to worry about using git.
If you are using Sublime Text 3 ST3, the recommended package to use is the one named CFML available via Package Control here:
If you are using Sublime Text 2 ST2, the recommended package is the one named Cold​Fusion available via Package Control here:
For both of them you'll find there installation instructions using Package Control or manually from GitHub.