Programmatic trigger for AWS Connect - agent contact flow - amazon-web-services

I achieved the following use case :
1) I am able to programmatically make an outbound call for the 'Contact flow (inbound)' contact flow type using the following code
let params = {
"InstanceId" : '12345l-abcd-1234-abcde-123456789bcde',
"ContactFlowId" : '987654-lkjhgf-9875-abcde-poiuyt0987645',
"SourcePhoneNumber" : '+1123456789',
"DestinationPhoneNumber" : customerPhoneNumber,
"Attributes" : {
'name' : customerName,
'dayOfWeek' : dayOfWeek
params, function (error, response){
if(error) {
callback("Error", null);
} else
console.log('Initiated an outbound call with Contact Id ' + JSON.stringify(response.ContactId));
callback(null, 'Success');
It is successfully working. But one issue is 'It will directly call the customer from the AWS Connect which will not include the agent'
2) Using the Amazon CCP (Call Control Panel), I am able to make an outbound call to the customer and It is working successfully.
Instead of 'contact inbound flow type', If I try to use the 'Agent Transfer flow type' with the same code,
It is failed with the following error
message: 'ContactFlow type is invalid',
code: 'InvalidParameterException',
time: 2019-10-17T14:28:02.568Z,
requestId: 'e7359538-a0b2-47c5-a61f-6c7e1b4bf7a6',
statusCode: 400,
retryable: false,
retryDelay: 63.66530948519367 }
So how do I automatically connect the agent to the customer in the call?

startOutboindVoiceContact() must be provided the ID of a contact flow that is of type Inbound. So you simply need to change your inbound contact flow to perform the following steps:
Set the queue that has the agent, using the “set working queue” block
Send the call to the queue, using the “transfer to queue” block
This will delivers the call to an available agent in the queue or queue the call if there no available agent at the time of transfer.


How to connect the agent in the Amazon Connect in outbound call

I have a simple contact flow like below from which I trigger the call from Amazon Connect (claimed phone number in AWS Connect) to the end customer (real customer phone number):
Now I want to connect an agent in the Amazon Connect end.
When I trigger the following code, I need to trigger the call from the Amazon Connect (Customer Agent) to the end customer (Real customer phone number)
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({ region: 'us-east-1' });
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
let connect = new AWS.Connect();
const customerName =;
const customerPhoneNumber = event.number;
const dayOfWeek =;
let params = {
"InstanceId" : '12345l-abcd-1234-abcde-123456789bcde',
"ContactFlowId" : '987654-lkjhgf-9875-abcde-poiuyt0987645',
"SourcePhoneNumber" : '+1123456789',
"DestinationPhoneNumber" : customerPhoneNumber,
"Attributes" : {
'name' : customerName,
'dayOfWeek' : dayOfWeek
params, function (error, response){
if(error) {
callback("Error", null);
} else
console.log('Initiated an outbound call with Contact Id ' + JSON.stringify(response.ContactId));
callback(null, 'Success');
How to add the customer agent in the contact flow?
Logging is not working (Not able to find any logs in CloudWatch AWS)
Is my call recording added in the right section in contact flow?
To connect the call to an agent, you need to add a “set working queue” block to set the call to route to a queue where you have available agents. After you set your queue, replace the “disconnect / hang up” block with a “transfer to queue” block. This will route the call to an available agent or queue the call if no agent is immediately available.
Recording will only occur for the portion of the call between the agent and the outside party, so you won’t see any recordings for calls that didn’t get connected to an agent. Since you have the “set recording behavior” block set to “customer and agent” in your flow already, you should get a recording file when the call gets connected to an agent with the steps above.

AWS Lambda using Winston logging loses Request ID

When using console.log to add log rows to AWS CloudWatch, the Lambda Request ID is added on each row as described in the docs
A simplified example based on the above mentioned doc
exports.handler = async function(event, context) {
return context.logStreamName
Would produce output such as
START RequestId: c793869b-ee49-115b-a5b6-4fd21e8dedac Version: $LATEST
2019-06-07T19:11:20.562Z c793869b-ee49-115b-a5b6-4fd21e8dedac INFO Hello
END RequestId: c793869b-ee49-115b-a5b6-4fd21e8dedac
REPORT RequestId: c793869b-ee49-115b-a5b6-4fd21e8dedac Duration: 170.19 ms Billed Duration: 200 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 73 MB
The relevant detail here regarding this question is the Request ID, c793869b-ee49-115b-a5b6-4fd21e8dedac which is added after the timestamp on the row with "Hello".
The AWS documentation states
To output logs from your function code, you can use methods on the console object, or any logging library that writes to stdout or stderr.
The Node.js runtime logs the START, END, and REPORT lines for each invocation, and adds a timestamp, request ID, and log level to each entry logged by the function.
When using Winston as a logger, the Request ID is lost. Could be an issued with formatters or transports. The logger is created like
const logger = createLogger({
level: 'debug',
format: combine(
({ timestamp, level, message }) => `${timestamp} ${level}: ${message}`
transports: [new transports.Console()]
I also tried simple() formatter instead of printf(), but that has no effect on whether Request ID is present or not. Also removing formatting altogether still prints the plain text, i.e. no timestamp or request id.
I also checked the source code of Winston Console transport, and it uses either console._stdout.write if present, or console.log for writing, which is what the AWS documentation said to be supported.
Is there some way to configure Winston to keep the AWS Lambda Request ID as part of the message?
P.S. There are separate Winston Transports for AWS CloudWatch that I am aware of, but they require other setup functionality that I'd like to avoid if possible. And since the Request ID is readily available, they seem like an overkill.
P.P.S. Request ID can also be fetched from Lambda Context and custom logger object initialized with it, but I'd like to also avoid that, pretty much for the same reasons: extra work for something that should be readily available.
The issue is with the usage of console._stdout.write() / process._stdout.write(), which Winston built-in Console Transport uses when present.
For some reason lines written to stdout go to CloudWatch as is, and timestamp/request ID are not added to log rows as they are with console.log() calls.
There is a discussion on Github about making this a constructor option that could be selected on transport creation, but it was closed as a problem related to specific IDEs and how they handle stdout logs. The issue with AWS Lambdas is mentioned only as a side note in the discussion.
My solution was to make a custom transport for Winston, which always uses console.log() to write the messages and leave timestamp and request ID to be filled in by AWS Lambda Node runtime.
Addition 5/2020:
Below is an examples of my solution. Unfortunaly I cannot remember much of the details of this implementation, but I pretty much looked at Winston sources in Github and took the bare minimum implementation and forced use of console.log
'use strict';
const TransportStream = require('winston-transport');
class SimpleConsole extends TransportStream {
constructor(options = {}) {
super(options); = || 'simple-console';
log(info, callback) {
setImmediate(() => this.emit('logged', info));
const MESSAGE = Symbol.for('message');
if (callback) {
const logger = createLogger({
level: 'debug',
format: combine(
printf(({ level, message }) => `${level.toUpperCase()}: ${message}`)
transports: [new SimpleConsole()]
const debug = (...args) => logger.debug(args);
// ... And similar definition to other logging levels, info, warn, error etc
module.exports = {
// Also export other logging levels..
Another option
As pointed out by #sanrodari in the comments, the same can be achieved by directly overriding the log method in built-in Console transport and force the use of console.log.
const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({
log(info, callback) {
setImmediate(() => this.emit('logged', info));
if (this.stderrLevels[info[LEVEL]]) {
if (callback) {
if (callback) {
See full example for more details
I know OP said they would like to avoid using the Lambda context object to add the request ID, but I wanted to share my solution with others who may not have this requirement. While the other answers require defining a custom transport or overriding the log method of the Console transport, for this solution you just need to add one line to the top of your handler function.
import { APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent, Callback, Context } from "aws-lambda";
import { createLogger, format, transports } from "winston";
const logger = createLogger({
level: "debug",
format: format.json({ space: 2 }),
transports: new transports.Console()
export const handler = (
event: APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent,
context: Context,
callback: Callback
): void => {
// Add this line to add the requestId to logs
logger.defaultMeta = { requestId: context.awsRequestId };"This is an example log message"); // prints:
// {
// "level": "info",
// "message": "This is an example log message",
// "requestId": "ac1de841-ca30-4a09-9950-dd4fe7e37af8"
// }
Documentation for Lambda context object in Node.js
For other Winston formats like printf, you will need to add the requestId property to the format string. Not only is this more concise, but it has the benefit of allowing you to customize where the request ID appears in your log output, rather than always prepending the request ID like CloudWatch does.
As already mentioned by #kaskelloti AWS does not transforms messages logged by console._stdout.write() and console._stderr.write()
here is my modified solution which respects levels in AWS logs
const LEVEL = Symbol.for('level');
const MESSAGE = Symbol.for('message');
const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({
log(logPayload, callback) {
setImmediate(() => this.emit('logged', logPayload));
const message = logPayload[MESSAGE]
switch (logPayload[LEVEL]) {
case "debug":
case "info":;
case "warn":
case "error":
//TODO: handle missing levels
if (callback) {
according to the AWS docs
To output logs from your function code, you can use methods on the console object, or any logging library that writes to stdout or stderr.
I ran a quick test using the following Winston setup in a lambda:
const path = require('path');
const { createLogger, format, transports } = require('winston');
const { combine, errors, timestamp } = format;
const baseFormat = combine(
timestamp({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' }),
errors({ stack: true }),
format((info) => {
info.level = info.level.toUpperCase();
return info;
const splunkFormat = combine(
const prettyFormat = combine(
const createCustomLogger = (moduleName) => createLogger({
level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL,
format: process.env.PRETTY_LOGS ? prettyFormat : splunkFormat,
defaultMeta: { module: path.basename(moduleName) },
transports: [
new transports.Console(),
module.exports = createCustomLogger;
and in CloudWatch, I am NOT getting my Request ID. I am getting a timestamp from my own logs, so I'm less concerned about it. Not getting the Request ID is what bothers me

AWS RDSDataService query not running

I'm trying to use RDSDataService to query an Aurora Serverless database. When I'm trying to query, my lambda just times out (I've set it up to 5 minutes just to make sure it isn't a problem with that). I have 1 record in my database and when I try to query it, I get no results, and neither the error or data flows are called. I've verified executeSql is called by removing the dbClusterOrInstanceArn from my params and it throw the exception for not having it.
I have also run SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST in the query editor to see if the queries were still running and they are not. I've given the lambda both the AmazonRDSFullAccess and AmazonRDSDataFullAccess policies without any luck either. You can see by the code below, i've already tried what was recommended in issue #2376.
Not that this should matter, but this lambda is triggered by a Kinesis event trigger.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const RDS = new AWS.RDSDataService({apiVersion: '2018-08-01', region: 'us-east-1'})
for (record of event.Records) {
const payload = JSON.parse(new Buffer(, 'base64').toString('utf-8'));
const data = compileItem(payload);
const params = {
awsSecretStoreArn: 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:149070771508:secret:xxxxxxxxx,
dbClusterOrInstanceArn: 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:149070771508:cluster:xxxxxxxxx',
sqlStatements: `select * from MY_DATABASE.MY_TABLE`
// database: 'MY_DATABASE'
console.log('calling executeSql');
RDS.executeSql(params, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
console.log('error', error)
callback(error, null);
} else {
console.log('data', data);
callback(null, { success: true })
EDIT: We've run the command through the aws cli and it returns results.
EDIT 2: I'm able to connect to it using the mysql2 package and connecting to it through the URI, so it's defiantly an issue with either the aws-sdk or how I'm using it.
Nodejs excution is not waiting for the result that's why process exit before completing the request.
use mysql library
use context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop =false
Problem was the RDS had to be crated in a VPC, in which the Lambda's were not in

AWS IoT Rule results in empty Payload

My weather-station is publishing its status via MQTT to AWS IoT.
The message is published to topic
$aws/things/my-weather-station-001/shadow/update and looks like this:
"state": {
"reported": {
"temperature" : 22,
"humidity" : 70,
"wind" : 234,
"air" : 345
After message is received I have create a rule to store it in AWS DynamoDB the rules select statement is:
SELECT state.reported.* FROM $aws/things/+/shadow/update/accepted
And when this works well, whilst I am sending messages containing state.reported field.
However sometimes to the topic $aws/things/weather-station-0001/shadow/update are sent "control" messages telling device to switch on an LED or some other part. These messages would be usually sent by an app or a controlling server and look like this notice that instead of reported field it hasdesired
"state": {
"desired": {
"led1" : "on",
"locked" : true
So when these messages are arriving, they ARE STILL processed by the rule and arrive to the DynamoDb table with {} empty payload.
Is there any way to force the Rule to ignore messages not containing state.reported element?
You can add a where clause to your SQL statement. Try
SELECT state.reported.* FROM $aws/things/+/shadow/update/accepted WHERE state.reported <> ''

In AWS SQS, Attribute is visible in console and not able to read it programatically

I am trying to insert a token in SQS using "AWS Service Proxy" in Web API with Path Override given as below :
I can see this attribute "TEST" created with value "abcd" in the console of SQS but when I try to retrieve it thru code, I am not able to get the attribute "TEST". Code I am using to retrieve is given below"
QueueUrl: sqsQueueUrl,
MaxNumberOfMessages: 3, // how many messages do we wanna retrieve?
VisibilityTimeout: 60, // seconds - how long we want a lock on this job
WaitTimeSeconds: 3, // seconds - how long should we wait for a message?
AttributeNames: ["All"]
}, function (err, data) {
// If there are any messages to get
if (data.Messages) {
// Get the first message (should be the only one since we said to only get one above)
var message = data.Messages[0],
body = JSON.parse(message.Body);
// Now this is where you'd do something with this message
context.done("Message Found");
Please let me know what I am missing. Thanks in advance.
Nowhere in your code are you attempting to get the value of the attributes. You are simply accessing message.Body. You need to access message.Attributes.