Cannot open include file: 'atlrx.h' in Visual Studio 2019 - mfc

We are upgrading the compiler from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2019.
Getting the below error while building the project which used regex expressions:
Cannot open include file: 'atlrx.h': No such file or directory
After installing the ATL/MFC Components also atlrx.h is not fond in the VS include directory.
Does anyone have any idea like which component should be installed to get rid of this error?
Thanks in advance.

You should download ATL server from Codeplex and install the files.
ATL Server: Visual C++ shared source software
And then copy the include file to a folder on your hard disk, Atlrx.h normally lives in the $(VCInstallDir)VC\atlmfc\include folder.
You should make sure that this path is added in the include directories of visual studio.


TightVNC on VS2015 compile from source code

I am trying to compile the TightVNC from the source code.
Here is my system details:
Windows 10
SDK 8.1
When i build the project it throw error about the folder or file not found. I try to install and include the files but it won't worked.
sidenote: I am not a C++ developer, i have to compile it from source code.
Thanks in advance.
The error
RC1015 can't open include file afxres.h
seems to generate from project because it requires the header file from MFC. As far as I understand, visual studio 2015 default setup does not install Visual C++ MFC package. Therefore you need to modify the Visual Studio 2015 setup and add the MFC.
Please close VS2015 and Go To
Control Panel->Programs and Features->
Microsoft Visual Studio <Professional/Enterprise>->
Change->Modify->Add Microsoft Foundation Classes
Then re-open visual studio 2015 and re-build the solution.

C++ Visual Studio 2013 - additional include directories priority

I'm migrating a Visual C++ 6.0 project to Visual Studio 2013. After solving many issues I'm stucked at the following problem. I have in my project path a folder with windows sdk .h files ( not all .h. files ).
In the old project I've had in additional include directories the following path : ..\..\sdk\include and the project builds succesfully. But, when I try to add the same path in Visual Studio 2013 I have over 100 errors regarding one of the header files from the sdk folder. (undeclared identifier)
My question is, how do I configure the Visual Studio project in order to search first in ..\..\sdk\include for some of the windows sdk files and then into the default windows sdk folder ?

Visual Studio 2013: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'winsock2.h': No such file or directory

I migrated some "native" c++ projects from Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 to Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1. Rebuilding gave me this error. I realized I did not have the Windows SDK installed, so I installed that next, but I'm still getting the error. Anyone else get this on otherwise-clean VS project migrations?
I searched under the SDK folder for the missing file and found it. Because the SDK was installed after I migrated the projects, the paths were not included in my projects. I was able to fix everything by adding to my include and lib paths.
I added the following folders to my include paths:
My full include path for both Debug and Release now looks like this:
I added the following folder to my lib paths (note that is specific to a 32-bit build! see x64 for 64-bit, and arm for arm builds...):
My full lib path looks like this:
Note that if you have a copy of the original project file, you can also fix the problem by re-migrating it again after the Windows SDK is installed.
include path: $(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);
lib paths:$(VC_LibraryPath_x86);$(WindowsSDK_LibraryPath_x86);

Can't get visual studio C++ include file 'excpt.h' to get installed

I'm trying to compile a visual studio C++ project and I can't get anywhere because of the compiler reporting "Cannot open include file: 'excpt.h': No such file or directory". The problem has been reported numerous times on the Internet but I can't find any help regarding my particular situation. The problem is not that the include path of the project are not correctly setup, the problem is that this include file (and probably a bunch of other files) are just missing from my computer. There is no such file on my hard drive. So I tried installing Windows SDK 7.1. The file is not inside the installed SDK (although it should be). I tried repairing the install, uninstall it, reinstall it... all numerous time. I also try to install, repair, uninstall, reinstall Visual Studio 2010 professional numerous time, with and without the Windows SDK installed. I even tried uninstalling the professional version to install the express VC++... nothing seems to work, no 'excpt.h' never get installed on my computer. I am clueless... someone has a hint of a solution? I'm on Windows 7.
As supplementary information, note that 'excpt.h' is included in by "windows.h". Also, the "excpt.h" file is normally installed with the Windows SDK under a path like "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.1\include\" and with Visual Studio under a path like "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\".
EDIT: If it might help, I might add that the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include related my Visual Studio install has only two files... which is certainly not normal!!! However, I can't find any ways to get the installer to install all the .h files that should appear in this repertory.
See if you have it at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\excpt.h Check to be sure that the system include-paths are correct in Visual Studio. If all else fails, uninstall everything, all SDK's, etc., and re-install Visual C++.
Third party search programs do a better job than the Windows one for finding things. Try Agent Ransack. It's free.
For those who have the same problem, here is the solution I found after about 10h of install/uninstall/cleaning cycles... I've uninstalled completely visual studio using this. After that, using the control panel, I've uninstalled the Windows SDK and everything that can be associated with it or with visual studio (e.g. .NET framework). Then, I've removed all the left overs by manually deleting the visual studio and the Windows SDK folders located in C:/Program files. Finally, I deleted all the entries related to the Windows SDK or to Visual Studio in the registry (they are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft). Then, I reinstalled Visual Studio... and it was finally working correctly. I should add that I restarted and cleaned the registry using CCleaner after any install or uninstall step.
I had this problem with a project that had been updated to VS2017 from VS2015.
This was a header included via windows.h. I knew this header should have no problems as I had other projects created directly in VS2017 that used windows.h.
Another symptom was that the intellisense was highlighting includes of standard headers (e.g string, vector etc), although these were not generating compile errors.
The fix for me was similar to VS 2010 Cannot open source file “string”.
Initially, I retargeted the project, hoping this would help (right-click the project, select retarget projects), but this did not in itself cure the problem.
I then took a working project and copied the include directories from project properties->Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories and used these to replace the same property for my broken project. This fixed the problem.
Initially, the value for this property was
The replacement value was
I had the same problem, and tried the answer given by OP, but it did not work. However, copying the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC (specifically bin, lib, and include) from a machine that did work to this machine worked.
It seems the Visual Studio 2012 installer is buggy when it comes to installing into a different drive letter than C:. I have installed the VS2012 into the D: drive and got the same error. I found that for some unknown reason the installer put some of the files into the correct location at:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
but the remaining files were at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
so I have moved the files from the C: into the D: location and it fixed the problem.
Some situation cause such problem. If you have uninstalled vs2010. you lost platform C++ binaries for .net framework 4 forever. You have to delete all of VS 2010 2012 2013, clean system up and its accompany components and reinstall them from scratch.
Or you can download this package. Include them in your project that may solve your problem properly.
one simeple way,just copy vc directory(C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC) from other computer
Fixing your Visual Studio installation is a good idea, but you don't necessarily need to re-install the same old version of VS. I uninstalled VS 2015, then modified my VS 2017 installation to add the VC++ v140 build tools, and now my project builds.

can you create a lib or dll in VS 2005 and link with VS 2008

I am using visual studio 2008 SP1.
And I am creating a desktop application using MFC.
I have a library I want to link with my application. However, the library was written in WIN32 visual studio 2005.
I am been having a trouble linking:
fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'AgentLib.lib'
I am wondering if it is because I am using MFC 2008 and the library was written and compiled with 2005?
Many thanks for any advice,
Make sure you have added the path where your lib files are under project settings in Linker>General>Additional Library Directories
There should be no problem to do that.
You can either
Add the directory where AgentLib.lib is to the library directories of your project.
Add AgentLib.lib to your project (you may get a message box from Visual Studio asking for a rule, but there is no need for one, and it works)
Yes it is possible. f you have issues please Check this links for some help. Also check for any dependent file which is being used by the lib created using VS 2005.