TightVNC on VS2015 compile from source code - c++

I am trying to compile the TightVNC from the source code.
Here is my system details:
Windows 10
SDK 8.1
When i build the project it throw error about the folder or file not found. I try to install and include the files but it won't worked.
sidenote: I am not a C++ developer, i have to compile it from source code.
Thanks in advance.

The error
RC1015 can't open include file afxres.h
seems to generate from project because it requires the header file from MFC. As far as I understand, visual studio 2015 default setup does not install Visual C++ MFC package. Therefore you need to modify the Visual Studio 2015 setup and add the MFC.
Please close VS2015 and Go To
Control Panel->Programs and Features->
Microsoft Visual Studio <Professional/Enterprise>->
Change->Modify->Add Microsoft Foundation Classes
Then re-open visual studio 2015 and re-build the solution.


Using UE4 with Visual Studio 2017

I recently did some cleaning of my drives. I decided to install visual studio 2017 after cleaning the drives up. I have been trying to continue work on my old UE4 project using the engine pulled from GitHub. I tried rebuilding the project with VS2017 which I know is not fully supported yet. I did run into quite a few problems, including the missing corecrt.h files. I reinstalled the Windows SDK to fix this.
The current problem is a new missing file called windows.h, and I believe it is missing due to the build tools looking for the wrong version of the SDK. I was wondering, has anyone else successfully integrated Visual Studio 2017 with their UE4 project after running into similar problems?
-- Edited due to poor grammar.
As I know Version 4.15 supports both Visual Studio 2015 (default) and Visual Studio 2017. If you are building the Engine from source code, you would want to open a command prompt after running Setup.bat and run the command GenerateProjectFiles.bat -2017. This will give you a Visual Studio 2017 solution for the Engine.
To use Visual Studio 2017 for projects, you can set your preference for which version projects use by going to Edit -> Editor Preferences -> General -> Source Code and choosing Visual Studio 2017 in the Source Code Editor setting.
If regenerating the Engine's VS project files doesn't help. Try regenerating your own UE4 project's VS project files.
With Visual Studio and UE4 closed, find the .uproject file, right click and select Generate Visual Studio project files.
Open the solution, make sure your UE4 game (e.g. MyProject) under the Games folder is set as the StartUp project (right click, Set as StartUp project), then try a compile.

Open a vdproj file with VS Community 2017?

I retrieved a C++ VS project from 2011 and it has a Install-win32.vdproj I guess it has to be the file I need to open in order to build the project.
Unfortunately Visual Studio 2017 seems not to recognize this kind of file. Is there any ways to interpret it or convert it?
For VS2017, use the Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects. Download link is below. Be sure to close Visual Studio before running the installer:

visual studio 2012 mingw and format error

I'm taking a c++ class and the instructor has stated that we can use any IDE that we like however, he will be compiling our .cpp and .h files using mingw. I'm using Visual Studio 2012. How should be creating projects using VS2012 to ensure that they will compile with mingw? Can I start the project as win32 or should I use a general empty project? Compilers and dll's are an enigma to me.
I also have code::blocks installed from a previous class and then just to really screw up my default settings and directories I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2015 in an attempt to upgrade. I have since uninstalled VS2015 and all of the other software that installed at the same time. Now, anytime I start a new project in VS2012 I get the error:
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format
(Exception from HRESULT 0X8007000B)
I suspect that when I installed VS2015 something changed where my x86 VS2012 is looking trying to use x64 or something other than Visual Studio 11.
I'd love to fix that glitch if you can help.

How to compile source C++ code that doesn't have a project file?

I have just started learning more about C/C++ and I am using Visual Studio 2013 to manage the code.
A project I am working on to use the Tobii EyeX eye gaze system requires me to be able to tweak this code slightly, however I do not understand how I can compile this code to an exe file without a Microsoft Visual Studio project file. This is that code:
In the source folder you see all the project's files but not an actual project file. How would I go about compiling this code? Where do I start? I can not seem to be able to load this is Visual Studio at all - the programmer of the code says (at the bottom of the Github page):
Compiling the source codes As for now, you have to use Microsoft
Visual Studio 2012 (latest update preferred)...
Either create a makefile(if no makefile is exist) for visual studio using nmake or you can use the suggestion provided in this link.
Additionally you can create a project by adding these codes as source. follow this link.

How do I get crtdbg.h file?

I am using MinGW GCC + Eclipse on Windows, and I have run into this error:
C:\Program Files\ITG Derivatives LLC\api_clear-\include/windows/csassert.h:12:20: fatal error crtdbg.h No such file or directory
What is the crtdbg.h file? How can I get it and solve this problem?
I ran into this exact same issue, but with Visual Studio Community Edition 2019.
The solution was to download the Windows 10 SDK using the Visual Studio installer. Once I did that the next compile worked fine.
The header file "crtdbg.h" is part of the Windows 10 SDK kit. I believe you will find crtdbg.h located here C:\Program Files... or C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\crtdbg.h depending on your setup and version.
<crtdbg.h> is a Microsoft Visual C++ specific header. You may be able to work around this problem using a stub similar to the following:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define _ASSERT(expr) ((void)0)
#define _ASSERTE(expr) ((void)0)
Note that this will disable any asserts in the code you are compiling against, and still won't help you if the code you're compiling uses more advanced features inside crtdbg.h, such as memory leak detection. If these features are in use, you will need to compile the code with MSVC++ rather than MinGW.
I ran into this exact same issue, but with Visual Studio Code.
First start/restart VS Installer and install the Win10 SDK.
Then restart your computer and the needed heasers are available.
I am from Go--g-- search here.
After installing Visual Studio 2019 preview(2022 preview), I have faced the same.
Opening Developer Command Prompt and after going to a particular folder,
cl test.cpp gave above error.
Resolve :
After installing Visual Studio 2022 preview or any other version, do reboot the system.
After rebooting, I could successfully, run the cl command, and compiled a test program without any of the above error.
I ran into this problem recently by trying to install LLVM/Visual Studio Code.
The Windows SDK installation is required for the clang compiler.
To install the Windwos SDK open/download the Visual Studio Installer and check the Windows 10 SDK in Desktop in development with C++
If you have the Windows SDK, and still have this error, go to project propreties -> VC++ -> Include Directories. then paste C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include(Version)\ucrt
Just note that I got the same error in Visual Studio 2022 installed on Win 10 Version 21H2. Solution was to install latest Windows 10 SDK from here and then restart the computer.
I ran into this problem, I tried updating the SDK through Visual Studio as mentioned above to no avail. One thing I did was used an old PC to download the SDK, transferred the contents via USB. Took the File directory that Visual Studio was looking in, and copied everything over from the downloaded SDK in the USB to that file path/directory as mentioned in Visual Studio.
Hope this helps.