I have a string:
I need regex that will break this into 3 names groups:
FIRST: 12345
This is what I have come up with:
That yields:
FIRST: 12345
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Your current regex uses positive lookaheads before it hits the third capture group - this (ironically) forces it to capture the first and second capture groups in the final, third capture group. Here is an example that doesn't use lookaheads.
ABC\/ Read ABC/
(?<FIRST>[^\.\n]+) Named capture group that captures all characters not . or newline, up to first occurrence of either.
\.DEF\/ Read .DEF/
(?<SECOND>[^\.\n]+) Same as first capture group.
\. Read .
(?<THIRD>.*) Capture everything else.
Try it here!
Im trying to match a string to that containsthree consecutive characters at the beginning of the line and the same six consecutive characters at the end.
for example
CCC i love regex CCCCCC
the C's would be highlighted from search
I have found a way to find get the first 3 and the last six using these two regex codes but im struggling to combine them
^([0-9]|[aA-zZ])\1\1 and ([0-9]|[aA-zZ])\1\1\1\1\1$
appreciate any help
If you want just one regular expression to "highlight" only the 1st three characters and last six, maybe use:
See an online demo
(?: - Open non-capture group to allow for alternations;
^([0-9A-Za-z])\1\1(?=.*\1{6}$) - Start-line anchor with a 1st capture group followed by two backreferences to that same group. This is followed by a positive lookahead to assert that the very last 6 characters are the same;
| - Or;
([0-9A-Za-z])\2{5}(?<=^\2{3}.*)$ - The alternative is to match a 2nd capture group with 5 backreferences to the same followed by a positive lookbehind (zero-width) to check that the first three characters are the same.
Now, if you don't want to be too strict about "highlighting" the other parts, just use capture groups:
See an online demo. Where you can now refer to both capture group 1 and 3.
Need some help in regexp matching pattern.
The text goes like here (it's subtitles for video)
00:20:47,920 --> 00:20:57,520
- Hello! This is good subtitle text.
- Yes! How are you, stackoverflow?
00:20:57,520 --> 00:21:11,120
Wow, seems amazing.
- We're good, thanks.
Like, you know, everyone is happy around here with their laptops.
00:21:11,120 --> 00:21:14,440
- Understood. Some dumb text
I need a set of groups:
startTime, endTime, text
For now my achievements are not very good. I can get startTime, endTime and some text, but not all the text, only the last sentence. I've attached a screenshot.
As you can see, group 3 is capturing text, but only last sentence.
Please, explain me what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you.
Accounting for the possibility there is no new-line character after the final text of your string; Would the following work for you:
(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d)[ >-]*?((?1))\n(.*?(?=\n\n|\Z))
See the online demo
(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d) - The same pattern as you used to capture starting time in 1st capture group.
[ >-]*? - 0+ (but lazy) character from the character class up to:
((?1)) - A 2nd capture group which matches the same pattern as 1st group.
\n - A newline-character.
(.*?(?=\n\n|\Z)) - A 3rd capture group that captures anything (including newline with the s-flag) up to a positive lookahead for either two newline characters or the end of the whole string.
Note, some (not all) engines allow for backreferencing a previous subpattern. I guess the app you are using does not. Therefor you can swap the (?1) with your own pattern to capture the 2nd group.
Another option is to use a pattern that would capture all lines in group 3 that do not start with 3 digits.
(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d) --> (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d)((?:\r?\n(?!\d\d\d\b).*)*)
(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d) Capture group 1 Match a time like pattern
--> Match literally
(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d) Capture group 2 Same pattern as group 1
( Capture group 3
(?: Non capture group
\r?\n(?!\d\d\d\b).* Match a newline and assert using a negative lookahead that the line does not start with 3 digits followed by word boundary. If that is the case, match the whole line
)* Optionally repeat all lines
) Close group 3
Regex demo
A bitmore specific pattern could be matching all lines that do not start with 3 digits or a start/end time like pattern.
Regex demo
Here I have a text string.
Serial#......... 12345678910123456\nCust#........... 654321\nCustomer Name... Some Customer\nBILL TO NO NAME. Bill To: 123456 - Some Company Pty Ltd\nDATE...... 01/01/00
I want to capture 2 parts of this string.
Cust#........... 654321 BILL TO NO NAME. Bill To: 123456 - Some Company Pty Ltd
using regex.
So far I have Cust#.*?\d+ which captures
Cust#........... 654321
However I dont think this is the best approach.
Note.. This is 1 string from thousands, so data within strings is dynamic, can I capture what is within end of line \n character to achieve my result??
Try this regex: ^.*?\n(.*?)\n.*?\n(.*?)\n.*$ at least it should give you a different way of looking at the problem.
It describes the entire string, using carriage returns as element delimiters. The parenthesis defines groups which you want to save, which are the 2nd and 4th groups.
Of course this depends on the elements you want always being the 2nd and 4th and being delimited by the newlines.
You might use 2 capturing groups. In the first group, use your pattern without the lazy quantifier, as the digits are at the end of the line.
Then match (not capture) all the lines that do not start with BILL
After that, capture in group 2 the whole line that starts with BILL
^(Cust#.*\d+)(?:\r?\n(?!BILL ).*)*\r?\n(BILL .*)
^ Start of string
( Capture group 1
Cust#.*\d+ The pattern to match Cust# with the digits at the end
) Close group
(?:\r?\n(?!BILL ).*)*\r?\n Match all lines that do not start with BILL
( Capture group 2
BILL .* Match the line that starts with BILL
) Close group
Regex demo
Say I have the following list:
No 1 And Your Bird Can Sing (4)
No 2 Baby, You're a Rich Man (5)
No 3 Blue Jay Way S
No 4 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey (1)
And I want to extract the number, the title and the number of weeks in the parenthesis if it exists.
Works, but the last group is not optional (regstorm):
No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>.*?) \((?<weeks>\d)\)
Last group optional, only matches number (regstorm):
No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>.*?)( \((?<weeks>\d)\))?
Combining one pattern with week capture with a pattern without week capture works, but there gotta be a better way:
(No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>.*) \((?<weeks>\d)\))|(No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>.*))
I use C# and javascript but I guess this is a general regex question.
Your regex is almost there!
First and most importantly, you should add a $ at the end. This makes (?<title>.*?) match all the way towards the end of the string. Currently, (?<title>.*?) matches an empty string and then stops, because it realises that it has reached a point where the rest of the regex matches. Why does the rest of the regex match? Because the optional group can match any empty string. By putting the $, you are making the rest of the regex "harder" to match.
Secondly, you forgot to match an open parenthesis \(.
This is how your regex should look like:
No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>.*?)( \((?<weeks>\d)\))?$
You may use this regex with an optional last part:
^No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>.*?\S)(?: \((?<weeks>\d)\))?$
RegEx Demo
Another option could be for the title to match either not ( or when it does encounter a ( it should not be followed by a digit and a closing parenthesis.
^No (?<no>\d{1,3}) (?<title>(?:[^(\r\n]+|\((?!\d\)))+)(?:\((?<weeks>\d)\))?
In parts
(?\d{1,3}) Group no and space
(?: Non capturing group
[^(\r\n]+ Match any char except ( or newline
| Or
\((?!\d\)) Match ( if not directly followed by a digit and )
)+ Close group and repeat 1+ times
) Close group title
(?: Non capturing group
\((?<weeks>\d)\) Group weeks between parenthesis
)? Close group and make it optional
Regex demo
If you don't want to trim the last space of the title you could exclude it from matching before the weeks.
Regex demo
I need to a regular expression to extract names from a GEDCOM file. The format is:
Fred Joseph /Smith/
Where the text bounded by the / is the surname and the Fred Joseph are the forenames. The complication is that the surname could be at any place in the text or may not be there at all. I need something that will extract the surname and capture everything else as the forenames.
This is as far as I have got and I have tried making groups optional with the ? qualifier but to no avail:
As you can see it has several problems: If the surname is missing nothing gets captured, the forename(s) sometimes have leading and trailing spaces, and I have 3 capture groups when I'd really like 2. Even better would be if the capture group for the surname didn't include the '/' characters.
Any help would be much appreciated.
For your last line, I'm not sure there is a way to join the group 1 with group 3 into a single group.
Here is my proposed solution. It doesn't capture spaces around forenames.
To correctly match the names, care to use the insensitive flag, and if you test all lines at once, use multiline flag.
See the demo
^ start of the line
(?:\h*([a-z\h]+\b)\h*)? first non-capturing group that matches 0 or 1 time:
\h* 0 or more horizontal spaces
([a-z\h]+\b) captures in a group letters and spaces, but stops at the end of the last word
\h* matches the possible remaining spaces without capturing
(?:\/([a-z\h]+)\/)? second non-capturing group that matches 0 or 1 time a name in a capturing group surrounded by slashes
(?:\h*([a-z\h]+\b)\h*)? third non-capturing group doing the same as first one, capturing the names in a third group.
$ end of the line
For your requirements
([A-z a-z /])+\w*
Hope this helps
Try this: ^([^/]*)(/[^/]+/)?([^/]*)$
This matches the following:
^ start of string (or with multiline modifier start of line)
([^/\n]*) anything other than / or new line zero or more times - this is captured as group 1
(/[^/\n]+/)? a single / followed by one or more non / or new line characters, then a single '/' character - this is captured as group 2, and is optional
([^/\n]*) anything other than / or new line zero or more times - this is captured as group 3
$ end of string (or with multiline modifier end of line)
You can see in action with your example text here: https://regex101.com/r/9kmKpy/1
To not capture the slashes you can add a non capturing group by adding ?: to the second set of brackets, and then adding another pair between the slashes:
I am not sure I follow what language is being used to extract the data, but based on what you have so far, you simply need to add '?':
Not that this does not give you groupings for EACH name as some solutions will have multiple names in a single group
Extending on Niitaku solution and looking at having each individual name in its own group, you could use:
As explained though, if using a language like ruby it would simply be:
ruby -pe '$_ = $_.scan(/\w+/)' file