Adding `href` to Card component makes all text inside uppercase - semantic-ui-react

Adding href to semantic-ui-react Card component makes all text inside this component uppercase. How to avoid it?

The problem would be because of the "text-transform" css property.
Setting it to none, should fix the issue.


How to hide suggestionView without having to delete characters in a RadAutoCompleteTextView using Nativescript Vue js

Currently when you start typing RadAutoCompleteTextView element using Nativescript Vue js the suggestionView Element is displayed. The only way to make the suggestionView to disappear is to delete each character in the field. I need to be able to make the suggestionView not display when i clear the RadAutoCompleteTextView field. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I was facing the same issue and I solved it with setting the suggestion view height to 1 on the textChanged event when the text doesn't exist in the items array

React-Bootstrap Modal mobile size has a additional white space

I'm using react-bootstrap": "^1.0.0-beta.5"
I just cannot get rid of the extra white space created by the dialog / modal for my modal, on mobile view.
i've read a few threads refering to it as bootstrap 3. I did tried to cahnge the bootstrap.css file but it didnt seem to work for me.
can anyone help ?
So, I found out the issue.
the issue was with the Component that i was using surprisingly it is messing up with the margins of -15px for left and right. ALTHOUGH i added them into the container correctly.
The trick that i did was to overwrite the .row css class in that page to remove the -15px for both left and right.

Prevent scrollAssist & autoFocus on inputs that don't need keyboard to show

I built an Angular Reactive Form using Ionic 2.
When I was touching an input at the bottom of the page the page would scroll so the input get above the keyboard. Expected behavior, so ok. But the header was push too and that was wrong.
So I looked on the internet and find a workaround which was to write the following in the import statement of app.module.ts
// app.module
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
scrollAssist: true,
autoFocusAssist: true
That indeed works well as the page still scrolls and the header is not push away.
But I still have one problème. When I touch an input which doesn't need the keyboard to be shown (eg. datepicker) the page scroll on the first touch and I have to touch again so the datepicker opens...
Any idea on how I could may be prevent the page to auto-scroll when touching an input that doesn't need the keyboard?
This could be possibly achieved by using two properties of input component. Firstly you can set the readonly property to true and then add the click Eventlistner to open the DatePicker and then use the placeholder property of input to show the value of DatePicker.
I hope this would help you find the solution. Let me know if this works.
Good Luck & Cheers
Ashish Sebastian

unable to add a text field in cocos2d

i am developing a game using cocos2d framework. I want to add a text field to enter player's name. I used UITextField and the textfield is visible and the keyboard gets pop up. But my problem is the Return key is not working. I tried out many times but all in vain. please help me out, or is there any other way to add a text field in cocos2d. Thanx in advance.
Make sure that you implement all needed delegate methods for your text field. For example,
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
did you use resignfirstresponder ? for returning keyboard just add the code as
[textfield resignFirstResponder];
also add this line of code on place where you want to return the keyboard such as on cctouchbegin or on click of any button. Hope this will work.

How do I make django show empty cells with it's template system?

I am writing out a table using just the template system in Django, and it is not showing the border around empty table cells.
No problem I thought - I've solved this problem before. I put &nbsp in any cell that was to be left empty. Django kindly converted the ampersand to &amp so that I have &ampnbsp in the empty cells, and it shows the &nbsp when viewed in the browser.
I googled it, and tried putting {%autoescape off%} and {%endautoescape%} around the table in question, but it didn't do any good either.
I also tried adding autoescape=False to the context constructor, but that didn't help either.
What's the magic trick to make Django show the border around empty cells?
This is a known CSS/HTML 'problem.' You want to use Django's "default" filter.
{{value|default:" "}}
(I'll be damned if I could get that to come out right. In SO, how do you write "nbsp;" without the & in front causing everything to disappear and be replaced by a blank?)
There is the empty cells CSS property.
I can't remember if it works in all browsers or not though
Django does in no way control the appearance of your table. Tinkering with autoescape is also superfluous and could turn out dangerous.
Are you using CSS for styling the table? By using a property like e.g.
td {
border: 1px solid red;
you can make each cell having a red border. No matter if it's empty or not.
What you really need to do is get a non-breaking space in those empty cells, and prevent Django from escaping the HTML entity. Could you chain a few filters together to achieve what you're looking for?
{{ value|default:" "|safe }}
Edit: I should mention that   is the same as , is just doesn't get mangled by the SO parser.