How can I get all the comments posted on a page recommendation? - facebook-graph-api

My Facebook app asks for manage_pages permission. My need is to retrieve the complete thread of recommendation comments, including comments and replies to comments, left by users and page owner on a Facebook page (authorized by a client via Facebook Login).
Using the Graph API endpoint /{page_id}/ratings with a page token I get all the recommendations.
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}, can I get the recommendation's author ?
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}/comments, I get all the 1st level comments (users ones and mine)
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}_{comment_id}/comments, I only get the 2nd level comments left by me. Can I get the user comments, with their message and author ?


Facebook Messenger subscribed apps, page and app access token generation

I am hitting a wall while developing seamless integration of a Facebook page with my bot.
Essentially I want to achieve same integration than Chatfuel or Manychat have, where being logged in with your Facebook account lets you to just choose what page you are connecting to them and you are good to go.
The problem I am facing is generating the proper token in order to bind the selected page to my app (bot). As per Facebook documentation:
When you create a subscribed_apps edge, the page-id you use in endpoint must match the page ID of the page access token used in the API call. The app that the access token is for is installed for the page.
Given the call has no other parameter than the access token, this access token has to be enough for Facebook to:
Authorize the action on the page.
Identify what app is being subscribed to the page.
This is confirmed while using the Facebook Graph API Explorer, where one selects the page and the app to bind and a proper access token is generated:
This token properly works using cURL in the terminal:
$ curl -X POST '<MY_APP_ID_HERE>/subscribed_apps?access_token=<TOKEN_PASTED_FROM_GRAPH_API_EXPLORER>'
With the Facebook Access token debugger (info icon on the left of the access token, then open in Access token tool), it is confirmed that the token knows about both the page and the app that have to be connected.
The question is, how are these page-app related token programmatically produced? I can't seem to find the proper API call in Facebook documentation and it is by all means possible, as Chatfuel and Manychat are doing this.
Thanks in advance for your support Lars Schwarz and community!
Adding some detail to Alex's answer, for it to be more complete.
When subscribing an app to a page, Facebook needs to:
Know what app you are talking about.
Know what page you are talking about.
Know that you have permissions on that page to subscribe an app.
How does Facebook know it all?
1 comes from the fact that Facebook login happens in the context of a page, actually, the Javascript code for Facebook contains your appId:
js.src = '<YOUR_APP_ID_IS_HERE>&autoLogAppEvents=1';
2 Comes from the page_id in the URL used to subscribe apps to pages:
3 Comes from the access token, obtained in the context of an APP through Facebook login, that is passed as parameter in the URL used to subscribe apps to pages:
To do this, you need to put FB Login on your site/customer portal and request pages_messaging and manage_pages permissions. The person that logs in must be a Page Admin.
Once your app has been granted that permission for the page, you can generate a page access token as described here:

Facebook workplace page access token api doesn't work

I'm making an application in angular 4. I get posts from a group in my app and I want people to comment on those posts. Problem is, you need a page access token but the api return an empty array!{user_access_token}
I searched for days and looked through all the questions on stack but didn't find anything.
Keep in mind, it is for facebook workplace so the graph explorer doesn't work for this problem!
You have to give impersonate account permissions to your Workplace integration.
Then, you have to impersonate the account:{userId}?fields=impersonate_token
once you have the user token, you can use it to comment a post on behalf of the user. It is a POST call{postId}/comments
with in the payload

Posting a link to Facebook Page

I have a user who can manage some Facebook Page. I've got access token with all permissions, including publish_actions as written here.
When I send a POST request from Graph API Explorer to <page-id>/feed specifying message and access_token of course, my post appears in Page Feed and author of this post is Page. But when I send a POST request with link instead of message it appears in 'recent publications from others' with my name.
What have I done wrong?
I'm seeing the same thing. If I send a message to <page-id>/feed it will work fine. But if I send a link to the same endpoint it posts on the

Access Facebook page statuses with an app access token

Reading the API docs ( I assumed that in order to read a public pages status updates, I would require "any valid access_token or user access_token" (quoting the docs here).
However, if I try to get the status updates for the public page, using my app access token, I receive the following response: "A user access token is required to request this resource"
GET 20531316728/statuses?access_token=myappaccesstoken
So, my question is if the docs are just plain wrong, I'm doing something wrong or whatever?
There is a clarification that needs to occur by Facebook [1]. The docs are either outdated or Facebook has changed their mind on handling these updates which is interesting seeing that
GET /PAGE_ID/feed?access_token=myappaccesstoken
Works (and holds all the statuses). I was told by someone in IRC #facebook that maybe the statuses call is more expensive (Not too bought on this idea).
My current stance is that either
any valid access_token or user access_token was supposed to imply those excluding app tokens
Facebook realizes that one can bypass the OAuth Flow by using an app token on pages when Facebook desired some form of authentication.
In the end, these are all assumptions.
I haven't been able to get a clear answer out of any Facebook employee as to whether this is indeed a bug or an intentional removal of this feature.
[1] -

Facebook API Graph - posting a status update to a Facebook Page

I am following the Facebook developer documentation for making a post to a Facebook 'Page' as the Page itself, which according to the docs requires impersonation. I've gotten the access token for the page itself, as well as the Page's ID, by making a call to the "accounts" feed for the user who's the admin for the Page. I then POST to[Page_ID]/feed
With the post items
containing the access token and the message, and I get a JSON string back with a post ID. Which all seems to indicate that it is posting the message to the page. HOWEVER, when I go to the particular Page, it doesn't display the posted status.
Does anyone perhaps have any idea why that might be?
Thanks in advance everyone!
Did you make sure to get the "publish_stream" permission from the user?