Posting a link to Facebook Page - facebook-graph-api

I have a user who can manage some Facebook Page. I've got access token with all permissions, including publish_actions as written here.
When I send a POST request from Graph API Explorer to <page-id>/feed specifying message and access_token of course, my post appears in Page Feed and author of this post is Page. But when I send a POST request with link instead of message it appears in 'recent publications from others' with my name.
What have I done wrong?

I'm seeing the same thing. If I send a message to <page-id>/feed it will work fine. But if I send a link to the same endpoint it posts on the


How can I get all the comments posted on a page recommendation?

My Facebook app asks for manage_pages permission. My need is to retrieve the complete thread of recommendation comments, including comments and replies to comments, left by users and page owner on a Facebook page (authorized by a client via Facebook Login).
Using the Graph API endpoint /{page_id}/ratings with a page token I get all the recommendations.
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}, can I get the recommendation's author ?
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}/comments, I get all the 1st level comments (users ones and mine)
With the endpoint /{recommendation_id}_{comment_id}/comments, I only get the 2nd level comments left by me. Can I get the user comments, with their message and author ?

facebook graph api pages post message

I wanted to make a facebook API request that will post a message to page that I am admin of. Here i found out how can i do that but after trying it out in facebook graph api explorer with this scheme:
assuming I have a developer account linked to my page and publish_pages and manage_pages permissions are enabled and page-id and acces-token are replaced with my real ones. The problem is that I get a response of latest post on that website, the same as if I would write just and there is no new post on my page.
I dont know if the recent facebook API update removed or modified that or if its just not possible.
trying it out in facebook graph api explorer with this scheme
You are making a GET request here - and GET is for reading data, not creating it.
Creating data requires a POST request. So you can either switch the request method from GET to POST via the dropdown there, and then click + Add parameter to add your parameters and values;
or you can add &method=post to the end of your GET request query string here - that is a way the API offers to explicitly overwrite the request method in environments, where you can only make GET requests.

How to read inbox of Facebook pages using Graph API

Hi I'm developing management system for Facebook pages.
All Facebook pages are changed to sytle of timeline by the end of March, they will come to receive message from users.
So I want to add to read inbox of Facebook page, but I can't find how to read it by Graph API. ("/inbox" method is not worked with page access token.)
Please let me know how to do if you know.
I have suffered alot to find the correct url. It is totally different url compare to Profile messaging.
You can read the messages for a page by issuing an HTTP GET request to with a Page Access Token and read_mailbox permission.
Surprisingly you can reply for page messages also.
You can reply to a user's message by issuing an HTTP POST to
Note that a page can only reply to a user's message. It cannot initiate a private message with a user. Also, a page can respond not more than twice to a user's message before the user has replied back.
Hope that helps.
Graph api explore use this script after authenticating user, permission required
permission script:
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(

Facebook subscription API

When making a POST to subscribe to Facebook, Facebook issues a GET with the callback URL with the following query parameter:
Once we verify the mode and the token and return the hub.challenge does Facebook respond with a status message? It is not clear in the docs...
You are correct it is not clear in the documentation. What happens on your end when you subscribe? If you get something viable, then click the Report Documentation Bug at the bottom of and log the issue.

Facebook API Graph - posting a status update to a Facebook Page

I am following the Facebook developer documentation for making a post to a Facebook 'Page' as the Page itself, which according to the docs requires impersonation. I've gotten the access token for the page itself, as well as the Page's ID, by making a call to the "accounts" feed for the user who's the admin for the Page. I then POST to[Page_ID]/feed
With the post items
containing the access token and the message, and I get a JSON string back with a post ID. Which all seems to indicate that it is posting the message to the page. HOWEVER, when I go to the particular Page, it doesn't display the posted status.
Does anyone perhaps have any idea why that might be?
Thanks in advance everyone!
Did you make sure to get the "publish_stream" permission from the user?