Hello I am using Rmarkdown to build netlogo tutorials but I have a problem
When I embed a netlogoweb html file ( a running netlogo model) rmarkdown only show "one quarter2 of the netlogo world model
the code I use in Rmarkdown is the following:
I expect to see the following applet:
![html applet]https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5w3u0e33zujnx0/FileEmbeddedInChrome.PNG?dl=0
but the applet seen in Rmarkdown (Netlogo world) is only one quarter of the original:
![rmarkdown applet]https://www.dropbox.com/s/gspjv78s7gy5wv2/FileEmbeddedInRMarkDown.PNG?dl=0
The file (AvionesGo.html) I am embedding is the following html file generated by netLogoWeb:
Click here
Thanks for your Help
I have a series of .png images that I would like to add notes to in an Rmarkdown document that I am knitting to a .pdf. The basic code for each image looks like this:
```{r certs_coefplot, out.width="100%", fig.cap=fig.4_cap}
With beamer slides, I have just inserted some basic latex like this:
\tiny \emph{Notes}: Put Notes here \normalsize
below each code chunk.
But if I try this in the context of a larger document, the notes do not appear below the figure.
A solution involving a custom hook was proposed to a similar question asked here about adding notes to figures in an .Rnw file. In particular, the version where you put the code for the hook at the beginning and then write:
notes = "Notes to explain the plot"
sources = "Explain the sources"
in each chunk seems really convenient.
Is it possible to apply a similar solution an RMarkdown file?
a newbe here.
I'm writing an essay in Rmarkdown and I want to render a PDF. When I try to import an excel sheet with the commands:
dat1 <- read.xlsx("Seminararbeit.xlsx", 2L)
and then create a table with stargazer, I keep on getting this Error:
Error in basename(filePath) :
unable to translate 'my-file-path-goes-here' to native encoding
It looks like the table is actually created with stargazer, but it doesn't show up when I knit the file. I tried to Reinstall R and Rstudio (I believe I have the newest version of both) but nothing worked. Is the file path too long? I have a MacOS, is that the problem?
Please help, it's driving me nuts!
Finished and published on github my first website using Distill package in RStudio:
On this particular page I include several images in my rmarkdown document and it causes problems with the table of contents: the headings are duplicated and don't follow the headings adequatly. I have tried every toc_float: option available and it does not solve the problem. Aldo tried changing the heading levels (all #, ...). The problem appears wether the image is inserted traditionally or in a code bloc. If I take out the images in my file, the TOC works perfectly. I have not been able to find any information on this issue. Thanks in advance for any help!
Your .Rmd file on the website (GitHub) repo.
If you include JS file (optional) and move wrapping div container, from current position to above your first header, TOC behaviour will change:
<script src="hideOutput.js"></script>
<div class="fold o">
## 1. Les objets
Is this helpful in any way?
I built a blogdown site using Hugo and it has multiple sections, posts all written in Rmarkdown with outputs designed as html_document. It works fine.
In parallel, I designed an HTML dashboard using Rmarkdown with an output designed as flex_dashboard. It generates an HTML file working fine.
I wanted to integrate the dashboard directly within the building of the site but unfortunately by simply adding the Rmarkdown file in the blogdown structure it knits it as an html document and not as a flex_dashboard. So, I have the content within my website but not at all as dashboard but more like a traditional html_document. So no luck with that :(
I tried then copying the dashboard html under /static/html and create a brand new Rmarkdown just invoking my html within an iframe:
output: html_document
<link rel="preload" href="/html/OpenDashboard.html" as="document">
<iframe width="100%" height="600" name="iframe" src="/html/OpenDashboard.html"></iframe>
Looked good to me and was pretty happy even in inelegant but performance is bad. It takes a long time to load (+10sec) even if the file is not that big (only 6Mb). Size of the html will grow a lot in the future and I can't hope viewers will wait that long.
I read it was possible to clarify the type of knitting we want within a build.R file but I am clueless on how to specify I want html_document knitting for some Rmarkdowns and flex_dashboard for some others.
To answer your last question: in Section 2.7 of the blogdown book, it mentions that you could use blogdown::build_dir() in R/build.R to build arbitrary Rmd files under the static/ directory.
Is there an easy way to link to a webpage in rmarkdown without displaying the link?
For example, putting "https://www.google.com/" in a .rmd file renders as the entire website, but I want something analogous to ABC instead.
The html method above, i.e., <a href= ... works when I knit to html, but it does not work when I knit to a word document.
Markdown provides two ways to create a link as you mention (and I suppose that is supported on rmarkdown).
Markdown way:
HTML way:
The first way is native and the second way is supported since Markdown allows every HTML code.