How to create shipping labels using FedEx web services? - web-services

I have created FedEx developer account for testing and now i would like to create shipping labels using FedEx web services. I can not find an example of creating shipping labels, ideally i would like to post a HTTP request and get the shipping label as response or achieve the same result by a SOAP request.
For a beginner like me the FedEx documentation is confusing any help will be appreciated.

The documentation is a bit confusing, but it's the best resource there is for FedEx web services. That documentation is available here.
You'll be using the "Ship Service" to create shipping labels. The FedEx services can take either SOAP or plain XML requests. I prefer to use plain XML. In that case you can POST a request to (the test/development server). For SOAP I think you use
There are some example request/response pairs in the documentation to get you started. Look in the section Ship Service -> Sample Transactions.
I hope this is enough to get you started.


API Manager Analytics

We are working on a solution built on top of WSO2 APIM.
Problem Statement:
We want to add custom capability in existing APIM. Right now if we consume a single api endpoint it gives us meaningful statics some of them are:
API Usage per Application
Top Users per Application
Resource Usage per Application
But what we need is to store some/all incoming request data into database and extract meaningful information over time.
Suppose we have a api endpoint like below:
URL: http://localhost:9444/subscriptions/1/create_subscription
Params: name:sample_name, type:sample_type, user_id:12345
What we want?
It could be WSO2, OpenAM or any other opensource API manager.
We need to store parameter values e.g. sample_name, sample_type
and user_id in database.
Looks like WSO Stream Processor can provide this functionality.
As it has a solution for HTTP Analytics. But we are not certain
to proceed with this option.
Another possible candidate is to Extend API Manager. But docs doesn't have anything to target what we wanted to do.
I am not sure but we can use RequestInterceptor?
Anyone has a experience with this kind of problem please let me know.
There are two problems you have to solve here,
1. Capture the required data from the APIM side
2. Publish to Analytics Server
3. Perform Analytics on received events
As you have observed WSO2 SP can be used for 3.
For 1 & 2, please see blog ( for extending the publishers to capture and publish additional data.
You can also take a look at OpenIG, it is easy to extend and you can implement your own filter to store request data in database. Another approach is develop your own gateway based on Netflix Zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway

Is there any repository like UDDI for publishing and discovering RESTful web service?

I am a novice to web service repository and i want to discover REST based service matching a keyword phrase or some parameters. Is there any repository available like UDDI for SOAP services?
Here are the links where related topics have been discussed
1 How do I discover RESTful Web services?
2 publishing and discovering REST web services
but no where it has been explicitly described how to pursue this task(like a complete tutorial link where RESTFUL web service has been published and retrieved )
Hope to get a well explained answer
Thanks in advance !
It's going to depend on what product are you using for discovery.
MDNS, try using JNDNS for Java. The method you want is probe and you'll have to listen for responses to the query for some predefined String that represents your endpoint. Sometimes people us DNS TXT records or SRV locators for the URL. Here's a good example
UDDI, specifically jUDDI (and 1 or two others) has a REST API that you can invoke. It works well if you know the 'key', or a unique identifier of the service. Since UDDI's data is complex, jUDDI has a FindEndpoints method which can return JSON or XML structures. HTTP GET to http://localhost:8080/juddiv3/services/inquiryRest/{XML,JSON}/endpointsByService/{id}
The response is of type UriContainer, which is just a list of Strings, each representing a valid URL that you should be able to do something with. There's a few more examples in the TCK Tests for juddi here
repository solution can provide some facilities such as service discovery, event notification that a normal DBMS cannot.

AWS - How do I get prices from other merchants?

I'm using Amazon Web Services (Product Advertising API) for my web application to search books on Amazon. So far I'm able to send a valid request and parse the XML response. My problem is I can't find the price for books like this one. It seems that Amazon don't sell this item directly and some other merchants are responsible to do this. I couldn't find any Price for these items in the Response I've got from AWS. Where could I find it?
I'm using Large Response Group. Should I use other Response Groups?
You should use the Marketplace web service APIs, and in particular the Products API. You can use the ASIN of a book to find the marketplace prices using the Products API.

Signup and Licensing for Redbus API?

How to Signup and get LoginID and password to access RedBus Api?
From what it looks like, Redbus has not yet opened up the web service to the public. Aparently the web service exposed is for only Bus operators with their own credentials.
The API is open only to registered merchant or integrator. I got one and they will give based on your operation country. As in my case, I registered only for Malaysia, paid about 300 usd for the registration and given the api key. Although I would say their technical support is not the best as I've implemented in PHP and they didn't really have the expertise to support integration using PHP. The most problematic part is the seat selection process. The rest was quite straightforward.
I suggest that you take a look at their website and see what if there is any merchant registration link. As in my case, we came to their regional office and registered there.

Amazon products API - Looking for basic overview and information

After using the ebay API recently, I was expecting it to be as simple to request info from Amazon, but it seems not...
There does not seem to be a good webpage which explains the basics. For starters, what is the service called? The old name has been dropped I think, and the acronym AWS used everywhere (but isn't that an umbrella term which includes their cloud computing and 20 other services too?).
There is a lack of clear information about the new 'signature' process. Gathering together snippets of detail from various pages I've stumbled upon, it seems that prior to August 2009 you just needed a developer account with Amazon to make requests and get XML back. Now you have to use some fancy encryption process to create an extra number in your querystring. Does this mean Amazon data is completely out of reach for the programmer who just wants a quick and simple solution?
There seems to be a tiny bit of information on RSS feeds, and you can get a feed of items that have been 'tagged' easily, but I can't tell if there is a way to search for titles using RSS too. Some websites seem to suggest this, but I think they are out of date now?
If anyone can give a short summary to the current state of play I'd be very grateful. All I want to do is go from a book title in my database, and use Classic ASP to get a set of products that match from Amazon, listing cover images and prices.
Amazon 'widgets' can display keyword search results on my pages, but I have less control over these, and they are shown to the user only - my code can't look inside them.
Your post contains several questions, so I'll try to answer them one at a time:
The API you're interested in is the Product Advertising API (PA). It allows you programmatic access to search and retrieve product information from Amazon's catalog. If you're having trouble finding information on the API, that's because the web service has undergone two name changes in recent history: it was also known as ECS and AAWS.
The signature process you're referring to is the same HMAC signature that all of the other AWS services use for authentication. All that's required to sign your requests to the Product Advertising API is a function to compute a SHA-1 hash and and AWS developer key. For more information, see the section of the developer documentation on signing requests.
As far as I know, there is no support for retrieving RSS feeds of products or tags through PA. If anyone has information suggesting otherwise, please correct me.
Either the REST or SOAP APIs should make your use case very straight forward. Amazon provides a fairly basic "getting started" guide available here. As well, you can view the complete API developer documentation here.
Although the documentation is a little hard to find (likely due to all the name changes), the PA API is very well documented and rather elegant. With a modicum of elbow grease and some previous experience in calling out to web services, you shouldn't have any trouble getting the information you need from the API.
I agree that Amazon appears to be intentionally obfuscating even how to find the API documentation, as well as use it. I'm just speculating though.
Renaming the services from "ECS" to "Product Advertising API" was probably also not the best move, it essentially invalidated all that Google mojo they had built up over time.
It took me quite a while to 'discover' this updated link for the Product Advertising API. I don't remember being able to easily discover it through the typical 'Developer' link on the Amazon webpage. This documentation appears to valid and what I've worked from recently.
The change to authentication procedures also seems to add further complexity, but I'm sure they have a reason for it.
I use SOAP via C# to communicate with Amazon Product API.
With the REST API you have to encrypt
the whole URL in a fairly specific
way. The params have to be sorted,
etc. There is just more to do. With
the SOAP API, you just encrypt the
operation+timestamp, and thats it.
Adam O'Neil's post here, How to get album, dvd, and blueray cover art from Amazon, walks through the SOAP with C# method. Its not the original sample I pulled down, and contrary to his comment, it was not an official Amazon sample I stumbled on, though the code looks identical. However, Adam does a good job at presenting all the necessary steps. I wish I could credit the original author.
I wrote a blog post on this subject, after spending hours wading through Amazon's obscure documentation. Maybe useful as another view on the process.
I found a good alternative for requesting amazon product information here:
Its an free rest api which return alle relevant information related to the requested product.
Some links i found:
Forum thread for amazon tutorial request
Amazon Web Services
Some sort of script for using the amazon eCommerce API
another tutorial for amazon web-store-y stuff
Amazon and ebay e-commerce API tutorials
Straight from the horse's moutyh: Summary of Product Advertising API Operations which has the following categories:
Find Items
Find Out More About Specific Items
Shopping Cart
Customer Content
Seller Information
Other Operations
Since the time when the question was asked in 2009 the changes have, unsurprisingly, continued and some of the answers and links provided are now superseded or deadlinks.
As of February 2022, Amazon now provide the Product Advertising API Scratchpad for developers to try out API requests so they can get up and running in minutes:
Scratchpad is a tool to help Amazon Associates send basic requests to
the Product Advertising API. Follow the steps below and you can have a
working request with sample code in minutes.
The linked page also has onward links to pages where you may
sign up for the Associate program and Product Advertising API and access the complete API documentation.
As mentioned by #Reg Edit in his recent answer, Amazon now provides a scratchpad for their Product Advertising API, which in-fact does have a "SearchItems" endpoint which presumably returns products for a search query similar to the one a shopper would enter into Amazon's search bar while shopping.
Here's a link explaining on how to get access to Amazon's Product Advertising API. This would be helpful for anyone looking to display Amazon product's on their application programmatically.
In order to get access to Amazon's Product Advertising API, you must meet the following 3 requirements:
Have completed 3 sales in the last 180 days
Have an approved associates account
Comply with this agreement
Now if you don't meet the above requirements, the only other option Amazon gives you is to use their SiteStripe widget, which is a tool to help associates build links manually.
If you do not meet the requirements listed above and would still like to get Amazon product data for your app or website programmatically, you may use web scraping to achieve the same. Since the data is public, no one can legally stop you from scraping it. Depending on how experienced you are with programming, you could either build a scraper yourself or use a service that enables you to do so.
I have built one such service myself—it is called Amazon Product Search API and it allows users to grab search results from Amazon including product title, thumbnail, URL, etc. for any search query a user would make while shopping on Amazon. It supports all the major countries Amazon operates in.
Using this service does not require you to be an Amazon associate. Users may scrape up to 10k search results for free.