AWS - How do I get prices from other merchants? - amazon-web-services

I'm using Amazon Web Services (Product Advertising API) for my web application to search books on Amazon. So far I'm able to send a valid request and parse the XML response. My problem is I can't find the price for books like this one. It seems that Amazon don't sell this item directly and some other merchants are responsible to do this. I couldn't find any Price for these items in the Response I've got from AWS. Where could I find it?
I'm using Large Response Group. Should I use other Response Groups?

You should use the Marketplace web service APIs, and in particular the Products API. You can use the ASIN of a book to find the marketplace prices using the Products API.


Is there an Amazon api

Hi there I am wondering if there is an amazon api that lets you browse there catalogue, eg item name price, competitors and so on. I am aware of two amazon api's one used for promoting there products but I am a little unsure of the other one and if I can use the other api for my project
There is the Advertising API, which seems to do what you want.
You can browse their nodes using this.

How to create shipping labels using FedEx web services?

I have created FedEx developer account for testing and now i would like to create shipping labels using FedEx web services. I can not find an example of creating shipping labels, ideally i would like to post a HTTP request and get the shipping label as response or achieve the same result by a SOAP request.
For a beginner like me the FedEx documentation is confusing any help will be appreciated.
The documentation is a bit confusing, but it's the best resource there is for FedEx web services. That documentation is available here.
You'll be using the "Ship Service" to create shipping labels. The FedEx services can take either SOAP or plain XML requests. I prefer to use plain XML. In that case you can POST a request to (the test/development server). For SOAP I think you use
There are some example request/response pairs in the documentation to get you started. Look in the section Ship Service -> Sample Transactions.
I hope this is enough to get you started.

Amazon API: How do I use Amazon's MWS API to get product information using ASIN?

As of Jan 23, 2019, Amazon has limited the use of Product Advertising API. Now, I am trying to write a script that can fetch product information using ASIN using their official APIs.
How can I use MWS API for this purpose? And what are the differences between the Product Advertising API and MWS API?
After some research, here's what I found:
Product Advertising API (PA API) is offered by Amazon to get product information with POST requests. However, the throttle limit depends upon the affiliate sales made by your account in the last month [as of 23rd Jan 2019].
You won't be able to make any request if you have zero sales. In that case, the only way to pull data is scraping.
MWS API (available to sellers) on the other hand can only be used to retrieve your products only. You can't use MWS API to get product information from other suppliers.

Amazon Web Store Inventory as RSS/Data feed

I have been reviewing the setup of a current Amazon Web Store implementation to figure out some of the systems capabilities. The end goal is to pull a feed that i can reuse and transform for Channel Adviser. The documentation on Amazon Web Store is a little sparse and I'm wondering if anyone here has a little experience with this specific product scenario (pull inventory from Web Store Account).
The current goal is to pull down the inventory for the store in a feed via RSS or any other suitable format. I have been looking at the RSS web feeds for Tags # page but I dont think it's available for the web store product or feasible to pull an entire store's inventory this way.
-my research has led me to the amazon product advertising API but looking at the WSDL for the service, the only relevant service calls I see are ItemSearch, ItemLookup and SimilarityLookup; none of these seem to explicitly support Web Store and they dont really seem entirely appropriate for pulling the Web Store's entire inventory (although they do appear to accept a merchant ID). Does anyone know of a common or appropriate way to get access to this data?
Thanks in advance for any specific guidance you can provide
After a couple of contacts with Amazon Seller support, it appears that the most appropriate solution is to set up an Amazon Marketplace Web Services account and use those apis. The 'Inventory' api seems to be exactly what we were after (although the support email suggested the Reports section).
Response from Amazon Seller Support
We checked and we have a different program that fits your needs called MWS (Market Place Web Service), you would have to sign up for an account first which is for free. Please visit this link to find out more information:
Click on reports and then on Amazon MWS Developer Guide (PDF) and you will be able to get more information related to your concern.

search movie link in amazon api

I would like to get the link of a particular movie/dvd in amazon given a movie/dvd title. This link will redirect to amazon's website. How can I do this?
It depends on how you want to do this. For example, I use C# to connect to the web services API. I then search for an ISBN number and use the first found item (if there is one) since that will be the book I want. You could adjust this to search the movies based on a particular title. Here is a link to the site I found for connecting to the Amazon web services:
You will need to sign up for an Amazon Associates account in order to do these lookups. You could also use their RESTful services to get the data in XML format instead. Here is the Amazon link for how to set up a RESTful request: