How to connect GCP VM instance using android Cloud Console? - google-cloud-platform

I've just created a VM instance at GCP with os-login feature enabled. I can connect via ssh using web browser console, SDK, but, I can't connect using the android app called Cloud Console.
Is there any extra step while configuring os-login to use the offical google android app?

I believe everything should work out of the box. There certainly isn't mention of any extra documentation on the Cloud Console Mobile App landing page.
I spun up a new instance (europe-west4-b, n1-standard-1, debian-9-stretch-v20190813) and set the metadata to enable-oslogin = TRUE and I managed to connect right away, albeit from an iOS device.
I would suggest trying different networks (WiFi, 3G/4G), double check any suspicious firewall tags on the instance, maybe even try from a different device. If the connection attempt did reach the server, chances are there's at least one log entry mentioning it in /var/log (/var/log/auth.log in Debian is a good place to start).


Unable to launch Jupyter notebook "Setting up proxy to JupyterLab"

I created a VM Instance (n1-standard-8) for a project. I was using AI Platform > Workbench (Jupyter Notebook). I was able to read the data from Cloud storage and process it. After 2 months, I tried to start the notebook and clicked on 'OPEN JUPYTERLAB'. It just spins up saying "Setting up proxy to Jupyterlab".
Environment: Kaggle Python
Machine Type: n1-standard-8 (8 vCPUs, 30
What is the possible issue?
PS: New to Google Cloud
One possible solution is to create a new VPC without adding the DNS rules for the various notebooks endpoints.
Then, use the configured network with a new notebook instance clicking the “OPEN JUPYTERLAB” URL.
You can see more information here.
Another possible thing that could be happening if you check your logs is an error that shows this “ - Required 'compute.instances.get' permission for project'”. This happens because you are using the non-default service account that you specified during the notebook creation. So the solution to this is to use the default service account.

Google Could Platform failed to load VM instance

I was trying to create VM instance on Google Could Platform, but it always gives me an error says Failed to load.
Found the solution by accident, I was browsing in the MarketPlace and trying to launch a Ubuntu 16.04 OS but end with this error
Compute Engine API has not been used in project xxxxxxxxxxx before or
it is disabled. Enable it by visiting
then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for
the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
So I goto the link mentioned in the above Error message. After I enabled Compute Engine API there I can find the Create Instance button in my VM instances section.
This error message is related to UI issues with cache and cookies. So to fix this you can try any of the following:
1.- Log In to GCP in an Incognito window.
2.- Clear/delete your web browser cache and cookies.
3.- Login to GCP through another web browser.
Please verify Compute Engine API is enabled in your project by following step 3 from this guide.
Additional, there was a known issue yesterday that prevent new projects to enable Compute Engine API and therefore not be able to create VM Instances. This issue has been fixed by now so you shoud be able to create this Instances with no problem.

accessing a new vm's terminal without using the console in UI

I'm new to vmware and i'm trying to do some automation when creating a vm from an OVA file. Essentially, I have an OVA that I need to get into the console and run a script so I can get to it via the internet...the script is this (runs a netplan config and some iptable commands), I just don't know how to execute or run the commands manually without having to get into the UI via the console.
I'm just trying to figure out how I can run this without having to access the console via the vmware esxi UI.
I'm using's environment to provision a server with vmware esxi on it via terraform, and then use ansible to deploy a few ova's on it.
The problem then is though that I can't access the newly deployed vm's unless I go into the console of the vm via the UI. I'm trying to see how I can do that either via an api or some other fashion so I can do some further automation after the VM's come up.
Assuming the VM has VMware Tools running, that would give you access to run a process/command/script in the Guest OS using the GuestProcessManager object in the vSphere Web Services API. More specifically, using the StartProgramInGuest method:

Google compute firewalls disappears later

I trying to create some firewall rules in google compute, everything goes well, but some time later, they are just disappears.
I tried to add rules on default network, and also custom created - in both cases result same.
Tried both: through web UI, and through gcloud tool
If you believe that someone or something is reverting your Firewall changes, you can take multiple approaches to verify that.
inspect Cloud Console Activity logs
same using CLI: gcloud beta logging read "resource.type=gce_firewall_rule"
check GCE Operations section in Cloud Console
check GCE API requests in Cloud Console Logging, using this advanced filter:

How to configure application on Amazon EC2?

I have an application in ASP.NET MVC4 that i need to configure on Amazon EC2 server.
But i am new to this and not familiar with this.Currently my application is configured on Azure server.And now i want to shift it on Amazon EC2.
I go through with this video :-
I have sign up and went to Launch an application.But i did not have the credit card details now.And i used dummy CC details(took from google).
But i guess its not supporting the dummy CC details.
Can anyone help me out on this ?
The basic process is that you need to setup an account with a valid credit card, create an instance thru the aws console, and then use the generated credentials to RDP (Remote Desktop) into the server.
The process of setting up an MVC app (or any program for that matter) is going to be 100% identical to doing it on your own machine - there is no difference once you are able to remote to the instance.