How to configure application on Amazon EC2? - amazon-web-services

I have an application in ASP.NET MVC4 that i need to configure on Amazon EC2 server.
But i am new to this and not familiar with this.Currently my application is configured on Azure server.And now i want to shift it on Amazon EC2.
I go through with this video :-
I have sign up and went to Launch an application.But i did not have the credit card details now.And i used dummy CC details(took from google).
But i guess its not supporting the dummy CC details.
Can anyone help me out on this ?

The basic process is that you need to setup an account with a valid credit card, create an instance thru the aws console, and then use the generated credentials to RDP (Remote Desktop) into the server.
The process of setting up an MVC app (or any program for that matter) is going to be 100% identical to doing it on your own machine - there is no difference once you are able to remote to the instance.


How to connect a local service being developed to a hosted service mesh?

I currently have a hosted (GCP) microservice environment that is under development. When working on a service I currently run the environment locally. I run all the services that the service I am working on needs to communicate to.
This provides a bad developer experience because:
I have to spin up every service; there can be a lot
running so many services can use a lot of my system resources
If any of those services need a DB, I have to set that up too
I'm looking for a soution to this. Idealy, I will run just the single service locally and connect to the rest of the services in the hosted environment.
Do any of the popular service meshes offer this as an option? I'm looking at Istio and Kuma primarily. Are there any alternatives solutions that come to mind?
For remote development/debugging I would suggest to have a look at Telepresence.
It is even recommended by Kubernetes docs:
Using telepresence allows you to use custom tools, such as a debugger and IDE, for a local service and provides the service full access to ConfigMap, secrets, and the services running on the remote cluster.
Istio on the other hand enables you to do shadow deployment and canary or blue/green deployment. You can e.g. run a service and send certain user (based on the header) to a new version. You can mirror traffic to a service or shift traffic from 0 to 100 % step by step. I'd say it's more for testing your new service under load or gradually releasing a new version.

How to connect GCP VM instance using android Cloud Console?

I've just created a VM instance at GCP with os-login feature enabled. I can connect via ssh using web browser console, SDK, but, I can't connect using the android app called Cloud Console.
Is there any extra step while configuring os-login to use the offical google android app?
I believe everything should work out of the box. There certainly isn't mention of any extra documentation on the Cloud Console Mobile App landing page.
I spun up a new instance (europe-west4-b, n1-standard-1, debian-9-stretch-v20190813) and set the metadata to enable-oslogin = TRUE and I managed to connect right away, albeit from an iOS device.
I would suggest trying different networks (WiFi, 3G/4G), double check any suspicious firewall tags on the instance, maybe even try from a different device. If the connection attempt did reach the server, chances are there's at least one log entry mentioning it in /var/log (/var/log/auth.log in Debian is a good place to start).

AWS Session Manager Raspberry-pi/Beaglebone

I am trying to manage a Beaglebones/Raspberry-pis using AWS System Manager.
I registered it on the AWS System Manager shown in the pic below.
However, it does not appear in the Session Manager tab
In the Manage Instances tab I can try the Start Session action.
When I try to start the session like the image above, I get the error shown below which is not all that helpful.
Does anyone know how to make the session manager work with hardware like beaglebones or raspberry-pis? Would it be a matter that AWS would only support Sessions with EC2 instances? Or maybe it is incompatible with the Beaglebone/Raspberry?
Session Manager currently only supports connections to EC2 instances. On-premises managed instances (which is what a Raspberry is after it's registered) are not supported by Session Manager today.
Other features of AWS Systems Manager will work - you can, for example, use Run Command to execute actions on your Raspberry instance.

Programmatically Download RDP file from AWS once a EC2 instance its launch with it java sdk

There are a few things I require help on, I am currently working with AWS ec2 instances. I have successfully started a server using an Image I have created in AWS and launch the image to multiple instances with the help of the Java SDK. To let me access these instances that I have launched, I understand that in the aws console I am able to get RDP File when I click on download Remote Desktop File when I click on the instance but I am checking if the java SDK provides a way to get the RDP file directly without having me to go into the console.

Easier way to update files on Amazon EC2 instance?

Major newbie when it comes to Amazon EC2 servers, and web development in general.
At the moment I have a web app that is hosted on parse. Everything is done on the client side in the browser, and I want to change it to a client server model by writing a server in node.js.
I've looked into Amazon EC2, I've set up and instance and it looks good. My question is however:
Is there an easier way to update files on the instance? At the moment I'm pushing all the files from my computer to a github repo, then pulling them on to the instance- this seems very long winded. When using parse, all I needed to type was 'parse deploy' into the command line to update and deploy my application, is there something like this for Amazon EC2?
Thank you
I typically install or enable FTP on my ec2 instances and then just use the ftp client of my choice to update files.