Utilizing the Boost library in a C++ project - c++

I've imported the boost library files into my project, the issue is VS studio is not recognizing the files based on the default include directory locations.
I can go into properties->config properties->C/C++->General->add include directories ... but it is a pain to do so for so many directories.
VS Code tells me to install vcpkg ... what's the easiest means of including the dependencies without reconfiguring directory settings?
ie: Using this default location for all boost files.
#include <boost/math/special_functions/bessel.hpp>


Files in sub-directories of Boost library do not load (C++)

I'm using Visual Studio. I just watched a tutorial on how to use libraries with the boost library in C++, and I added C:\Program Files\Cpp_Libs\boost_1_74_0 to Include Additional Libraries property in my project.
It works with optional.hpp in the boost_1_74_0\boost directory, but it doesn't work with the files in the boost_1_74_0\boost\archive directory or other sub-directories.
VS is recommending I install vspkg to install boost-serialization, but is there a way I can do it without this?

Using libtensorflow_cc.so in an existing C++ cmake project

I have an existing C++ cmake project and I want to use tensorflow in it as a third party library. I searched extensively but all the solutions involve installing tensorflow at the end or copying the files to /usr/local directory.
My problem is I don't want to make any changes to the system directories and everything should happen within my project directory.
So, I compiled libtensorflow_cc.so and libtensorflow_framework.so from tensorflow source code and copied into my project directory. I added below code in my CMake to link these libraries.
find_library(tensorflowlibfwk libtensorflow_framework.so
PATHS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/lib)
find_library(tensorflowlibcc libtensorflow_cc.so
PATHS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty/lib)
target_link_libraries(tensorflowtest ${tensorflowlibfwk} ${tensorflowlibcc})
I have no idea about which headers should I include to use the tensorflow in my project ??
Any kind of help please

Installing boost 1.52 with VS2012

I followed these instructions to install boost and to compile all libraries:
Boost Installation The Boost library can be downloaded here.
Currently, the latest version available is Boost 1.52.0. You can build
boost by following the instruction here.
Alternative you can download
a pre-built lib from here. Once downloaded, copy the installer into
the Boost 1.52.0 folder and run it. Rename the folder to lib once
So I downloaded boost 1.52, then copied that to C:\Program Files (x86)\boost\
I then downloaded the 1.52 64 bit installer and once downloaded, pasted that to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\boost\boost_1_52_0\boost_1_52_0\
I executed the installer- it said "extracting" and then many library names.
I then renamed the last folder to lib, so that I had:
C:\Program Files (x86)\boost\boost_1_52_0\lib\
In my VS2012 I then added the previous directory to my project. The project then starting parsing through the libraries and I had no linker errors. However, when building the project I still got:
LINK: fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
(The only usage of boost in my project is file_mapping and mapped_region)
EDIT: I am aware about some libraries needing to be compiled separately in boost. I thought the above was to achieve this? If not, could someone please advise how because this really becomes a pain.
Boost has some libraries (most of them) used as source headers (.h files) that do not need to be pre-compiled, but there are also some libraries that need to be pre-compiled (.lib files). You can either download the libraries pre-compiled from the Boost website (http://www.boostpro.com/download/), although you might get some older versions from there, or compile them (the latest version or any of those available you want) on your own, although please have in mind that this might take some time, depending on your computer specs. See here for more: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/install.html.
After downloading the "normal" boost package, put the folders/files extracted on a folder and then assocciate it in VS2012 by putting the folder path in
(YourProject > Right-Click > Preferences >)General > VC++ Directories > Include Directories.
Then download and install the pre-compiled libraries (extract them on a folder) and then associate this folder with the VS, in
(YourProject > Right-Click > Preferences >) Linker > General > Additional Library Directories.
Of course, as mentioned before, you can also compile the packages you want, and then associate them with Visual Studio the same way.

Installing the Eigen library in Visual C++ 2010

How can I install the Eigen library in Visual C++ 2010? I downloaded the library from eigen.tuxfamily
But I do not know how can install it on my Visual C++. I want to run a program I downloaded and it has the following:
#include <Eigen/Core>
using namespace Eigen;
How can I do this? I have tried to look online but I seem to get confused. Could someone explain to me how I can do it?
Eigen is mostly header-only library. All that you need is to add Eigen path to (MSVC2010):
Project Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
Let's say you have header Core in folder C:/folder1/folder2/Eigen/, i.e.:
So you should add path C:/folder1/folder2 to Additional Include Directories.
From the Eigen docs:
How to "install" Eigen?
In order to use Eigen, you just need to download and extract Eigen's source code (see the wiki for download instructions). In fact, the header files in the Eigen subdirectory are the only files required to compile programs using Eigen. The header files are the same for all platforms. It is not necessary to use CMake or install anything.
Compiling and running your first program
There is no library to link to. The only thing that you need to keep in mind when compiling the above program is that the compiler must be able to find the Eigen header files. The directory in which you placed Eigen's source code must be in the include path.
So you don't actually install anything.

Eclipse C++ project not resolving LD_LIBRARY_PATH include variables

I have a C++ project I am importing and it is using activemq libraries. After I import the project, I set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable under environment to point to
This allows the project to see all the libraries for activemq and I can see it show up in my includdes folder in the project explorer. When I go to Build Project, I am getting tons of errors to references of includes/objects that are inside /usr/local/include/activemq-cpp-3.4.2. The interesting thing is that the binary is still being produced, yet there are about 80 errors due to the library files not being found. How is the binary being made? Also, what must I do to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so the project is properly including those files?
I have tried launching eclipse with the
./eclipse -clean
But that didn't seem to help. Any ideas are welcome, and thank you in advance!
I am using Eclipse Juno with C++ verseion 4.1.2 on Redhat 4.X
LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't used for locating include directories. It's used to inform the system of a list of directories to search for shared libraries: compiled support libraries, not e.g. SDKs for Eclipse.
You should use the project's properties to add to the places that are searched for includes: C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Includes
Also use the properties - not LD_LIBRARY_PATH - if you do need to link against other libraries: : C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Library Paths
Finding header files is not the purpose of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. That environment variable is to tell the OS where to start looking for shared libraries — *.so files. The OS looks for those when preparing the execute your program. The compiler uses the include path to search for headers when it encounters an #include statement in your source code.
Don't modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH to affect compilation of your program.
Eclipse lets you set your include path in your project options.