Using SwiftUI how to open specific view from a notification click in watchOS - swiftui

I'm using swiftUI framework.I want to open a specific page from the notification button click. How can I handle that event? and How to navigate to specific View from notifications didReceive delegate function ?


Display a swiftui progress view inside a nested navigation screen

My app has a nested navigation as below
Landing View --> Child view 1 --> Nested Child view
What is the best way to show a progress view while a background download / upload is underway ?
Currently placing an overlay doesn't stop the user from navigating back as the overlay doesn't cover the navigation bar.
ZStack {

Is there any button click event in Sitecore Tracker in version 9.1

I am looking for a personalization event that have to occur when a click event takes place.
No, there is not and you have to track your button click event on the server side in Sitecore.
Add an onclick() JavaScript event to your button to make the server call and pass details about the clicked button. Then register the click event as a Goal on the server side.
You can create a Goal and then trigger it as a pre-built Sitecore event using
the Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Current.CurrentPage.RegisterGoal() method to register your Goal against the current page as follows:
var goalId = "{Your Goal ID}"; // ID of your goal
var goalDefinition = Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.MarketingDefinitions.Goals[goalId];
Read more about the pre-built events in Sitecore here.

How to react on press of styled button in tvOS with SwiftUI

If you style a Button element in tvOS, you have to manage focus manually as described in this post:
Unfortunately, the action attached to the button is never called. Also, there is no TapGesture on tvOS.
How can I attach an action to a styled tvOS button?

Pagination with swipe Gesture swift 3

How to implement swipe gesture between two View Controller and called pagination in it for multiple data loading with swipe and change ViewController with data according to Rest Api data .

Regarding stopping page reload when button clicked

I am working with Oracle Apex 4.2 where in i have a page which is Page1 and within the page i have a report region and a button. When i click on the button a Skill Builder Pop-up plugin hits up and a popup window opens up where in i created a form on another page which is Page2.
I am adding a JavaScript page refresh for Page1 and it will automatically refreshes the page at particular intervals. Code is as follows:
function cache_clear()
But when i click on the button, the page refresh on Page1 should stop and again it should get activated after closing the popup only.
Any help would be appreciated.
To stop process when button click use clearInterval() function.
Refer discussed thread Stop setInterval call in JavaScript
for more details.