Pagination with swipe Gesture swift 3 - swift3

How to implement swipe gesture between two View Controller and called pagination in it for multiple data loading with swipe and change ViewController with data according to Rest Api data .


Swiftui understanding observedobject in ios 13

I have screens in my project where I show the data I have taken from the service. and in this project there is a custom tabbar and there are three different tabs. When I press these tabs, I send different requests to the service and update the data. #stateobject works fine for ios14 and above. but there is no stateobject in ios13 so I use observedobject. but I haven't been able to do it completely. because sometimes data is coming but the ui is not updated or it goes to the previous view. but when I set a button in the view I want to update and request from here, the data comes up correctly, but when I do it from the tabbar, the errors I mentioned appear.

Display a swiftui progress view inside a nested navigation screen

My app has a nested navigation as below
Landing View --> Child view 1 --> Nested Child view
What is the best way to show a progress view while a background download / upload is underway ?
Currently placing an overlay doesn't stop the user from navigating back as the overlay doesn't cover the navigation bar.
ZStack {

How to react on press of styled button in tvOS with SwiftUI

If you style a Button element in tvOS, you have to manage focus manually as described in this post:
Unfortunately, the action attached to the button is never called. Also, there is no TapGesture on tvOS.
How can I attach an action to a styled tvOS button?

Using SwiftUI how to open specific view from a notification click in watchOS

I'm using swiftUI framework.I want to open a specific page from the notification button click. How can I handle that event? and How to navigate to specific View from notifications didReceive delegate function ?

How to change the root view controller of a uinavigation controller embedded in a uitabbarcontroller?

Please see the attached image. Here I am having a uitabbarcontroller attached with navigation controller which is having a root view as the "first view". When I click on a button in the first view it goes to the "Second View".
At some point, I want to change the root view controller of navigation controller to Second View and when clicking on a back button in Second View it moves to the first view with tab bar controller.
So for this what should I do? Indirectly I want to say that when the user enters the application he should see the second view controller with navigation and tab bar controller and when he presses back he should move to the first view with navigation controller and tab bar controller
You should swap the whole UINavigationController for a new one with the desired root controller as it is not the best practice to replace the root controller of the UINavigationController (but it is possible by changing the viewControllers array)