How to set click events in WebKitX ActiveX control in C++ - c++

I am using WebKitX ActiveX control for displaying web page in MFC Dialog. Now i want to set click events for same. I am setting click events using below code :
m_ctrlWebKit.SetEvents(m_ctrlWebKit.DOM_EVENT_CLICK || m_ctrlWebKit.DOM_EVENT_DBLCKICK);
But when i click on web page i always get only click event not double click. So can anyone tell me how to do it.

WebKitX - Getting Started with C++
I hope this helps!


How do I use Spy++ on this menu that keeps disappearing if I click outside of it?

I want to log the messages of this menu using Spy++.
Usually, if I want to log the messages of a window, I would use Spy++ and drag the "Find Window" tool over it. But in this case, if I drag the tool over this menu, the menu disappears because I clicked outside it.
Is there any workaround to this?
A little more information:
What I want to achieve is finding out what messages are sent when I click the menu's items (they are buttons).
That particular menu in the first picture is created only when I click the button, and it has a different HWND every time I click it.
If I can't accomplish this in Spy++, can I do this using some other application similar to Spy++?
Actually I figured it out myself.
You can just log messages of the parent window with the logging options set to also log messages of child windows.

Hide CHtmlView Download Dialog Box

I have created a basic CHtmlView in an MDI application, that I can use to navigate to Winrar downloading link for example (
Once I click on download, the following two dialog box pop out :
What I want to achieve is making the download happen in the background without those two dialog box showing up, Is such thing is possible? and how to achieve it.

asp repeater itemcommand not working on second click

I have a repeater which I bind the data using Bind method from the database. There is a Asp:Button with an onclientclick and onclick event. In OnClientClick I open a new window and onclick I am adding the data to the database. This works perfectly on the first Page load. After first click on any of the buttons in the repeater, the click events stops working on subsequent clicks.
I have spending hours on finding a solution for the same, can any one guide me where i am going wrong what needs to be done.
P.S: My application is AJAX Enabled , using WCF and JQUERY
Thanks & Regards,
Never Mind I got it solved my self. For others who are trying to solve the same issue, here is the solution:
The code below opens up a new window with out popup blocker blocking the window
OnClientClick of the button write Javascript like below to open a new window and refresh the parent window (I have to do this as the ItemCommand event was not firing until the page is refreshed)
OnClientClick = "target='_blank'; setTimeout("location.reload(true);", timeout);

IWebBrowser2 issues - how to open documents in new windows?

I have IWebBrowser2 ctrl embedded into my own dialog. I want to simply
display a promo banner within it from my url. How to disable all popup
menu items from the control and force it to open links in new window
(currently when I click on link in the banner, it is being opened
within the same control).
Have a look at the following article:
WebBrowser Customization
I don't know if there is a more convenient way of doing this - but you could always intercept BeforeExplorerNavigate2(), set the out-parameter cancel to true and from there either do a new Navigate() with a different target frame name or open a new window.
As Rob pointed out, there might be problem with filtering out navigate events originating from scripts, see this question.

How to disable the Visual Basic dialog when double click the ActiveX Control

I developed a custom ActiveX control:ax_love.
When I insert it into a ppt inside and double click this control will show a pop-up VisualBasic window,this is unacceptable. I hope the double click action will trigger my own function.
ps:I use atl/com in vs2017.
In Design mode, clicking on an ActiveX control will open up the VB window - this is as-expected. In Presentation mode, clicking on the ActiveX control will trigger your function.
If you want a version of this to only open in Presentation mode (so users won't be taken to a VB page), save the file as a PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show (.ppsm). Then it always opens in Presentation mode (keep a copy in .pptm format for editing, but don't give that one to your users).