Hide CHtmlView Download Dialog Box - c++

I have created a basic CHtmlView in an MDI application, that I can use to navigate to Winrar downloading link for example (https://www.win-rar.com/predownload.html?&L=0&Version=32bit).
Once I click on download, the following two dialog box pop out :
What I want to achieve is making the download happen in the background without those two dialog box showing up, Is such thing is possible? and how to achieve it.


How to insert more dialogs in MFC Dialog application?

I am trying to build an MFC application Dialog based application. It runs ok. But I need to insert another Dialog. So how can I for example, pressing on a button from the first dialog to open the new added dialog?.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
I right clicked on the resources folder and insert a dialog.
It is inserted, but how to create it?.
Thank you.
The easiest way is: I consider you are creating a Dialog based application so you get a main Dialog box and an About Dialog box when Selecting menu->About.
To add Another Dialog to your application:
1- Right click on the solution explorer on the resources files and select Add->Resource->Dialog->New
You get a new Dialog right front of you. Right click on this Dialog and select Add Class. give it for example a name like "MyDlg2" and click ok.
You'll see two files added: MyDlg2.h and MyDlg2.cpp.
Now How to Popup this second dialog (MyDlg2)? Let's create a button on the main Dialog:
Drag a button onto Main Dialog.
Give it a caption "Gong to Dialog2..."
Double-click this button to add a handler for it.
In this handler enter:
MyDlg2 dlg;
Scroll to the top of this file and add:
#include "MyDlg2.h"
This is important so that main Dialog knows How to create dialog 2.
Build and run.
You need to derive a class from CDialog.
For more information check this MSDN example.

Creating a Control Panel Applet similar to built in applets

I have created a Control panel applet. The icon is placed in the control panel. When I double click my icon, it just opens a notepad application.
What I have to implement is, when I double click on my icon, it should open the GUI similar to the UI of other the Control panel (Power options of control panel.)
My question is, do I need to create a separate windows forms application? or any other way is there?
Creating address bar similar to explorer is not possible, since MS has not exposed such control.
You can take a look at the following link...
MFC: Address Bar control like Windows Explorer

Embedding dialogs in main dialog and switching them with button click in MFC

I have a design like below:
So basically, I want to embed three dialogs in the application main dialog and switch between them, for each button click i.e., button 1 will show dialog one , button 2 will hide dialog 1 and show dialog 2 .. and so on.
Each dialog will be having a different design and functions.
I tried using CPropertySheet class to Add pages but its GUI is different. It has either option for navigating the dialogs using next / back button , or from a tab control.
None of which is as per my requirement.
So I want to know is it possible to have a design like this in MFC ? If yes how? Which Class/ control should I use.
Any help will be appreciated.
What you can do is use a normal CDialog class, add your buttons to it and also create a frame/rect as a placeholder for where your embedded dialogs are to appear. The following piece of code will create and position your embedded dialog.
CRect rect;
CWnd *pHost = GetDlgItem(ID_OF_YOUR_FRAME_RECT);
pDialog->Create(ID_OF_YOUR_DIALOG, this);
On button clicks, you hide the previously shown dialog (SW_HIDE) and show your selected dialog(SW_SHOW) with ShowWindow(...).
If you create your embedded dialogs with IDD_FORMVIEW style in the add resource editor it'll have the proper styles for embedding.
Another option is probably to use an embedded PropertySheet and hide the tab row and programatically change the tabs on the button clicks. I just find it to be too much fuzz with borders, positioning, validation and such for my liking.
If you have the MFC Feature Pack, that first came with VS2008 SP1 and is in all later versions, you might like to consider CMFCPropertySheet. There are a number of examples on the linked page, that are very similar to your design.
For example, this:
What worked for me just using dialog based application is SetParent() method. Dont know why nobody mentioned it. It seems to work fine.
I am doing like below:
VERIFY(pDlg1.Create(PanelDlg::IDD, this));
VERIFY(pDlg2.Create(PanelDlg2::IDD, this));
VERIFY(pDlg3.Create(PanelDlg2::IDD, this));
::SetParent(pDlg1.GetSafeHwnd(), this->m_hWnd);
::SetParent(pDlg2.GetSafeHwnd(), this->m_hWnd);
::SetParent(pDlg3.GetSafeHwnd(), this->m_hWnd);
Now I can show or hide a child dialog at will (button clicks) as below:

How to create splitter window in dialog, attach example

I am practice on splitter window, I reference to this web site,
Creating a Splitter Window in a Dialog Box in Three Easy Steps
when I build it, some thing error I cant solve it, like follow code...
Out of memory creating a splitter pane.
Error: Trying to create object which is not DECLARE_DYNCREATE
Out of memory creating a splitter pane.
Error: Trying to create object which is not DECLARE_DYNCREATE
the link for download this example, please rewrite the example,
splitter dialog example
the other feature, I want to create a two panel with button and static
and listcontrol item.
thanks guy.
Don't use a dialog base application. Just use the wizard. Create a SDI sample with a CFormView... integrate the splitter window later.
It doesn't make sense to me to create a dialog and to integrate all the CFrameWnd features into a CDialog...
I replaced the CDialog1 with CWnd then solved this problem.
ccc.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CWnd);
m_cSplitter.CreateView(0,0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CWnd),
CSize(100,100), &ccc);
m_cSplitter.CreateView(0,1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CWnd),
CSize(100,100), &ccc);

MFC VSListBox change icons

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the icons on the MFC VSListBox Dialog Control?
Specifically I'm trying to change the folder icon to a '+' icon instead:
I haven't tried it myself, but CVSListBoxBase::AddButton() seems to be what you need.
CVSListBox derives from CVSListBoxBase, and when you call CVSListBoxBase::SetStandardButtons to set the buttons, it calls AddButton() for each button.
The documentation for CVSListBoxBase is unfinished, so you'll have to "play" with it, but you can read the code in afxvslistbox.cpp/.h