Recent MapView issue in Expo standalone Android - expo

This is a new issue, seemingly something to do with google maps API - came out of nowhere for us. It seems impossible but our production app suddenly started throwing an occasional error on our startup screen. Our startup screen is mostly a google Map, which is MapView for expo.
Uncaught Error: Error using newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int): Map size can't be 0. Most likely, layout has not yet occured for the map view. Either wait until layout has occurre or use newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int, int, int) which allows you to specify the map's dimensions.
This only happens on our Android standalone app, through Expo it works fine.
We followed the docs for Android: - we’ve went through these steps. To the best of our knowledge we’ve done the process twice with different API keys, and we get the same result.
We’ve tried fixes suggested here, namely setting height and width based on dimensions, setting flex:1, and setting initialLocation. We use onReady to call the initial start method. Nothing seems to work.
The github link above does have someone running into this as of today. Any ideas how to even debug this?

We just removed everything except the map, including removing markers - and it works. We found the issue only happens when we add a marker with a coordinate, we reproduced this on a new brand new expo app by passing in coordinates to the map, and that caused it to crash on Android (most of the time, but not all) when we build and loaded the APK.
Adding markers through the onReady attribute of a map also didn't stop the crashes.
Turns out it's a non-documented method called onLayout, which is only referenced in the doc for fitToCoordinates. It mentions if this function is called to early then it causes a crash, and you may need to use onLayout. We never called fitToCoordinates but apparently something else inside the MapView does.
Someone put the issue here.
We moved our marker creation logic from onReady to onLayout and it worked.
style={{flex: 1}}
{this.mapIsReady && <Marker
coordinate={coordinate}/> }
No more crashes...


Flutter unit testing - unable to pump full widget tree

I am just getting started with unit testing in Flutter, and I have hit a bit of a wall. I have a fairly simple app located here:
The app is essentially a list view of events where you can tap on one to read more details about the event.
I have two screens for this: events_screen.dart for the list view, and event_screen.dart for the details. I have been trying to write my tests in events_screen_test.dart
My testing difficulties are with the events screen (the list view). After running await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: EventsScreen()) I can use find.text('Events') for example to find the title in the AppBar, but I cannot find any of the elements that make up the list.
To clarify further. I am using get_it as a serviceLocator to get the viewModel for the EventsScreen when it loads. The viewModel is the ChangeNotifierProvider, and EventsScreen contains a Consumer to update the list. in EventsScreen initState(), it calls loadEvents() on the viewModel. After loadEvents() is done, the viewModel calls notifyListeners(), so that EventsScreen can update.
How do I ensure that all these steps occur so that I can properly test if the EventsScreen is rendering properly?
I could be approaching this all wrong, so any advice is appreciated.
I have solved my problem, but perhaps someone can shed some light on this. In the end I executed:
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: EventsScreen(),));
// followed immediately by this second pump without arguments
await tester.pump();
At this point, the Widget tree was complete and I could create Finders as I hoped and could run all my expect statements without issue.
I am not sure exactly why this works though.
As you saw calling tester.pump(), after tester.pumpWidget(), do the job. This works for the following reason: you wrote you are using a Provider, and you run a notifyListener after the data are fetched. Now in a normal application run, you see the widget rebuild since you are using a consumer to that provider. In the test environment, this does not occur if you don't explicitly call a "time advance". You can do it calling await tester.pump() (as you did) and this asks to run a new frame on screen, so now you have your list rendered.

What can be a checklist when expo livereload stops?

First, major thing I have to state is, I don't know how to reproduce the problem.
Only information I have is, when working with devices within the same wifi network with my computer, in the first couple saves' reloads work just as expected. But suddenly it stops to catch the new saves.
Since I don't know what particular action causes livereload to stop working, I don't know what to check either.
One particular information that may give a clue is, if I reload from the device manually, it executes the pre-save version. Which makes me think, the save is not caught thats why new version is not compiled either. (Please remember, this happens after a couple of proper reloads, that is why I don't think it is a setup issue. Even it was, I did not touch the setup that expo-cli brings while generating the project, except "yarn add"ing new packages as one may expect.)
The question is, what can be a checklist when expo livereload stops?

"Unable to open file libc++abi.dylib". Program builds, but crashes upon being run. Using xcode 10.1 (10B61)

newbie here. I am following along this SFML flappy bird tutorial. I am currently stuck at this portion of stage creation where a "Splash State" (or logo loading screen) is made. The code of which is exactly the same as what is shown here.
I am using xcode 10.1.
The project builds. But when I tried running it, it crashes and I am greeted with the following:
Failed to load image "Resouces/res/Splash Background.png". Reason: Unable to open file
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: map::at: key not found
If I understand it correctly, it's saying it cannot perform the action of loading the image at the aforementioned path because it is not able to open "libc++abi.dylib". And now the program is being terminated. (please help me understand this problem better by either confirming or correcting me here).
When I tried looking for "libc++abi.dylib", it is missing. Instead, I can only find "".
This thread says to add that under Link Binary With Libraries. That did not produce any result.
The tutorial shows that the code runs and a "Splash State" or logo screen is expected to appear. Instead my program crashes and I am greeted with the aforementioned error.
I was wondering if anyone else ran into similar issues?
It's solved. It is made by a typo on my end... sorry.
I'll try my best to explain it here for those of you who may have the same issues:
The game asset is governed by a map, which is a private member variable of a "AssetManager" class. The typo is at the file path. Because of this, the map never inserted the key since the file path isn't valid.
When the map is later accessed, it would be out of range since nothing ever got inserted (since the asset did not load).
Basically, the error of not being to open "libc++abi.dylib" is caused by the map being out of range.

Chromium-browser build fatal errors in Check Failed

I've been trying to build chromium on Windows 10, but I am getting weird errors on runtime, which appear to be caused by that pattern:
void CheckFreeLibrary(HMODULE module) {
BOOL result = ::FreeLibrary(module);
The first errors are displayed after a few seconds after Chromium is started. Here's what it says:
[5904:9192:0726/] Check failed: result.
base:debug:StackTrace:StackTrace [0x0000....] (e:\projects\clones\chromium\src\base\debug\ ...
Since I couldn't copy paste the whole stack, I will join a screenshot of what it all feels like:
I am successful in building the last revision, or at least, it appears to be successful since no errors are showing up when compiling with the toolchain recommended in Building instructions.
Luckily, the first errors aren't modal and it is possible to browse a little bit afterwards. Then, if I put the application into heavy loading (such as Facebook newsfeed), it will suddently stop responding in a silent way. Mouse hovering effects will not show anymore and reloading the page will result in infinite loading. This behavior is also reproductible when right-clicking on some pages (e.g.: google's home page does it sometimes).
What could be an explanation of this not working "out of the box" with default configuration? How to fix this?
P.S.: This question is complementary to this question:
Windows chromium-browser fresh build stacktrace and anonymous fatal errors on runtime, if it can help getting the big picture of the question.
P.S.2.: I am currently trying to rebuild from start again with this slight change to see if it works out better. I will be able to see it after about 10 hours, though (yes, the build is painful on my current setup).
void CheckFreeLibrary(HMODULE module) {
BOOL result = ::FreeLibrary(module);
if (!result) {
result = ::UnmapViewOfFile(module);
Update - 2016/07/29
Test with CheckFreeLibrary still failed in debug, but I finally found a way to resolve the issues in a build. See update 3 in superuser question. What I did was configuring the build into release mode via gn args. This is, obviously, almost impossible to debug with, so a solution / explanation is yet to be found about why it fails in debug mode. This is quite close now, though.
Update 2 - 2016/08/13
Started all over again to have a debug version again with the latest version in the repositories, and this time I was sure enough to find something. In fact, after I've run through the usual procedure to update, generate and build, I noticed that some win-core-* DLL libraries located in the Windows Kit debugger weren't copied src folder but one of those was assumed to be there during the link process. As a precaution, I've simply copied them all to be sure that any delay-load or build dependency was there. The first time chromium has launched, the errors didn't show up and thought it was resolving the issue. However, right-clicking on the Google Homepage had the same effect (no response, then browser not showing pages anymore). After closing and reopening it, errors are beginning to show up.
Is there anyone that had experienced that? I would be very happy with something like "do it on linux, it works better on this platform". I am not willing to do it without knowing it will work any better, though.
BOOL result = ::FreeLibrary(module);
fails in debug builds see if you have a
DWORD WINAPI GetLastError(void);
to get the real error.
I could guess
module not loaded
module is NULL
Perhaps some DEBUG statement is changing the value of module?

Stack Empty issue on concurrent use of MVC application

We recently developed a new ASP.NET MVC 4 web application (C#/Visual Studio). After local testing and debugging we deployed it to production, and then started getting more and more health monitoring mails. These had different Exception messages:
Stack Empty.
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'ALL_HTTP' Key being added: 'ALL_HTTP' (other keys also mentioned).
Value does not fall within the expected range.
E.g. a whole series of error types we could not simply resolve or reproduce. The 'Stack Empty' is the one occurring most, several 100 times per day (e.g. for 1-10% of users) so we focus on this one, as the other errors seem related. Here is a partial stack trace:
Exception information:
Exception type: System.InvalidOperationException
Exception message: Stack empty.
Stack trace: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1.Pop()
at System.Web.WebPages.TemplateStack.Pop(HttpContextBase httpContext)
As shown stack trace are mostly located completely in the MVC framwork (System.Web). The only place in our own code that regularly occured in some stack traces were in the views (.cshtml files) of the requested URL and then in a #Html.RenderAction() call. By now we have refactored a lot of these to RenderPartial() calls. This lead to no more views in the stack trace, though some RenderPartial now also gave some
Searching for this error indicated concurrency/parallel execution is the cause. This matches the fact that we initially could not reproduce the error locally, but it did happen on production. We have done no load testing, but by now have been able to reproduce the error on a local developer system by starting a lot of applications/requests simultaneously. However in our code NOTHING is done with explicit parallel instructions.
This seems to be related with MVC view's NOT being thread safe. However it is hard to imagine nobody else would have encountered this. We have a few thousand visitors a day, roughly 30+ active users at any moment. Sadly this number is now falling due to decreasing Google ranking (related to this problem).
Does anyone knows a solution/approach to this problem?
I am developing a ASP.NET MVC 4 application and I also came across the errors that you mention. Although they are different they seem to have the same source. After spending several hours trying to find the reason (and a lot of code changes) I have started my analysis from scratch.
Since I am using a Custom Route and there is a handler for that route that checks several things and also accesses the database I started by commenting database access. Opening several browser tabs very quickly (with IISExpress > Show All Application window or by Ctrl+Click in a link) I was happy to see that all the pages were shown properly, instead of several random error messages. Tried that a few times to be sure and concluded that something was wrong while accessing the DB.
public class MyNewRouteHandler : IRouteHandler {
IHttpHandler MvcHandler;
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext) {
MvcHandler = new MvcHandler(requestContext);
// some checkings and
// some database access code
// that was commented
return MvcHandler;
A colleague suggested that I added a small Thread sleep inside this method: GetHttpHandler. That line made the errors appear again, suggesting that the problem was not related to DB... When I did that I saw that MvcHandler object was being defined as a class property and that could be a source of what appeared to be a concurrency issue (only when multiple almost consecutive accesses were executed, the problem was shown). Moved the MvcHandler object to a local object inside the method.
public class MyNewRouteHandler : IRouteHandler {
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext) {
IHttpHandler MvcHandler = new MvcHandler(requestContext);
// some checkings and
// some database access code
// that was commented
return MvcHandler;
And after testing, no more errors. Uncommented all my code that accessed the DB (and did other checkings) and still no more errors found. Almost 3 days have gone by and everything still working properly.
This way of doing a Custom Route Handler did solve my most of my errors but I still have a few left and with new messages. One of them pointed to a code line in my Custom Route Handler and all of them had in common the fact that a Dictionary was being handled by the MVC framework, so... do I still have a concurrency problem?
I assumed so and all my method properties were moved inside the public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext) method, not only the one mentioned before. One of them was the RouteData collection... Finally and after 2 days it seems that no more errors are showing.