I have a classic report that is inside a tabbed region and I would like the classic report to be 100% of the width available. It is current stopping about halfway or so. I have tried every combination of settings I can find and nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,
in report attribute go to template option and check the stretch report option
I'd like to display the contents of a database table in a more interesting manner than just a table; different positioning, fonts, sizes, colours etc.
Is there a region type or plugin that can achieve that?
I tried the cards view but I it's still very limited (for example a minimum of 2 cards per row when I only need 1) Or maybe I should deploy it as a classic report and then use javascript to rearrange everything? edit: I also considered rendering the page with pl/sql and htp, but that seems overly complicated...
As I'm new to APEX, any input would be much appreciated!
You could do it as a classic report and change the template under the attributes to something else.
What I ended up doing was using an interactive report with a 'detail view'. That way you can use html+css and reference the data from the columns by using #column_name#. I'm really satisfied with it.
However the above answers are also very interesting! I definitely learned a lot experimenting with them.
I've not really used OpenCart before so not entirely sure if what I'm doing is correct or not.
I'm using OpenCart and implementing OpenStock in order for me to add several options and prices for products.
To clarify, I have an ethernet cable in the store, but it is available in different lengths and colours. However, in my admin area under Option Stock tab in Products, I have disabled the 0.5m Green cable - yet it is still shown on the front end, and can even be added to the cart. Checking the database, it is definitely set to 0 in the active column, so why is it still showing? Or am I missing something really obvious?
If my question seems too vague, please tell me - I can explain more if need be.
Thank you,
Clear OpenCart cache:
Locate cache folder under system/storage/cache
Open cache folder and select all files
Delete files
Try to refresh the modifications cache in the admin. I found that to be very useful when most things dont update on the public side.
The way that Page Editor handles versions has been causing issues for in one of our Sitecore solutions for a client. I've posted about them here:
Sitecore instance showing incorrect workflow state in Page Editor
Expected usage of Page Editor's Experience date
I didn't get much response on those and so far I've surmised that this is just how Sitecore works. This is less than ideal for our instance, as when publishing restrictions are set, authors don't know which version they're editing which is causing various issues for them.
I'd like to implement a solution(s) to improve the experience provide the following functionality:
Something in the Experience tab that shows the number of the version being viewed.
A button on the Experience tab that resets the Date to the default (this is not simply setting the date to the current date/time, but resetting it to act as it did before a date was manually set).
A custom button in Content Editor which allows an author to open a specific version in Page Editor...set the date automatically when it opens, I guess.
An any one give me some clues on how much of this is possible and where to start?
For the first bullet "Something in the Experience tab that shows the number of the version being viewed", you can add version item in Core database.
Move to "Core" DB in Desktop Mode
Navigate to "/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Experience/"
Create "Versions" item like this, http://imgur.com/bPEDm7R
Create "Compare" item under "Versions" like this, http://imgur.com/dG8dz2M
The result like this, http://imgur.com/HPu3XAL
The content author can see which version they are using and they can also compare with previous versions.
To enable horizontal scrollbars in a table I need to style the containing DIV with "overflow: auto", highlighted in blue.
I tried it with FireBug and got the desired result. Just can't figure out out how to put the setting into APEX.
Using the theme "Blue Responsive".
I've played with this a bit in Apex 4.2.2, it should work the same in 4.2.1 I think. That particular div doesn't come from any template but you can target it with some CSS.
In the page properties, for CSS Inline, I entered the following and it seemed to work:
#report_2583625959157728_catch {overflow:auto}
(I think I've transcribed the correct id from your screenshot - you may need to check)
Unfortunately this means you'd have to do this for each report in your application individually where you want the scrollbar to appear.
Note: I haven't tested this in IE, however - last time I was mucking around with scrolling areas I found it incredibly frustrating to get it working in IE without breaking other functionality in the region - especially for Interactive reports.
You can add to Region Header:
<div style="overflow:auto;">
and to Region Footer
You can also add your css line to a report region template, if you want the scrollbar to be added to each report.
Other wise you're better of putting the overflow on a class and add it to your application's stylesheet, eg:
.myClass {overflow:auto}
you get more flexibilty to style your region this way. You can add the class to your report by setting the region attributes to class="myClass".
Note that instead of "auto", you can also try to use the element option "scroll", check the w3schools docs: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_pos_overflow.asp
I know that I can use WebCharts3d to create new styles, but I'd love to be able to slightly tweak the default PIE chart type in CF. If I open either the beige_pie.cml or red_pie.xml in \Coldfusion9\Charting\Styles, they are DRASTICALLY different than the default appearance. Is there any way to get access to the DEFAULT pie styles?
Have you seen Google Charts?
Take the load off your cf server and outsource them to Google :)
Unless of course, you have a ton of free memory...
There's heaps to choose from. eg.
via comment from Leigh -
default_pie.xml and default.xml