Visual Studio Properties Window Rendering Issues, etc - visual-studio-2017

I'm using Visual Studio Community 2017 - version 15.8.8. As you can see from the screen shots I have issues where:
The Properties Window is not rendering correctly.
The Designer also seems to have issues.
In both cases the proper content of the window is not aligned correctly to the windows chrome, and when you reposition the window it renders unrelated parts of the screen.
It only seems to affect this one solution - I have opened another solution and could not reproduce the issue.
I have tried:
Restarting VS.
Rebooting laptop.
Closing VS; Deleting the .vs folder; restarting VS.
Closing VS; Deleting the .vs folder and obj folder; restarting VS.
Any ideas?

Booted up this morning and it's resolved itself.


Visual Studio 2015 hangs on Create Declaration

I am working on a small C++ project in Visual Studio Community Edition 2015. It contains about 4 units and has two outside libraries connected. Everything was working fine but after some random point in time IDE started to completely hang after using the Create Declaration option from the Quick Actions menu. The cursor stays as it was, which is vertical bar and nothing else happens, it doesn't even say Not Responding. This happens to any project.
I have tried deleting the .suo file and restarting the computer. Nothing helps.

Visual Studio 2013, unable to create Win32 Console Application

I tried repairing the installation and reinstalling everything from scratch but nothing seems to fix this problem. This problem also exists when I try to create a Win32 Application in Visual C++ as well as Visual Studio 2013.
Clicking finish and cancel seem to do nothing while the only button that works is the red X on the top right hand corner.
I have heard good things about this IDE but I can't seem to create a new project. Please help!

Refreshing the auto complete (IntelliSense) database in Visual Studio

I've noticed that the auto complete feature in Visual Studio no longer works properly once my project has reached a certain size (in my case ~4,100 lines of code). I've also noticed that performance also degrades once the number of third-party libraries increases (namespaces and class attributes and methods are no longer visible).
Is there a way of manually updating the auto completion database or create a new one for an existing project?
I am currently working under Visual Studio 2008, but I have experienced this issue in Visual Studio 2010 as well.
For VS2015, 2017 and VS2019 close Visual Studio and delete the .vs folder in the same folder as the solution. It contains among other things the intellisense database (it should be possible to delete only the files specific to intellisense, if we knew which ones). Note that if you delete the whole folder you will lose your window layout configurations etc.
For previous versions, close Visual Studio and navigate to your project folder. The *.sdf file there contains the intellisense database- if you delete this files and reopen your project in visual studio, it rebuilds the cache.
Deleting the sdf file solved the problem for me.
Sometimes working with a big solution (mainly C++ projects) becomes
unbearably slow. To fix it you need to close the solution and go
delete the .SDF file. After that it returns to normal again, for about
a week, or so until you need to do it again.
The underlying cause is that the SDF file gets fragmented and,
according to xperf profiling I've done, VS will sometimes do 20,000+
random reads from it when changing between debug and release. Putting
the SDF files on an SSD fixes the problem but should not be necessary.
VS needs to use the SDF file more efficiently and not do blocking SDF
operations, ever.
In Visual Studio 2022, open Tools -> Options -> [type in "database" in the search box] -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Recreate Database = TRUE, and then reopen the solution.
In VS2017 I often run into this situation when I use interop to call CPP from C#, when something is changing on the CPP side.. e.g. constructor arguments.
Unload and reload the CPP project in the solution helps to solve the red lines..
I am using Visual Studio 2019 and have also been experiencing problems with Intellisense along with other features. I would be able to get through about 2 or 3 updates to a file before Intellisense stopped working along with code formatting.
The only way I was able to get things working again was to restart Visual Studio, I tried removing both the intellisense folder and the whole .vs folder but this didn't solve the problem, it helped but something else was going on.
I was finally able to fix this by turning off the Track changes option under
Tools->Options->Text Editor->General.
Right click on the solution and press "Rescan Solution".
It seemed to work for me.
For Visual Studio 2017 (and I think Visual Studio 2019 also), close Visual Studio, go into the .vs folder in your projects folder and delete all the contents apart from the .suo file, then reopen Visual Studio.
This way you can rebuild the Intellisense cache without losing your preferences.
After verifying daniol's results of Mar 15, I went into the .vs folder -> {MyProject} folder -> DesignTimeBuild folder and deleted the .dbtcache file and Intellisense now works "intelligently" with no loss of Window Layout or other .suo info. I suspect that the 'Diagnostics.DTBBLog' command offered by eq_ on Jan 4 did the same thing but that command seems no longer available, at least by that name.
For Visual Studio 2017 (and mainly using C# projects), the following has always worked for me:
Open a Command Window (View/Other Windows/Command Window) [Ctrl+W,A]
Enter the command "Diagnostics.DTBBLog" and press enter
No need to close solution and reload etc.
It was devastating to find out that for Visual Studio 2019 this command is removed...

Visual Studio Test Explorer window will not open

For some reason I can't open the test explorer window in Visual Studio 2012. I click Test->Windows->Test Explorer and nothing happens...
This problem may have been caused by recently uninstalling DotCover. I did this because my licence expired and I was having issues running tests without it (context menus weren't working).
Any suggestions or advice much appreciated!
In VS2012, Test Explorer has a bug in that the window doesn't get focus when you click Test > Windows > Test Explorer. Instead, the menu item has no effect unless the window was complete hidden, in which case it is displayed.
The bug means that if Test Explorer is collapsed with Auto Hide, the menu item does nothing. Check that Test Explorer isn't in an auto-hide tab somewhere off to the left or right (i.e. in a tab with text written vertically, like Server Explorer and Toolbox are by default).
Update: The bug is fixed in VS2013.
Window -> Reset Window Layout fixed the problem for me.
For me the fix was:
Focus on the test window by Test > Windows > TestExplorer
Using Win+Left / Right to move the window onto an active screen
> ┌┬┐
> Win├┼┤ + Left or Right key
> └┴┘
The same worked for the ReSharper Unit Test Sessions window.
Found this solution here, which is the only thing that worked for me.
Delete all files from this folder:
As a brutal fix I actually decided to reset all VS settings (not ideal as you lose all your custom settings like formatting and debugging preferences!).
To do this open up a cmd line and cd to the VS directory (mine was C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE) and type:
devenv.exe /ResetSettings
Hope this helps someone in the future...
This worked for me (VS2015):
Close VS instances.
Delete component model cache folder %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache . This
wipes out the MEF cache.
Run devenv /setup /ResetSkipPkgs ref.
Start VS again and see if the problem goes away.
I had the same problem; turned out it was the Corbis Route add-in that was causing an error in combination with the 'I hate regions' add-on, which caused the Test Window to throw an exception.
After removing both add-ins the window reappeared again after a reset of the VS 2013 window layout. (Windows > Reset Window Layout)
A short-cut for those who have lost Test Explorer somewhere !
Ctrl + Q (for quick launch)
You would notice the focus on a small text box on the top right of VS.
Type in "Test Explorer" and select the option that says Test> Windows> Test Explorer
I have VS 2015. I couldn't find my Test Explorer, even with Test->Windows->Test Explorer. I finally figured it was showing on the left instead of the right.

VC++ 2010 does not create C++ projects

I have a really big problem. Visual studio 2010 does not create C++ projects any more. When I click to create a new C++ project (no matter console or Win32) it shows the next dialog, which should allow me to choose project settings, but I cannot do anything in this dialog (when I click Cancel or Finish nothing happens, I can just close this window), also, this dialog does not show all settings, like it had.
Non-C++ project are being created successfully.
I've installed a VC++ express, but it has the same problem. Class creation window also has this problem.
I tryed to reinstall VS, but it had no effect.
I tryed to launch from VS console devenv.exe /setup and devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
I tryed this
This is a screeshot of project creation dialog (labels are in russian, but you can open this window in your VS to see the difference)
UPD: translated window:
Skype main window has a problem - it does not display any contensts. It seems, that problem is in IE
Yes, these wizard pages use HTML and javascript and are displayed by an embedded WebBrowser.
Your IE install is messed up.